Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I got my car back today and made it back to clifton. My car looks really good. Helen thought that it was a new car. The goats are going well, they are scratching a lot. I put some lice powder on them and gave them some deworming medicine. I cleaned out their stall really good. There were a lot of earwigs when I was sweeping so that may be bothering them. I will be around more to keep it cleaner. We had some peas and beans in our garden. Helen thought that I didn't want any beans but I told her I did, but we could share them. Well I got my camera so I am able to post pictures. I have a lot of picture so I am trying something new. I saw this slide show thing on someones blog and I though I would try it. Their are pictures of the yard and California, I didn't get a lot in California I really only got the beach. Enjoy!

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