Saturday, August 1, 2009

New TV

We were are best buy tonight and they had a TV for 350 so we got it. It is a 32 inch. I know it might be my hearing but the old TV was hard for me tohear. I will keep you posted if it is me or the TV. We made it to bountiful and got home way early. That was nice. I am glad that Robin's bridal shower turned out. Did they love the makeup? I invited Kelsey and Mike to sunday dinner because Rachel and Casey are coming. We haven't had a group dinner for a long time. I thought that would be good. I picked raspberries tonight and I got enough to make another batch of jam. I thought their might be enough to make raspberry shakes for dinner tomorrow. They have been so good this year. Blackberries are starting to turn color won't be too much longer and they will be ready to pick. Yum. LOVE MOM

old spaghetti factory

So I did makeup for the bridal shower today, it was in a hotel room that we did the makeup. The hotel was across the street from the spaghetti factory so we went there for dinner. We had a good time. They tipped us 40 dollars each, i thought it was really nice. I saw "up" last night it was super cute. I really like it. Well I better go I'm tired. love ya


Well I got my stupid blood test done. They used one of those small needles so I got a bruise. Oh well at least it is over. I am going to Krista's wedding reception soon, but I don't want to get there too early so i thought I would write on the blogg first. It is way hot down here. It was already 90 here by 930 this morning and it has only gone up from there. I did do laundry today and it is nice to have that all done. I even washed my sheets and pillows. I hope that everyone has had a great Saturday. Love ya

This and That

Casey made it home Friday, he worked in Logan Friday so we were able to get to Clifton by 6, it was really nice it felt like we had a ton more time. Casey bought a lilic bush with purple flower that we planted.

Here is a picture of the goats just for fun.

We picked some carrots and they were really cute.

I don't have much going on. Good luck with you birdal shower Robin.

Friday, July 31, 2009


I made it to friday. I am tired tonight. I didn't sleep very good last night. Dad is at Harolds tonight because he has to be in SLC all next week. Long days for him. We are going SLC tomorrow for Grandma and Grandpa. They are still hanging in there. It was really hot here today. Dad got a new stereo in his car. That was good. His had stopped working. I am going to drive tomorrow and he is going to see if he can figure out how it works. High tech. Not too much else going on here. LOVE MOM

Wedding shower

Well I am going to a wedding shower tonight at 6 and then their wedding reception tomorrow. It is really back to back, but oh well. The wedding shower is a dinner thing so at least I don't have to cook. It should be fun. Well I am glad that it is the weekend. Although I do have to go and get a blood test tomorrow, yuck! Well I am glad that things are going good for everyone. I am glad that everyone made it home safe and sound. I hope that you get to go and see UP Robin. Well I better get a move on. I love ya BYE


That is exciting about dads sale I hope it goes well, they have worked so hard. You can get rid of my stuffed animals if you want. I put some portfolio cases full of work in there if you want to move those to my room you can. Those are the ones I want to keep. I'm excited for a long weekend a break will be nice. Tomorrow I am going to do makeup for a bridal shower, so mostly a smokey eye look. Its suppose to rain so I have no idea what I will do on monday. I will just see how it looks out side. anyway I think I'm going to try to see "up" again tonight with a girl from church but we will see what happens. other then that all is well. have a great night. :) 

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Good News

Dad made it home safe and sound tonight. That was nice to have him home. We set up his flight simulator in workroom downstairs. He had some good news. They think they might have their first sale. I will keep you posted on that one. That is exciting. Robin is it OK if I get rid of all the stuffed animals in the work room? I wasn't sure if that was OK. Not too much else going on with me. Work has been really busy Charlie has finals this week so he hasn't been there much. It makes double duty for me but he is good to do the same for me when I am gone. Have a great Friday. LOVE MOM

The Country

I had a good day. Work was really busy and went pretty fast. I made a pretty awesome report. I made it home without incident, no animals deaths. The goats are doing well. I am glad that I got to spend some time with them. I took them out by the cut walnut tree and they were really cute playing on it. I wish that I had taken my camera. Next time I will. I mowed the lawn tonight also. It was a nice evening. Casey is coming home tomorrow and that will be good. I am glad that everyone is doing good.


Well there is alot of wind here tonight. It looks like we are going to get more lightning also. I hope that alittle rain comes with so that it will keep the fires down. Zion's had to close some trails because of a fire. Well things are going good here, I am ready for the weekend. Although it is going to be a busy one. I hope that I can get everything done. I am jealous that Robin gets Monday off I wish that I did. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday. BYE


