We had a nice day. Karen spent the night and we drove down to Lehi and help organize the party. Luna is getting so big. We left and went to Karen's. It rained up here and was so nice. We are spending the night. Rachel.i am so glad you are having so.much fun. Love mom
Saturday, June 18, 2022
We had another fun busy day. I got up and walked Tony. It was so hot. Calleen came down to borrow our trailer. Her lawn mower is broken and needed the trailer to take it in to get fixed. Ruth had a birthday party. It was a swimming party at the sports academy and they wanted parents to stay. So I stayed and talked to other Mom's. It was fun and Ruth had a fun time. She has been so excited for this party. When we got back we went to Clifton with the girls. We brought cards and played games while we were there. It was really windy and dusty today. We met Randy for dinner on the way home.in Richmond. We are at Randy's now watching Sharknado. The kids are going to spend the night here. I hope everyone had a good Saturday. I don't know what happened but I didn't take any pictures today.
Love Rachel
Friday, June 17, 2022
Work was good. It was quiet and I got a lot done. I did help stuff envelopes for a while and it was fun to talk. Karen came down and we went to the mall to get her free phone. We are going to robins tomorrow to help get the birthday party ready. Rachel your summer has started off magical. Robin I love the pig tails. I can believe she didn't pull the out. I am ready for a weekend. Love mom
I got an email from T mobile that said I got a free phone. So me mom and dad went to the store and sure enough I got a galaxy 22+. So that was fun. Other than that it was just the usual for a Friday. I did come down to spend the night at mom's and dad's. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
We made it back to Logan. We had crepes for breakfast which were really good. We packed and cleaned up the cabin. We headed to Paris Idaho to see a ice cave. It was really neat and so beautiful up there. Their were a ton of mosquitoes though. The cave had snow and ice in it which made it really slippery. Isaac and Casey explored the cave while the rest of us watched. We headed back to the lake and had lunch with milkshakes. Then we came back home. We took a nap which was nice. Love you guys and have a good Saturday.
Love Rachel
Thursday, June 16, 2022
Work was good and I got some stuff done. That felt nice. We went to the pie for dinner and it tasted good. We are hooked on Sherlock and have been watching that. Karen drive safe tomorrow. I am glad you are coming down rachel bear lake looks like so much fun. I am so glad that you got to do that. I am glad it is Friday. Robin I hope all is well. Love mom
Today was a fun day and we are having fun in Bear lake. We are checking out tomorrow and heading back to Logan. I cancelled my physical therapy appointment so we don't have to rush. We promised to water a ladies plants this week so I drove to Logan early this morning and that did. I made it back for breakfast. Then we headed to the lake. It was a beautiful day and we had fun. Mandy made sandwiches for lunch. The kids loved doing this kyates. Mandy rented a paddle board and that was a lot of fun. The kids even picked it up really fast. The wind picked up around 4 so we left. We can home and Randy made dinner. We played games and made smores. Isaac had never won uno and he finally won tonight We have been trying to get the hot tub working and the guy said it was fixed so we tried it out. It was really cold so we couldn't really use it but the kids were playing in it. They poured bubbles in it and made a ton of bubbles. Here are a million pictures. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...