Monday, July 27, 2009


Ok so i have another bad joke...... what are michel jackson and Farrah facett getting for christmas....... patrick swayze.... :) I know it was bad but I couldn't resist. Anyway I'm glad that you joined netflix again mom. I think it will bring you much joy. I don't think I will get it because I share a mail box will my whole flat. They just throw everything in together so I don't want someone to start rummaging through it and get my info. thanks though. Well today we were learning to do bald pates. is a theaters version of a bald cap. well You have to wait for it to dry right because its liquid latex, well again I was left alone with makeup and I did another tattoo and we were all beating each other up. I gave one girl vampire bite to the neck. It was fun. Well I hope that everyone has a great day. Love you 

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