Friday, June 8, 2012


I am glad you had a good time at Bear Lake. That is fun to be able to do those things. If it is too much for Casey to come down tomorrow, he can stay and fix the car. It is hard to be carless and time to fix it can be valuable. Just let dad know. I will have him call in the morning. We made extract tonight with Karen's spearmint. We made candy and put the extract in it. I can't taste it but the candy is really good so it must be doing something. It might be the vodka. Who knows. We are coming up in the morning. Let us know what you decide to do. Good luck with the car. LOVE MOM

Bear Lake

Today was good.  Happy Isaac came back and that was really nice.  He was laughing and playing today.  We decided since it was pay day to drive to Bear Lake for dinner.  It was fun and nice to get out.  The pizza was really good.  Isaac liked the lake also, he just wanted Casey to carry him out to the middle of it.  It was funny.  We need to register the Ford this month and we were talking about it.  It has been making a loud noise so when we got home Casey took a look at it to see if he can fix it.  Their is a spring that is broken and it isn't drive able.  So Casey is going to drive the honda done tomorrow so I will be carless.  He did find a part at a store and just left to get it so he may be able to fix it tonight.  I am not sure.  Anyway I am excited for tomorrow, we will have a fun time.  Thanks for driving up here.  Here are a couple pictures.


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Good day

The viewing and graveside services were really nice. I was glad I went. Julie and Alyssa came and then they had a luncheon at Olive Garden. It tasted really good. I was starving by 3. Afterwards me and Julie and Alyssa went to the mall and went to forever 21. It is a nice store. Then I came home and went grocery shopping and did another batch of dishes. I got really behind with no dish soap but they are all caught back up. Yeah I have a sink again. I think that is neat that Isaac knows about planes. He is brilliant. 5:30 is so early. I bet you are already for bed right now. I am glad that tomorrow is friday and that I get to go to Logan on Saturday. I loved to do that. Well have a great friday. I hope your luncheon goes really well Karen. Your salad looked really good. LOVE MOM

one more day

today was good but busy. I have to go into work early tomorrow and work at lagoon so its another 15 hour day for me. I am going to head for bed early tonight. I ordered a dress form from amazon and it showed up today. the plant I bought at the plant store is dying slowing and sadly. So I ordered a plant ICU from amazon hopefully it gets here before my little matilda plant dies. we will have to pray for her :) any way have a good night robin


I keep forgetting to say that since the air show Isaac has noticed the airplanes flying over us.  Before when he heard them he would say truck, now he points to the sky.  It is cute.  Today was good.  Isaac woke up at 5:30 and I tried to get him back to sleep to no avail.  I thought it would be a really long done but it turned out to be a really nice day.  We watched some tv this morning and went on a walk.  Jenn came over and sewed and that was fun, I like her.  I only have one more row left on my truck quilt and then I am done.  Casey had to help his Aunt Kay and Uncle Jerry move some things out of a storage shed after work so me and Isaac went to Cafe Rio.  Casey mowed the lawn tonight and we watched him.  Pretty exciting.  I am excited to test out your tent Karen, that will be a lot of fun.  Thanks for bringing it up.


Almost Friday

I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am so ready for a weekend. I have made my macaroni salad for tomorrows pot luck lunch in. I also remembered to put my tent in the trunk for the practice test. Now I just have to pack a bag and remember to bring my salad tomorrow. I hope that everything went well at the funeral mom. Well have a good Friday tomorrow everyone. BYE

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Trucks and trailers are better

I am wishing it was Friday. It has been a long week and it is only Wednesday. Tomorrow I am working 1/2 day so I can go to Bert's funeral. Julie is coming so that will be nice. We went for a walk to Rite-Aid to get some dish washer soap tonight. That was nice. I did laundry and ironed also. I was on my last clean and ironed pair of pants for work. It was a have to do it. It feels nice to have clothes again. NOt too much else to report either. LOVE MOM

Trucks are awesome

Things are also good in Logan.  We went on walk this morning and a bike ride in the afternoon since the weather was so nice.  We meet Casey for lunch at McDonald's and that was fun.  We went visited Casey's Dad this evening.  They are doing good.  Not much else going on either.  I hope everyone has a good night.



