Friday, October 26, 2018


Wow, Robin I love your couches.  Your place looks really nice.  I love your vaulted ceiling.  I got a new laptop tonight.  My old one USB drives didn't work.  Casey reformatted it this week but it was a hardware problem so we got a new one.  It is really nice and fast, I love it.  Anyway today was good.  I worked out this morning and that was nice.  I didn't have to leave early which made it more laid back and less rushed.  We walked to Isaac's school and had lunch with him then played at recess.  They played banana tag and their is a lot of running involved.  It was a pretty day and the walk home was nice, the kids through stuff in the canal and it was nice not to rush.  We went to the library after school and got new books.  Casey worked late so we just played and then went to Best Buy.  I got my old computer when I was pregnant with Isaac so it was old.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a good Saturday.  I am getting so excited for Josh Groban.  Ruthie was singing Let it Go and Isaac said he hated that song.  I told him the lady who sings it might sing it at the concert.  He was upset and asked why I didn't tell him that before.  It was so funny, he might be ok with it now.  I told him he could get a snack during that song.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...