Friday, May 6, 2022


 I worked from home today. I am starting feel.better. Karen took us to.paint night. That is a lot of fun. I am excited to play tomorrow. Everyone drive safe. I am sorry that Luna's file grew bigger today. Hope the play was good Rachel. Happy anniversary. Love mom

Paint night


We had a fun time at paint night. See everyone tomorrow are reservations are at noon at Eat At Joe's Crab Shack


Hope you are feeling better Karen and mom. I Rachel and Casey have a fun anniversary. Today was good for me nothing wild. Luna had three accidents at daycare. Two head bangs and a kid but her. One on her head still looks pretty red. But she was doing good when I picked her up. We went to one man band for dinner then after Luna went to sleep I got a few more boxes unpacked. I still have a million to go 


Thursday, May 5, 2022


 I hope everyone feels better soon.  That is the pits to be sick.  Today was good.  This morning we did Ruth's perfume and scrunchie crafts.  She was so excited.  The we went and watch Isaac run in the Greenville mile race.  He did good.  He was in the middle and ran a 9 minute mile.  It was a fun morning.  Oliver's class came to watch so we went over and said hi to him.  We hurried home and had lunch.  Then we walked to school.  Ruth fell and scraped her knee.  Then I took Tony on a long walk since I haven't walked him all week.  I saw Isaac's class walking back to school which was nice.  Then I had a charge for a class I didn't sign up for at the sports academy.  I tried calling and didn't get anywhere so I went over.  I didn't get anywhere again but I have a lady checking it out and I will go back tomorrow.  I also picked up some dandelion killer and a couple new flowers for the front yard.  They look so pretty.  Ruth had dance class and we did the boys homework.  Then we picked up Ruth and went to Oliver's soccer game.  Casey met us there.  He took Isaac and Ruth home to make dinner.  Isaac mostly cooked and did a good job.  Tomorrow is our anniversary and we are going to a play.  Randy is going to watch the kids.  It should be fun.

Love Rachel


Sorry I got everyine sick. Jeramy is going down too. It's not the funnest cold. I finally got rid of my all the time cough, it's just a dry cough now in the morning. My throat is really swollen so I've been taking a lot of ibuprofen and that's helping. After work Luna fell asleep. I was tired of our garage being out of control so I moved some things finally into the shed. I didn't move everything but just enough we can park in there. I felt a lot better. Then the Grovers are came over and brought over some girl clothes. They had a bunch they saved just in case they had a girl. Jeramy didn't get home till 7 so by the time we had dinner it was Luna's bedtime. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday



 I slept in today and worked from home. I am banished from work gets all better. I am working from home again tomorrow. My voice is a lot better so that is nice. Making progress. Karen I hope you get feeling better also. Robin I hope you are feeling better also. We are a team right now. Enjoy Friday. I love the longer days. Love mom


 Well I was tough and made it to work this morning. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I still have a cough but I am feeling a little better today. So hopefully the cough goes away soon. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow and I am excited for the weekend. Bye 🦀 

Wednesday, May 4, 2022


 I worked for a little bit and then we went to Logan. We did a game for the 5 the graders and they had fun. Moving kisses from one bowl to another using chopsticks. Each group had a fun time. We hung out with the kids and watched the soccer game. It was fun. Karen I am glad you stayed home and rested. This cold is brutal. I am pretty sure Robin had it during the move and is exhausted. Luna is so cute. Have a nice Thursday. My voice was a little better so hopefully I am turning the corner. Love mom


 Thank you Mom and Dad for coming up and for the fun day.  I really appreciate it.  Today was May the 4th so for exercise class she did star wars songs.  It was so much fun.  Mom and Dad came up and we went to del taco for lunch.  Mom took Ruth to school and that made her day.  The class parties went really well.  The kids were so cute and it was such a fun party.  We went shopping at Walmart after school which the kids loved.  Ruth had a soccer game.  She did really well and almost made a goal.  The weather was pretty good also.  We had a quick dinner at Culver's then Mom and Dad went home.  Isaac had young men's.  I guess the weeded a rich person's garden.  I went to book group and that was fun to talk to everyone.  

Love Rachel


Today was good. It was still really hard to wake up. Around 2 I was so tired it was hard to focus. But I made it out alive. we went on a walk today to find a new routine. I think Jenkins really liked it, afterwards he was acting more like his old self. Luna is doing good. She is walking like crazy and loves crawling up the stairs. 


