Friday, October 26, 2018

We did it

I love the couch Robin, I am so glad that they fit so well.  It is just perfect.  I love the picture from up high.  Karen I am glad you had a nice day and Rachel the weather is perfect.  I am so glad the kids enjoyed the day.  It is suppose to get to the 70 this weekend.  Work was good.  I got a lot done and that felt nice.  One of the admins in administration had a broken car.  It was her battery so we went and helped her with that.  It turned out good.  She got her car back.  We went to REI afterwards and got dad a new Tilley had and then stopped at Red Balloon toys to have some new things for Oliver and Ruth when they stay with Grandpa on Monday.  Rachel congratulations on your new computer.  I love mine.  I am looking forward to a quiet weekend.  I guess a company in Houston is interested in buy some of the detectors so dad might go to Houston next weekend.  I guess they have to get them working first.  Same old same old.  He will probably have to work this weekend  In fact he has been working all night from home.  Everyone enjoy this fall weather.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...