Saturday, March 15, 2014


Today was fun thanks for letting us come up Rachel. We went out for sushi and on the take out slip they mispelled rachels name i posted a picture i thought it was funny. Sorry we didn't stay very long. But I had a good time. After we got back to SLC me and Walter went to jo anns to get fabric for a tunic for the sca stuff. The Walter took me home and he went gaming. Now u am just relaxing watching movies. Have a good Sunday. It was fun to hang out with everyone the past couple days.

Nice Day

It was a nice day.  Karen spent the night and we went looking for trees and raised beds in the morning.  WE found a tree that is really neat.  It is a grafted tree and has three different apples on it.  I can't remember the name.  Karen you will have to blog the name.  We took Grandma Bodily out to lunch and then went to Costco.  Karen went home and I did laundry and cleaned the tub.  It really needed it.  I hope you had a good time in Logan Robin.  I am going there next weekend.  Have a nice Sunday.  The weather is so nice.  LOVE MOM

Friday, March 14, 2014

No Class

Tell Casey thanks so much for getting that tree down.  It really needed to come down.  That was hard work.  We met Julie and Austin at Gardner Village it was so much fun to walk around.  We decided not to sign up for the class.  It was 100 dollars by the time we bought the fabric and it wasn't that great of a quilt.  They did have an airplane quilt and I almost bought it for Oliver.  I might go back and get it after my taxes come back.  We didn't make it to Costco but I think we will go in the morning.  It was so windy here and it rained for awhile.  I hope you have a good time with Robin and Walter.  LOVE MOM


Oliver had another rough night but since Casey didn't have to work today he helped me, he is sweet.  Oliver pooped really well today though so I think that will help a lot tonight.  It was nice to have Casey home today.  He cut down the aspen tree on the side of the house.  He said the middle was rotten so it was good to cut it down.  Isaac wanted to help so we got a ladder out for him and he had a pretend saw from Karen and he cut the apricot tree.  It was cute.  The fence was damaged a bit by the tree so Casey and Isaac went to lowes and got things to fix it.  I hope that you guys had a good night.  Drive safe tomorrow.  We will have a fun day.  I hope Walter is feeling better, poor guy.


Thursday, March 13, 2014

So close

I am good with you guys picking me up. That will work out great. I am so glad tomorrow Is Friday. So more news with Walter he slipped and fell and tore something in his shoulder. They are going to do an MRI and see if it was muscle or the rotator cuff. We went out to panda and watched Lone Ranger since he was in pain. I still think he's on for Saturday though, we will see how bad the pain gets. Other then that not much else. Excited to see everyone soon, love you


Tummy Time

I am doing good.  Robin we can all hang out together and do something fun.  Thanks for coming up, we will have a fun day.  We had a another good day.  It was a lot like yesterday and it was nice.  Both Isaac and Oliver have been really good.  I was feeding Oliver today and Isaac brought in a bagel and ate it.  I was proud of him so I took a picture.  We have started doing tummy time and Oliver doesn't mind it.  Out of the blue Isaac said he needed to do tummy time and ran into the living room, it was funny.  Thanks guys for everything and I hope that you have fun tomorrow.  That is fun that you are having pie day.  I thought that would be a good birthday for Oliver also 3/14.  It is fun to eat pie.



The pie is made.  I made a lemon on from a box.  I really don't think I will win but dad helped me and it was fun to make.  I also did the planter you bought me Karen.  I am excited to see if the plants will grow.  I took a picture of it.  Robin Karen is coming to the apartment and we will come get you.  That way we only have one car.  It was good to talk with you today Rachel.  You sounded tired.  I hope you get some rest.  I was thinking of taking some more time off.  Think about it and let me know. 


almost Friday

I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. Work is going good. It was chilly here today though. One week from today is the first day of Spring. I hope that your pies turned out good, mom. Good luck at the contest also, I hope you win. Have a great one. Bye

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I'm sorry your not sleeping Rachel. Walter was thinking that we could take Isaac to the zoo or the park so you can get a nap. If you would like. I was also thinking we are trying to get up there by lunch we can stop by cafe rio on the way to your place. If you give me your order I can pick it up for you guys :). I am down for Friday mom thanks for getting our taxes together. I can drive up to your place if that  helps shuffling people around easier for Friday. Today was good it was nice to have the day seem longer. Well have a good night.



Mom, I was going to ask if you signed up for that class.  I am excited for you and I hope that Robin and Karen do it with you.  That sounds like a lot of fun.  I think that it a good idea about the test Mom.  When you have so much going on with different medicines it is good to go slow I think.  We had a really nice day.  The weather was nice and we spent a lot of time outside in the backyard in the late morning.  It was really nice.  Jenn texted me and asked if I wanted to go to enrichment with her so Casey watched Isaac and Oliver and I went.  It was nice to get out and to talk with everyone.  It was a nice evening.  We had to sit on out birthday month table so I didn't end up sitting with Jenn, oh well.  We are holding up with no sleep.  Casey was sweet and feed Oliver at 4 before he went to work.  It was really nice of him.  We are both tired but it could be worse.


