Saturday, October 27, 2018

Fun times

Karen was craving Fujis so she picked us up for lunch.  Dad had gone to work and I was sound asleep but she came and got me and we had a really nice day.  Robin got her bedroom put together and she is going to love that.  I got the other blocks so out TV will sit up a little higher in the bedroom.  We helped her put it together and it was fun.  I love that quilt Rachel, Maybe when we are by Bernias we can find  back for it.  That would be fun.  Dad worked all morning and then joined us for dinner.  I love this time of year. The weather is so nice.  I love the pumpkins.  LOVE MOM


I love your quilt rachel it's very pretty. Today was fun. Karen came down and we went out for lunch and then ikea. I got a dresser and went wild and bought a headboard. Then we came home and out it all together. I love it. My room looks so much better. Hope everyone has a good Sunday



We had a good day.  This morning Casey went and helped a lady clear up some debris and take it to the dump.  When he got back we went to Lee's and got some chicken for lunch.  We picked up Leona and had her for lunch.  Then we went and got some pumpkins and carved them.  It was fun and the kids lost interest.  Then we played in the leafs.  Casey took Leona to Walmart and picked up the new My Little Pony movie.  The kids watched that the rest of the movie and they loved it.  Casey fixed the Jeep and I sewed and I finished my quilt.  I love it so much, it turned out so good.  It was fun to have some down time.  I hope that everyone had a good day, love you guys.


Oliver was throwing leafs at me

Casey was shaking the tree for more leafs

Friday, October 26, 2018

We did it

I love the couch Robin, I am so glad that they fit so well.  It is just perfect.  I love the picture from up high.  Karen I am glad you had a nice day and Rachel the weather is perfect.  I am so glad the kids enjoyed the day.  It is suppose to get to the 70 this weekend.  Work was good.  I got a lot done and that felt nice.  One of the admins in administration had a broken car.  It was her battery so we went and helped her with that.  It turned out good.  She got her car back.  We went to REI afterwards and got dad a new Tilley had and then stopped at Red Balloon toys to have some new things for Oliver and Ruth when they stay with Grandpa on Monday.  Rachel congratulations on your new computer.  I love mine.  I am looking forward to a quiet weekend.  I guess a company in Houston is interested in buy some of the detectors so dad might go to Houston next weekend.  I guess they have to get them working first.  Same old same old.  He will probably have to work this weekend  In fact he has been working all night from home.  Everyone enjoy this fall weather.  LOVE MOM


Wow, Robin I love your couches.  Your place looks really nice.  I love your vaulted ceiling.  I got a new laptop tonight.  My old one USB drives didn't work.  Casey reformatted it this week but it was a hardware problem so we got a new one.  It is really nice and fast, I love it.  Anyway today was good.  I worked out this morning and that was nice.  I didn't have to leave early which made it more laid back and less rushed.  We walked to Isaac's school and had lunch with him then played at recess.  They played banana tag and their is a lot of running involved.  It was a pretty day and the walk home was nice, the kids through stuff in the canal and it was nice not to rush.  We went to the library after school and got new books.  Casey worked late so we just played and then went to Best Buy.  I got my old computer when I was pregnant with Isaac so it was old.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a good Saturday.  I am getting so excited for Josh Groban.  Ruthie was singing Let it Go and Isaac said he hated that song.  I told him the lady who sings it might sing it at the concert.  He was upset and asked why I didn't tell him that before.  It was so funny, he might be ok with it now.  I told him he could get a snack during that song.



Today was crazy but I made it out alive. I got my couches so that was fun. I like my place. Its starting to come together. I'm so glad tomorrow is Saturday. Thanks for moving me last week so now it can be a chill weekend. :)



I am glad that the weekend is here. My day was good. It wasn't too crazy for a Friday. I am glad that you got the rest of your couch, Robin. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye

Thursday, October 25, 2018


Good job on your project Mom, that is exciting.  I did change the background, I just thought something new would be fun.  If you guys hate it their are a ton of other ones.  We had a good day.  It was crazy hair day at school so we put little ponytails in Isaac's hair and sprayed it black and sparkly, he was happy.  Oliver had school and had a good time.  We just played at home today nothing too exciting.  We walked to get Isaac and then Imogen played for a while.  Casey had a scouting meeting after dinner so we just watched my little pony.  Love you guys and have a good Friday.


