I didn't sleep very well last night. That dentures made me have bad dreams and anxiety. Dad was.able to get it in this morning. He used clove to help with the pain. I think it helped we went to Lehi to see the curiosity farm. They do a good job. We went to the village bakery for soup for lunch. They have the best egg salad. I was so tired. Kay texted me twice that she needed celery and tomatoes. We used the tomatoes off karens sandwich and stopped and got celery. We didn't stay long but she got her celery and tomatoes. I called Rachel and said I couldn't make it to Logan. We came home and I took a long nap. I feel a.little better. Love you all mom
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Friday, February 28, 2025
We had a really fun day. We didn't have school and we all slept in except Casey who had to go to work. We went to Costco and natural grocery to get some things and eat samples. We went to the park by the zoo to throw the ball for Tony and got magnet fishing. Oliver got some barbed wired, a fish hook, a magnetic rock and a board with nails in it. It was a lot of fun. Tony got hot and kept going in the lake with his ball. He would always bring it out but the last time the ball floated a little too deep and he wouldn't get it. He kept sitting on shore and watching it. It finally floated to an island. Isaac and Ruth thought they could get to the island and get the ball. The crossed on a log and they both fell in. Ruth gave up but Isaac made it across and got the ball. It was so funny. We left after because they were soaked and cold. Isaac made banana bread and we brought it to Andy to thank him for shoveling our walks. Isaac, me and Casey made dinner which was fun. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
The pictures always post in reverse order so go from the bottom to the top.
I cleaned all my rugs and scrubbed the floors this morning that felt nice. Dad didn't feel as good today. We did drive out to Kay's and gave her some tomatoes. She ate three of them. I also bought her those cut up apples. We stopped at roxberry and got some smoothies. They tasted good. I picked mine up by the top and the lid fell off and spilled all over the couch. What a mess. I made baked potatoes for dinner. Dad said his dentures we bothering him so he took them off. All the silver fell out and there were sharp edges and big bumps. No wondered they hurt. Poor guy. I got the dremmel out and took the sharp edges off. Ugh. What a mess. Have a nice weekend. Love mom
Thursday, February 27, 2025
We meet this morning with the principal and Oliver's teacher about the 504. We came up with a plan to support Oliver better so he can have longer time for tests in a remote location. They are other things we are going to try and it is an open document so we can update and change any accommodations he needs. My classes went pretty well today. I had one kid I had to call the office for help but other than that it went smoothly. I forgot that Isaac had a middle school orchestra concert this evening. I had it in my calendar but it didn't enter my brain. Ruth wanted to use her money to buy a jar and fill it with gummy bears. So me and her went to the store and bought that which was fun. She also bought a berries and cream treat which was cute. We had dinner and then took Isaac to the concert. He did amazing and I am so proud of him. Isaac wanted to stay and watch the rest of the concert with his friends so we left and Casey picked him up. I went to exercise class and it was high. I love it and I am sorry I say that every week, it is just so fun.
Love Rachel
We had a good day. Dad says he feels better since his teeth are gone. I think they were infected. They throb but doing good. We walked the zoo and that was nice. It was such a pretty day. We came home and dad rested and I worked on taxes. Ugh. I hope Isaac's concert went well. Robin use baking soda. It really helps with smells. Karen i have never heard of watery pee. Go figure. Love mom
Well i went to the dentist this morning. I got there and they said they regular guy was at a conference and the guy covering hadn't shown up and they couldn't get a hold of him. So that was annoying. So I left and went to work. Work is going good. I am getting stuff organized. Then I got an email saying my drug test had to be redone because it was too watery. So all in all it was kind of an annoying day. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
That's crazy they named their baby Ruth, it is not a popular name. The elephant is cute. I am glad that Dad got some rest and it went well. It seems like it will take a long time to heal. I have today off and I worked on programming. I am learning about anmed pipes. I had to go the the school twice. Once to talk with the PTA about the book. They are reading, they want me to do an activity with the 6th grade. Then I had a PLC meeting, it was fine. We walked to pick up Oliver from orchestra and that was really nice. It was a pretty day. Me and Isaac ran to the store and got stuff for a quick dinner. Then Oliver, Ruth and Casey had activity days. I went to exercise class and it was surge strength. Casey went running also.
Love Rachel
Dad has been doing really well. He was so pale and drugged and bleeding when we got home but he slept and looked a lot better. He has had no pain medicine. He said he feels a little better. I bet because all the infection is gone. It will be weeks for it is all healed but he is doing good. I fell sound asleep also and woke up with him walking around. I made zuppa soup and the meat was too much for him. Robin I like the unicorn picture. I didn't think the quilt was scary. Wish us luck that all will go smoothly. Love mom
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...