Well things are good in Heber. I am so glad that the week is half over. It was still chilly here, but not as bad as yesterday. I got my grocery shopping done and I am working on my laundry. I really don't have too much to report. So sorry that this is short. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Man it did it cold didn't it. My headache is feeling a lot better. Still there a little bit but nothing really bad. YEAH. Isaac is hitting the terrible twos. I really felt like 18 months to 2 years was the worst. They know what they want and they still aren't talking well enough to express what is going on. It is just hard on them. He might not feel 100 percent also and that just doesn't help. Might want to read up on time outs. Dad is still working. I guess the detector's gooeys aren't working. I am not sure I know what that is. I sure hope they get them glued together. Jed leaves in the morning. I guess that is the usual scenerio for us. Well I had a nice time with Robin tonight and I was going to do laundry but I just never got that far. Maybe tomorrow night. Have a great Wednesday. LOVE MOM

Terrible two's

oh hes just learning what he can get away with and not. good luck with that, temper tanrums are fun. well today was busy at work I ran the whole time. then me and mom went out to dinner, it was fun i was starving. Tomorrow I have to work at lagoon :( its going to be a long day. i should by something nice for the sufferage ;) well not to much else have a great night robin

Love it

I love the weather today, it felt so nice not to have it so hot.  Today was good.  We tried story time again today and he did about the same.  We did make it the whole time so that was good.  I have been trying to practice the song with him and I think that has helped.  Isaac has been kind of off the last couple day.  He is really defiant and he throws things in anger.  Maybe he is just learning to control his emotions, I am not sure.  Good job with all your herbs Karen, that is fun.  Maybe you could set up an etsy shop and sell oils, that would be fun.  I hope that you are feeling better today Mom.        



Well it cold and wind outside right now. My lemon thyme is doing good. I had to trim some off today so that it wouldn't get too big. I am going to have to trim my spearmint again soon. But I thought I would finish my current oil to see if it worked before I start another one. Rachel I like the pillow. I think it looks like you bought it in a store. Isaac looked really cute in the cookie monster shirt. Well have a great one. BYE

Monday, June 4, 2012

mo time

today was good I just worked on job so that was a bonus. I feel like time goes by faster when you have time off then at work. I like your pillow rachel its cute. I'm sorry about your meds karen that super sucks. well not to much else with me going to go get some sleep :) robin

I am honest

Rachel I love the pillow. I think it is darling. I want to make a couple of them. I think it turned out really cute. Isaac looked so big in the picture. He is growing up too fast. I had a good day. It was quiet. I still had a bad headache so I drank coke all day and alternated between tylenol and ibuprofen all day. Man I wish it would go away. Any suggestions. Karen I am so sorry you had to pay so much for drugs. That is so not right. I will help you. That is a crime. They make you pay a fortune to have insurance and then they don't cover anything. They can cure you, you just can't pay for it. I don'thave any other news. The detectors are looking really good. Dad got a paycheck for Casey. Have a good day. LOVE MOM

Be honest

Karen, I am sorry about your prescriptions.  That sucks.  I hate how much everything cost, it is stupid.  If you pay a ton for health insurance they should ease up on everything else.  Today was good I finished one of the pillow I am making.  Do you guys like it?  I wasn't sure about it when I was making it but I think that it turned out alright.  I may have messed up with what colors I chose.  Casey said it looks like a fish.  I pulled out Isaac's pool today and it was really fun to play in.  I just filled it to cover his feet and he played in it for a hour.  It was a lot of fun and cool.  I had him wear his cookie monster shirt, he looked really cute.



Well I went and got my prescriptions today and all I can say is ouch. Other than that my day was pretty good. My tomato plant has a flower. Yeah. I may get a tomato. I also have 3 strawberries growing. Awesome I know. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Quiet day

We didn't go to church today. I woke up with a headache so we just rested all day. It was nice. Margaret went to Annettes so we just vegged all day. It felt nice. I am glad that Isaac went to nursery today. I will have to buy some fruit snacks also. I am glad you found your ward Karen. I hope you get a calling soon. Did you tell them you love Primary? Kay called me this morning and said that Bert had passed away last night. He fell out of bed and I guess he really broke the rest of his neck. The funeral is going to be on Friday. Kay wants me to come. I am sorry the airconditioner doesn't work Rachel. That sucks. It is suppose to cool down tomorrow though so hopefully that will buy you some time to get it fixed. Well have a nice week. Don't work too hard. Wish us luck this week with going to Saudi. I hope the detector does well. LOVE MOM


Thank you for the books and clothes Mom and Karen, that is super sweet.  I really appreciate it thank you.  Thank you for the pillow pattern also.  I am excited to try it out.  It doesn't look to hard.  I think that I may have to go to Joanns this week and get some fleece.  Today was good.  We went on a walk this morning like normal.  I gave Isaac his nap a little early and he woke up at 2 which was perfect to go to nursery.  So we skipped sacrament and went to nursery.  I am glad that he is going to start to go and get used to being with different people.  He was really clingy at first but he started to warm up.  He loved the fruit snacks at snack time.  He ate two bags and he started eating the girl next to him.  I am going to have to go and pick some up.  Casey made it back home safety.  Well thanks for everything and try to stay cool.



Well my day has been good. I did find my right ward. I even talked to the bishop after scarament meeting so he knows I am new. But by the time I did that everyone had gone to class and i didn't know where the room was so I just went home after that. I am sorry that I have been a slacker at blogging the last 2 days. I guess I have been playing too much. Well I hope that everyone has a great week bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...