Crazy hair

Oliver drew a picture of him and Ruth

Ruthie has to bring all her stuff where ever we go.

Big busy day

Today was crazy busy and I didn't get a lot done but I did get a lot done on my class project so I was super happy about that one.  I brought it home and dad reviewed it and I am going to incorporate his suggestions and then I am going to be done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  YEAH.  I present on November 8th.  I figured next week I wouldn't have much time to work on it.  We did go to Orson Gygi tonight and have gloves for the Halloween party for Isaac.  I love that store and ended up buying more junk.  It is just fun there.  Robin congratulations on being done with your old place.  Are you going to turn the keys in on Saturday?  Karen, emails can really be time consuming.  I really like those oreo eyeballs.  They are so cute.  Well not much else going with us.  I am looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday.  LOVE MOM


Today was good work went by fast so that was nice. I went over to my old place and got my fridge food. Then I just relaxed all night it was nice. I had to dye my hair I had so many gray hairs. So I'm brown again. Lol I'm so glad tomorrow is friday. Have a good one



My day was good. Work was busy. I got a lot of emails today, but I got thru them. After work when I got home i had my renewed passport in the mail. So that was fun. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Hump day

Work was busy and I didn't get a lot done but it made the day go fast so that was nice.  I didn't get a lunch so I left a little early and we hooked up with Robin.  We got her another rug for her bathroom and helped her clean her apartment.  The fridge still needs to be cleaned but other than that she is ready to move on.  Rachel did you make a new background on our blog.  It looked so different.  I found these cute little bottles of water that are decorated Halloween so I bought them for Isaacs party.  I didn't find any hand baggies.  I will continue my search.  I thought they might have them at the Halloween stores.  I am going to look for them there.  It was a full moon tonight.  It was so beautiful driving home from Robin's.  Everyone enjoy your Thursday.  LOVE MOM


Good job cleaning your old apartment, I think that is the worst part of moving.  Today was good.  I worked out this morning and that felt good.  While Oliver was at school we went to pick Leona up to go shopping but she didn't want to go.  So me and Ruthie went and got our groceries.  We walked to the park after lunch and it was such a pretty day.  Imogen came over to play and I read books to Ruth so it was calm for me.  Casey had scouts so he was later coming home.  Isaac almost read a whole book this evening and it was a big book.  I hope that everyone has a great day tomorrow, love you guys.



My day was good. Work was busy, but I think I got everything done. I am glad you got your place clean, Robin. That us always nice to have done. I am glad that the week is half over. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good. Mom and dad were really sweet and helped clean my place. I think it's all done but I forgot to bring a box for my fridge food. So I will grab that tomorrow. They called and the rest of my couch is getting delivered on friday. I hope everyone had a good night


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Good day

I was tired today.  We couldn't go to sleep last night so it was a long day.  My ribs hurts also so I was glad when work was done.  It was a quiet day today.  We did go to Winco after work and then came home and had dinner and finished watching Jimanji.  It is a cute show.  Oliver is growing up so tall.  Robin those rainbows are so pretty.  We get a lot out of our window also.  you are going to love that view. Have a nice hump day.  I am glad it is Wednesday.  LOVE MOM


I love your couch and your view Robin.  Good job, I think that a dresser would be great.  Today was good, we didn't have too much going on.  It was raining this morning and the kids liked using their umbrellas.  Oliver had fun at school and likes to make friends.  We walked to get Isaac and it was really nice outside.  Isaac ran with Imogen on her bike but we caught up to them eventually when he got tired.  Isaac had his first piano lessons and it went really well.  He was excited and wants to play the piano.  It was fun.  I bought me a new book yesterday and I practiced today also which was fun.  When Casey got home we picked up Leona and drove to Franklin to get a lottery ticket.  The line was long so we didn't go in, instead we drove to Richmond and went to Caspers ice cream.  It was a lot of fun.  Love you guys and have a good night.



