Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Mom, I was going to ask if you signed up for that class.  I am excited for you and I hope that Robin and Karen do it with you.  That sounds like a lot of fun.  I think that it a good idea about the test Mom.  When you have so much going on with different medicines it is good to go slow I think.  We had a really nice day.  The weather was nice and we spent a lot of time outside in the backyard in the late morning.  It was really nice.  Jenn texted me and asked if I wanted to go to enrichment with her so Casey watched Isaac and Oliver and I went.  It was nice to get out and to talk with everyone.  It was a nice evening.  We had to sit on out birthday month table so I didn't end up sitting with Jenn, oh well.  We are holding up with no sleep.  Casey was sweet and feed Oliver at 4 before he went to work.  It was really nice of him.  We are both tired but it could be worse.


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