Tuesday, October 13, 2020


 Everyone made it to school and work today.  They are feeling better.  Ruth didn't sleep well last night so I was tired today.  I woke up later and went on a walk so I was a little late getting back.  Oliver wanted school lunch so that made it easier.  I did math when Ruth was a school and it has been a lot of fun.  We walked to pick up the boys from school.  Stephanie brought her new dog and kids over to play.  The dogs did really well together and had a lot of fun.  They ran and ran.  Casey had activity days for the boys this evening at the park.  Me and Ruth bought a ball and treats for it.  No on came but us so we played gaga ball for a while and it was a lot fun. Love you guys and have a good night.



Oliver made a cute hat but didn't want me to take a picture so he looks sad.

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