 I was tired this morning and I still felt crappy so I called in sick this morning. It was nice to take a nap and I am feeling better. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, May 3, 2022


 I was banned from work today. I lost my voice and have a bad cough. It was actually nice to work from home. I got a lot done. I needed that. Dad went and picked up my computer and low and behold my missing cord and payroll book were in my bag. So weird. That freaked me out when it was missing. We are going to Logan tomorrow to do room mother stuff. I hope I have a voice. Robin I am glad Luna was better tonight. She had a lot of changes. She really is adjusting well. Karen I hope you get feeling better. Rachel I am glad the baby shower went well. I am sorry your fence broke. Love Mom 


Today was hard to wake up. I felt so tired. My cough is better but my throat was really swollen. But I made it through work alive. Luna is better at walking around. She did alot better going to sleep tonight. It was nice. Hope everyone has a good Wednesday



 It was cold and snowed today which is crazy.  The back fence blew over.  Casey propped it up but we need to replace the posts.  Me and Ruth went to the store.  Then we worked on making paper flowers.  I think we have a good system.  Ruth had her teacher appreciation party today.  Her teacher is having a baby so we gave her a baby shower.  It was fun and the kids were cute.  They cancelled Oliver's soccer practice because of the bad weather.  They moved Ruth's inside.  Ruth also had tumbling tonight.  She is doing a good job and I can see a lot of progress.  I hope everyone starts feeling better.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 Well I still feel like I have a cold so that sucks. Work was good nothing too wild and crazy. Then I came home and had to do laundry. I was out of socks. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, May 2, 2022


Jeramy bought me a two hour massage for mother's day. It was sweet of him. It was nice to relax. Then I got my hair cut and a pedicure. I thought I would have a day of it. Then Luna was so grumpy all night. She wouldn't go to bed or take a bottle. She would just wiggle, twist, and cry so it was a long night. She finally just went down. It was quite the battle. It wore me out I'm exhausted. Hope everyone has a good Tuesday. Congratulations on passing Karen. That is so exciting. 


 I have a cold but I am pretending it is allergies. That way I won't give in. Work was good and I got a lot done. Karen I am so proud of you way to go. I am excited for Saturday. We just vegged tonight. Robin I hope you loved your massage. Rachel I am so glad Casey doesn't have to work late anymore. That has to feel nice. Oliver is growing up way to fast. Well it is suppose to rain tomorrow. Be careful. Love 💘 mom


 Congratulations Karen.  That is so amazing.  I am proud of you are we are excited for this weekend.  I love your new house Robin and I hope unpacking is going well.  Ruth had a dentist appointment at 8 this morning so I had to get her up early.  Casey took the boys to school which was really nice.  Ruth did really well at the dentist and is a trooper.  We got done in time to go to exercise class.  Ruth didn't feel good at the end so we left 10 minutes early.  While she was at school I ran a bunch of errands.  I tried to also make a pencil vase but I couldn't get it to work.  My paper flowers looked awful also but I think I figured it out.  Isaac had orchestra and I think it is his last week of it.  The trampoline is breaking and we just bought it in August.  It is so dumb.  Casey doesn't have to work late anymore which is nice.  He can home and walked Tony.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 I took my last final tonight and I passed (I got an 80) so we are on for the crab on Saturday. I called and got us a reservation for noon. Yeah!!! Other than that it was just the usual for a Monday. I think I have caught a cold so i am taking vitamin C to try and get over it faster. Hopefully that works. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, May 1, 2022


 We had a quiet day also. Robin, I am so glad you got a nap. You needed that. Just go slow. You don't need to rush now. You have years. Have a nice day off. I did work a little bit tonight and we did go to WinCo. Dad made Chex mix and it tasted good. Karen I am so glad you got some studying done. I am super excited for my crab dinner. Rachel it was nice to visit today. I hope you had a nice time at Randy's. Love mom 


Thanks again for everyones help. I really appreciate it. Me and Jeramy we're beat today. Luna woke up at 7 so we just took it easy this morning. Then she took a 3 hour nap, so I joined her lol. It felt so nice. Our bed was positioned weird so we needed to find the power cord. I couldn't find it anywhere. I basically just arranged all the boxes and put a few things away. I finally found it. I was also looking for Jeramys work badge and after I found the wire I had fine through basically all the boxes. It was in my car. Lol so all is well. I am taking Tomorrow off work. So that will be nice.



 I had a quiet day. I slept in, reviewed for my final tomorrow, and then took a nap. Rachel I am glad that your house wasn't too bad. If you need any help just let me know. I hope everyone had a great day and good luck unpacking boxes Robin. Bye 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...