My day was good. Work is moving right along. It must be in the air because it felt like Wednesday to me also. I am glad that you got part of your cpuch Robin it is better than nothing.  I was good and filled out my mail in ballot and mailed it. So yeah for me I voted.


Today I kept thinking it was Wednesday so it's going to be a long week for me. Lol work was good. I got my partial couch pieces. It's so nice the couches sit really high. Its probably because it has support lol I didn't do much tonight. I have almost all my boxes unpacked. I just have a few nic nack things to put away. I can't find my sewing machine power cord anywhere. So I looked online and it was only 7.00 to get a new one. So I ordered it with my prime account and it will be here Thursday so I can sew this weekend. I dont like my bedroom it's not decorated cute. I think I need a dresser. So that is my new house mission. Today and yesterday i saw so many rainbows it was pretty. I took a picture from my balcony.


Monday, October 22, 2018

Rainy days and Monday

It was really raining when I left work today.  I had attitude today so I just worked on my power point presentation for my class.  I got all the information in there, I just need to cute it up.  Rachel, I love the quilt.  That is so pretty.  Karen, I am jealous you got a nap.  Robin, I think you should call and complain about all your couch not showing up and not having the pieces ready for Saturday.  That is rude.  No wonder the people there weren't nice.  They are probably hearing people complain all day long.  Not much going on with us.  We just vegged tonight.  We watch a weird movie on Netflixs called apostles.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


Well when I got to work there wasn't any power. So after 11 i just decided to go home and take the rest of the day off. It was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good work went by fast so that was nice. I started working on my craft room. I only have one convenient outlet so I had to re arrange a lot. My internet started to work. So alexa is my friend again. I guess some pieces of my couch are still back ordered so only partial will be delivered tomorrow. But I guess you get what you get and you don't throw a fit. Lol. I like your squares Rachel good job.



I am glad that you are in your new place Robin.  I love it and I think you will be really happy their.  I love the vaulted ceilings, it is so nice.  Karen you are doing so good with your pump, I was proud of you.  You are amazing.  Thanks Mom for having the kids this weekend, they had a blast.  Today was good and it was nice to get back to normal. I worked out this morning which was nice.  Oliver had school and we went to Sam's while he was gone.  We had a picnic with all the toys this afternoon which was fun.  When Isaac came home we went and got him some new piano books.  We are going to start having lessons on Tuesday so I hope that it will work out.  I am behind on pictures.  We went to the pumpkin walk on Friday so I have pictures from that.  Love you guys.


We made bath balms that don't look very good but work ok

I sewed a lot yesterday and here are the blocks that I have done.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

We did it

I am so glad we were able to move you Robin. I love your new place.  You might be living with boxes for awhile. The grandkids spent the night with me. Casey stayed also and Rachel went home so she could teach Sunbeams.  Casey went hiking and we had a really nice day.  We just vegged in the morning and then went to lunch and the zoo.  The animals were very active and we all had a good time.  We did ride the train  It was a huge line.  The baby giraffe was so cute.  Casey is on his way home with the kids.  It is always too quiet after everyone leaves. I agree with Robin, I am so not ready for Monday.  Everyone enjoy the week.  LOVE MOM


Robin I am impressed that you were so productive. I took 2 naps today. My calves are also sore from climbing all those stairs. I am not ready for it to be Monday either. Oh well. Have a great week everyone. Bye


Thanks again for everyone's help I really appreciate it! I unboxed for most the day I took a few breaks to just rest. My place smells like a cheap motel. So I went and bought a essential oil diffuser. I thought the steam and oil would work. It smells more like a peppermint cheap motel lol baby step. I got all my living room unpacked down stairs. I basically moved all the boxes upstairs or it was kitchen stuff. Hopefully I won't find any more kitchen boxes I'm maxed out. I found a unicorn horn, binki, and princess wand. If you need me to mail them to you rachel I can :) I hope everyone had a good day. Love you



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...