Last night we went out to go see harry potter. We decided it would be fun to go to the 10:30 show we didn't get out till one o'clock. It was a long movie, needless to say i'm tired.  I think I'm going to sleep well tonight. I can't believe how expensive things are here. It was 12.50 to get into the movies. I about flat lined. Thats double what it is in the states. A lady at church has 5 kids and she said that it was 300 dollars to go the movies so they didn't go. I thought she was exaggerating but I can see how it adds up now. especially with candy. well thats my rant for the day. We did geisha makeup today. After all the other makeups its pretty simple, you just have to make a good white base. I'm excited for the weekend Its a holiday up here this week so I have monday off. I'm excited. i need a break. I don't know but I'm in creature design for thanksgiving  so i think I will talk to the teacher and see if I can go half day or miss thursday and friday all together. Most of the time its a work day, so I can do some work at home to make up time. Well see but its an idea I can ask my teacher when its closer. . anyway have a great day. love ya. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Joseph came over tonight after Rachel left and we worked and worked. We got the junk cleaned up from behind the basketball court. It looks so much better. I don't know which is worse Karen's 110 heat or Robins floods. Crazy weather. I love your slide show Rachel. Will you show me how to do that one day? I think I am going to go to bed early. Boy that working in the yard can wear you out. There aren't many raspberries left but the blackberries are really coming on now. They look really neat. They are starting to turn color. A couple more weeks and they will be better. I do like you head Robin. You are good. I am glad you are having a good time. Next week is the golf tournament. That will be good to have that over with. The next big hurdle will be the move toour new building. Have a great day. LOVE MOM


I got my car back today and made it back to clifton. My car looks really good. Helen thought that it was a new car. The goats are going well, they are scratching a lot. I put some lice powder on them and gave them some deworming medicine. I cleaned out their stall really good. There were a lot of earwigs when I was sweeping so that may be bothering them. I will be around more to keep it cleaner. We had some peas and beans in our garden. Helen thought that I didn't want any beans but I told her I did, but we could share them. Well I got my camera so I am able to post pictures. I have a lot of picture so I am trying something new. I saw this slide show thing on someones blog and I though I would try it. Their are pictures of the yard and California, I didn't get a lot in California I really only got the beach. Enjoy!


Well my day has been pretty good. I am glad that the week is half way over. It is also payday week so that is good. It is monsoon season down here hot all day and then windy and stormy all night. last night there was a ton of lightening and someone at work said that it started 20 fires in Washington county. Hopefully we will start getting some rain with these thunderstorms so it won't be so easy to start fires. I hope that your car got fixed Rachel. I bet that your goats miss you. I think that your wart hat look good Robin especially with the other makeup. I feel like I have been slacking on the blog because everyone elses blogs are so long and mine look so tiny next to them. I am going to try and do better so mine don't look so small next to everyone elses. Well I hope that everyone has a great rest of the week. Love ya

i swim?

So today walking to school it was kinda rainy, by the time I got to school, the apocalypse  started and I was walking through rivers to get to school. I soaked water from my feet to my knees and the wind was blowing so it was blowing water onto me. I was holding an umbrella for looks, but i was drenched. what can you do.... well i put my wart cap on a girl in class, i did makeup on her and then we went out for ice cream  with her makeup on. We got some strange looks it was fun. I attached some picts. for fun. :) Anyway a miracle happened today. Our photoshoots are in two weeks and I had a idea that is world shattering. I am going to black light makeup. I went to the makeup store and they had makeup made just for black lights  and eyelashes. I'm going to make the face black and then make the eye lines and lips black light colors. I might throw a hand print on or splatter makeup. Not sure yet my teacher said he would help me with some ideas. I am so excited I think it will be better then christmas. Maybe..... anyway i was thinking when I come home we can go cosmo bowling and I can do everyones makeup in black light makeup so we will look completely awesome.... eh :) (I bet you guys are glad I'm a million miles away) :) anyway have a great day... love you

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Well my car wasn't finished today but that is alright. It will be done tomorrow. Mom bought me some medication for my goats. They aren't sick but we thought it would be good to deworm them. She bought me a cute dog planter. When I get my camera back I will post a picture. Casey is going to be in the Unitas this week so I wont be able to talk to him until Thursday. It will be nice for him to be out in nature. Me and Mom sewed tonight and I got another row done on my double wedding ring quilt. I have three more rows. It seems to take me all night to finish on row. Mom is working on her 4th of July bags. They are turning out really good. We bought some cheese cake at Olive Garden for desert and then we take it home. It is fun to eat as a snack while we sew. Mom also made me a really good sandwich for lunch. I am getting spoiled. I am excited for my car to be fixed and back, I am excited to be able to go to Clifton also. It will be good to spend some time with the goats and work in the yard. My kindle should be coming next week or the week after. I am so excited to get it. I am planning out what I am going to get. I have been reading Beverly Lewis. I would recommend her books I really have enjoyed reading them. I hope that everyone has a good Wednesday.

Nice Day

Today was a nice day. Nothing was different it just was a nice day. Maybe I am starting to feel better from when I got my teeth worked on. That does do me in for awhile. I am going to go pick Raspberries and then sew with Rachel. I am going to make bags tonight. I have the 4th of July material to work on and then when I am done with those I am going to make bags out of the material Robin gave me. It is so bright and cheerful. Me and Rachel have decided to take a class and use the beautiful material Karen gave us to make a new quilt with a class. We haven't done that for awhile. I think dad's flight stuff came today. It is a new flight simulator. He should have fun with that. It has pedals and everything. Very uptown. Well have a great hump day.



