We all have made it to the cabin safe and sound. It is chilly up here but we are having fun. Be sure and drive safe tomorrow Robin. Bye
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
My Friday
I went to work today and I got a lot done. There wasn't anyone there and I was able to get everything I needed done. We did stop on the way home and get drugs and then Sam's to get some fruit and lettuce. I am going in the morning to Smith's to get sodas. I am all packed and ready to go. Robin that is neat that Jeramy bought you flowers. That is sweet of him. Everyone drive really safe. I am super excited. LOVE MOM
I got up to walk this morning and it was raining. I couldn't find an umbrella so I just played with Tony. We went to exercise class and I did math while Ruth was at school. We were supposed to have quilt group but no one could come so we cancelled. It worked out because me and Ruth were as to go shopping for the vacation. Casey worked late so after dinner we went on a walk. It was a pretty evening. See you guys tomorrow.
I am glad that it is vacation time. My day was good. Work was just the usual. The afternoon dragged a bit but that was just because I am excited to play. I will see you all tomorrow at mom's. Bye
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Weird day
I didn't sleep well last night either. I did make it to work. I am with Karen it is hard to get up with it being dark outside. I only have to walk I got a email saying they are going to voluntary lay offs but I didn't get a personalized paper so I am not sure if I am going to be one of them. I will talk with my boss tomorrow when I am in the office to see if I have a letter. Weird. I am so excited that tomorrow is my Friday. Make sure you bring warm stuff. it is suppose to get 27 one night. Might be a little bit nippy. The cabin does have heat. Well not much else to report on my end. LOVE MOM
Everyone made it to school and work today. They are feeling better. Ruth didn't sleep well last night so I was tired today. I woke up later and went on a walk so I was a little late getting back. Oliver wanted school lunch so that made it easier. I did math when Ruth was a school and it has been a lot of fun. We walked to pick up the boys from school. Stephanie brought her new dog and kids over to play. The dogs did really well together and had a lot of fun. They ran and ran. Casey had activity days for the boys this evening at the park. Me and Ruth bought a ball and treats for it. No on came but us so we played gaga ball for a while and it was a lot fun. Love you guys and have a good night.
Oliver made a cute hat but didn't want me to take a picture so he looks sad.
My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy here. It is getting so dark in the mornings. It makes me feel like I am getting up too early. I am excited for our trip. Have a great Wednesday tomorrow everyone. Bye
Monday, October 12, 2020
Well my day started out rough because I made a huge mistake on payroll but I got it all fixed as best I could and then cried for a while and did better. I went to Walmart at lunch to walk it off and it is so pretty outside. No smoke. It is so nice. Robin, I don't know where you find those sayings but they made my day. It is so funny. Rachel, Ruth is so beautiful. I am glad she loves dance. I hope Isaac feels better soon. Me and dad are now subscribers to his Utube.
I am so excited for our trip. I have been watching the weather and it gets below 32 degrees at night. It might be chilly after the sun goes down. Not much else to report on my end. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM
I like your house Robin, that is a lot of work. Good job. I am sorry about your windshield Karen. That is the pits. Today was good. I walked and went to exercise class. It was really fun today. Isaac had a cough so he stayed home. Casey worked from home so he could stay with Isaac. He is fine just congested. I did my math class while Ruth was at school. Ruth had dance class and she was so excited. We spent forever deciding what now to wear but she didn't end up wearing one. I started to curl her hair but she didn't like it. I thought it looked pretty. We did make up work for Isaac this evening and I took Tony for a walk. Love you guys.
My day was good. Work is just the usual. After work I went to Food Town because I needed pony tail holders. On the way there something hit my windshield and put a crack in it. It isn't too horrible but it still sucks. I hope everyone had a great day and I am excited for our trip. Bye
Sunday, October 11, 2020
I slept in and then took a nap. We did go to WinCo and get some groceries. Rachel I love the pictures. Robin your house is beautiful. Karen and Casey thanks for cooking. I am super excited. Love mom
I hope you are feeling better Karen. It was fun to go to Lagoon yesterday. I have never seen it so busy and we weren't able to do a lot of rides. It was fun to see everyone at the wedding. I miss the Gumms. Today we have church at 8:30. I said who ever was asleep could skip but if they were awake they could come with me. Ruth was the only one awake so we went. She loves the new numbered stickers Mom got her. We did that together and it was fun. I had a meeting. They want to do a trunk or treat. The cdc recommends not doing them this year so I said that. We talked about to for a while and they want to do it but they said if the primary didn't want to they wouldn't. So I was talking to my counselors about it and then the bishop called and wanted to do the trunk or treat. So they are doing it and I don't have to do anything for it in the end. Sorry that was a long story. Ruth was convinced her friend would be at the park so we walked their. No one was there and it was nice. We took dog treats and practiced coming and waiting with Tony. We had a fun time. Casey spent the day making bread. He made rolls for our trip and for dinner. I sewed Karen's bag and my last pin cushion kit. I have a ton of scraps and am going to make some more. Sorry for the long rambling post. I am excited for our vacation this week. Isaac made another video. Casey and his sister's are putting them on a loop so he is getting a lot of views. It is really nice of them.
My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. I slept in this morning. Then I did laundry and worked on school stuff. Then after dinner I made cookies for our trip. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...