Sunday, October 11, 2020


 I hope you are feeling better Karen.  It was fun to go to Lagoon yesterday.  I have never seen it so busy and we weren't able to do a lot of rides.  It was fun to see everyone at the wedding.  I miss the Gumms.  Today we have church at 8:30.  I said who ever was asleep could skip but if they were awake they could come with me.  Ruth was the only one awake so we went.  She loves the new numbered stickers Mom got her.  We did that together and it was fun.  I had a meeting.  They want to do a trunk or treat.  The cdc recommends not doing them this year so I said that.  We talked about to for a while and they want to do it but they said if the primary didn't want to they wouldn't.  So I was talking to my counselors about it and then the bishop called and wanted to do the trunk or treat.  So they are doing it and I don't have to do anything for it in the end.  Sorry that was a long story.  Ruth was convinced her friend would be at the park so we walked their.  No one was there and it was nice.  We took dog treats and practiced coming and waiting with Tony.  We had a fun time.  Casey spent the day making bread.  He made rolls for our trip and for dinner.  I sewed Karen's bag and my last pin cushion kit.  I have a ton of scraps and am going to make some more.  Sorry for the long rambling post.  I am excited for our vacation this week.  Isaac made another video.  Casey and his sister's are putting them on a loop so he is getting a lot of views.  It is really nice of them.  



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