Well Robin I hope that your warts turn into gumballs. Well it was about 110 today, you could melt if you stay outside too long. Work was a little slow, but not too bad. I was only bored for a little while. I am glad that you had a good trip Rachel, sorry again about the car. Second times a charm right? I hope that you and mom have a fun time. BYE


I'm glad that you made it home safe Rachel I'm sorry your car is being retarded. How was Richard, is he doing sorta ok? I'm glad it was fun though. I am jealous of karen's new ipod. New technology is the best thing in the whole world. Well Today we sculpted things to put latex over the head, some people put horns on there head and funny ears. Well i was being creative and put tiny little balls all around the crown of the head and around the ears. Everyone laughed and said it looked like warts. The inspiration was gum balls, so I think with some color it may look better. :) hopefully. Well This saturday this one girl in our class was going to do a bridal shower party but is busy so me and other girls are going to do it instead. I think I am going to do about 2 girls so it won't be to bad, but we will see. I think tomorrow we might go see harry potter. well better run. ttyl  

Monday, July 27, 2009

I am back

I am back to Utah/Idaho. I am glad that everyone is doing well. I am glad that Karen got her MP3 player. It was fun to be their for a major purchase. My car kind broke down in California and it is in getting fixed and I left my camera in it so I will post pictures later. Me, Casey and Nate left for California on Thursday. We were able to stop and eat dinner with Karen which was fun. We got to California about 3:00 in the morning. It was a long drive. We stayed with Casey's Mom and she lives in a really cute house, I liked it. Friday Casey's Mom has a job painting an old apartment so we went and helped her for a while. Then me, Casey and Nate went to the beach and it was a lot of fun. I really had a good time playing in the waves. Then we went back and got cleaned up and we were going to see Charlotte but my car broke down. It was a pretty easy fix and we broke down in a good spot but it took a while to get everything going so we missed Charlotte but we went to a good Mexican restaurant. I got a fish and they brought out a whole fish. It was interesting and good.
Saturday we went over to see Richard, his girl friend had plans with her Mom and she doesn't like to leave him a lone. He slept most of the day. It was good to see him and see that he is doing well. Hopefully in three weeks they will unwire his jaw and he will get ride of the trac.
That evening we went out to dinner with Charlotte and it was a lot of fun.
On the way home my car was still leaking antifreeze so we took it in and their are a few problems that need to be fixes. So I am going to be staying with Mom again for a day or two until my car is fixed. I am glad to be back and I will be glad when my car is fixed.


New Toy

Well I got my new MP3 player today. Now I just have to wait 4 hour for it to charge. So I guess I have to wait until tomorrow to play with it. I am sorry that Rachel's car is not working and I hope that they can fix quickly. Work was a little slow today but not too bad. I hope that it picks up alittle tomorrow though. It is starting to look a little stormy outside. I hope that it rains. that is the only way that it gets any where near cool down here. Hey mom can you have dad email the link to the program he uses to convert dvds to work on MP3's. Well have a good one everyone.


Ok so i have another bad joke...... what are michel jackson and Farrah facett getting for christmas....... patrick swayze.... :) I know it was bad but I couldn't resist. Anyway I'm glad that you joined netflix again mom. I think it will bring you much joy. I don't think I will get it because I share a mail box will my whole flat. They just throw everything in together so I don't want someone to start rummaging through it and get my info. thanks though. Well today we were learning to do bald pates. is a theaters version of a bald cap. well You have to wait for it to dry right because its liquid latex, well again I was left alone with makeup and I did another tattoo and we were all beating each other up. I gave one girl vampire bite to the neck. It was fun. Well I hope that everyone has a great day. Love you 

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Robin I can relate when people do that. It drives me nuts. They just want to be better than everyone else. I hope it doesn't scare the new converts. Not much going on here. Dad is leaving for SLC tomorrow morning. They are having a big party to celebrate the finishing of the detector. That is exciting. I did pick raspberries tonight. I think they are finally coming to an end. The blackberries are just barely starting to turn color. We are going to have a ton of those. It was nice to have a quiet weekend. I did rejoin netflixs because I keep going to best buy and I don't know which movies are good. Robin and Karen do you want me to buy you a gift certificate so you can have it again? Have a great week. Rachel I hope you made it home safe and sound and had a great time.


what have you done

So today in relief society our teacher went off on a tangent on how we needed our Scriptures for every lesson that she teaches. And she couldn't believe how some people didn't have them. It made me mad. It was like kindergarten, I think i'm going to forget mine every last sunday of the month out of rebellion. There are new converts to the church and I think that if you go to church to feel the spirit that is ok. whatever that is my soap box for the day. Other then that its been a good day. Its been a constant thunder storm up here, and I have to give toronto credit they have really good thunder storms. I think I might have to purchase some rain boots, especially for fall time. Well i heard a funny joke the other day I guess there was a plane crash that crashed on a cemetery , there still digging up dead bodies. ha ha ha ha I know its morbid but it made me laugh. I guess here Newfoundland people (they call them newfies) are like the rednecks of the states and that joke was about them. Well I hope everyone has a great week this week. love ya.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...