Doughnut day

I would love a doughnut day.  Friday is 3/14 and they are having a pie contest for work.  I am going to try and make a pie.  I am not very good at it but I will try.  I think I will make a box one and then not have it judged.  I will see how it goes tomorrow.  Dad went to the doctor today and he said we should have a heart scan.  Me and dad talked about it and we are going to wait until we see his other heart doctor in April.  I think a lot of what is going on right now is his new heartburn medicine was making him sick.  I got a new one on Monday and he is feeling better.  Major decision.  Rachel, I hope all it going well with the boys.  I love saying that.  On Friday, I am going to register for a class with Julie.  I am talking Robin and Karen on coming with me and goofing around.  Not much else to report.  It was such a pretty day today.  Cold but pretty.  I worked late to make up going in late.  I am still behind but I am slowly catching back up.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. It was cold this morning. Work was good. It went by pretty fast so that was nice. It was even a doughnut day at work. I went to WalMart after work and went grocery shopping. Exciting times. Well I hope that everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Today was good. It was a lot colder then it looked. Work was really slow so I did some awning stuff. It was a nice change. I came home and made monkey bread for Walter so he has some food for his place. I just need to figure out how to get it to him now. Life challenges hopefully I will see him tomorrow for a bit. Not to much else with me glad everyone is doing well. Love you



The taxes are done and dad is going to pick them up tomorrow.  I hope everything is good.  He did ask about ours and we are getting a big refund so that is really nice.  I am so glad your first day solo Rachel went well.  I can't believe you got a picture of Oliver smiling already.  Thanks for posting them for me.  I love Isaac in the bathtub.  I had a good day.  Just trying to get through the piles.  I am going with dad in the morning to the doctor.  Just a check up.  He does have to get his blood drawn so that will be hard for him.  It was cold here all day.  It is suppose to be good the rest of the week.  Karen that is funny about the projector.  That will wake you up.  Robin I hope all is going well with you.  LOVE MOM

We made it

Oliver had a good night last night and we had a good day today.  We just played at home but everything went really smooth and we had a good day.  Isaac kept asking who was behind the door and wanted to check who was here.  After I explained that everyone was at work and it was just us he stopped asking.  This evening Casey and Isaac made some bread.  I went to the store to get some dish soap and Casey some new pants.  It was nice to get out for a while.  Then we went on a little walk.  It was nice outside but was colder than I thought it would be.  Oliver had twenty blankets and stayed warm the whole time.  I hope that everyone had a good day and is starting to get used to the time change.  I attached a joke about day light savings.



Well my day has been good. I had engineering meeting today. Halfway thru the bulb in the projector popped. It was loud and there was a puff of smoke involved. So it didn't work after that. It did snow a bit today. But it didn't stick so it wasn't too bad. I am glad that Walter got moved in, I hope that it works out good for him. Well I hope that everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye

Monday, March 10, 2014

Long day

It was a long day for me as well.  I missed being with everyone and having to work.  Going back after vacation is always hard.  It will be better in a couple of days.  We did go get dad a new belt tonight after work.  That was fun.  I also called the doctor and said he needed a different medicine.  He just has been so sick and I think it was the medicine.  Let's hope he gets feeling better.  Karen I am glad you got ice cream.  Rachel I am so glad that everything went well with the doctor.  Robin I am glad that Walter got into his place.  That is a huge step for him.  I hope it goes well for him.  Good luck tomorrow.  The weather is suppose to be rainy.  LOVE MOM


Losing an hour was rough I was tired today. Work went well it was slow. Walter moved into his place. I think he is going to Logan Saturday. I was going to make monkey bread tonight but I fell asleep so I will do it tomorrow. Have a good Tuesday hopefully daylight savings doesn't throw everyone off for to long



Well it seemed extra early this morning when I got up, but I made it. Today at work was good. It went by pretty fast also. Ice cream sounded good today so I went to food town after work and got some. I am glad that Oliver is doing good. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye

Check Up

Today Oliver had his two weeks check up.  He is doing really well.  He gained a pound and now weights 7 pounds 8 oz.  He grew an inch and is now 20 inches long.  She said he is doing really well.  He did have a bad night last night.  Casey helped me so he was tired today so he called in sick.  It was nice to have him home.  Nothing else too exciting going on.  We just stayed home and played, it was nice.  I hope that everyone had a good day.  It is nice having it light later.  It sure wiped up out loosing that hour though.


Sunday, March 9, 2014

I sprung

Well I am not sure about daylight savings time but I do love the evenings being lighter.  Rachel you might enjoy everyone being gone.  You have had a ton of visitors.  I am so glad that you had a good day.  Karen, I did laundry also today.  I didn't do sheets though because dad did those while I was gone.  That was nice of him.  Robin, I hate those blinky lights.  They are scary.  It is strange how fast March has been going.  Usually that is a really slow month.  Rachel good luck at the doctor's tomorrow.  We did watch Catching Fire and that was a good show.  Karen your corned beefed sounded good so I bought one last night and made it.  It tasted really good.  I made squash with it and it was so good.  Have a great Monday.  Wish me luck going back to the real world.  Thanks again Rachel for the nice week.  LOVE MOM


Robin, we would love to have you come up next weekend, we will plan on that.  Karen, I am glad that you got your sink fixed, that must feel nice.  We had a good day.  Calleen and Allen came up and visited for a while.  She was really happy and it was a good visit.  Isaac and Calleen made biscuits and Isaac enjoyed that.  When they left Isaac and Casey walked to the park while I feed Oliver.  When I was done I drove over and picked them up.  The parishes with the train was driving around and he gave Isaac a ride and he loved that.  Then Vickie and Steve came and visited.  It was a busy day.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday.  I am going to miss everyone being gone.



Sorry I forgot to blog things are going well the play is over :) I was thinking of coming up on Saturday Rachel if that is ok. Walter May come but I'm not 100 percent sure. I will let you know as it gets closer. There is a new light by my place it's the flashy new yellow light. That's the new excitement. I also got some Girl Scout cookies from someone's daughter at work.they were delicious. Have a good week. 



Thanks again for all the sink help. It is working good. I also did laundry today. I even washed my sheets. Impressive I know. I hope that everyone has a great week bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...