Saturday, August 20, 2016


Well i have had a good day. I was just lazy. I slept in and took a nap. I hope you guys had a fun sewing day and that the concert was good. Have a great one.

Friday, August 19, 2016

We did it

We made it to the weekend.  Work was busy but I am just going to say that is the way it is.  There was  no drama so that is nice.  We met Karen for dinner and that was fun.  I am worried she has a bad cold.  She got her lawn mower and it fit in her trunk so she took it home and we went home also.  I went to Walmart afterwards to get ingredients for indoor smores.  Someone at the party made them and they are really good.  I thought it would be a good sewing snack.  Isacc and me are going to make them.  Everyone be safe and tomorrow at this time we will be leaving Josh.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Big busy day

it was a busy day. At work was really busy the lady over zero harm is taking 6weeks leave and she has been giving me all the stuff that needs to be done. My headache was better today I drank a coke and kept on ibuprofen. We are going to meet Karen tomorrow and get her a lawn mower after work. I am excited for Saturday. We had our summer picnic and it turned out nice, it was hot but no wind. It is my first full week back.  I can,t believe how fast August is going. Love you guys mom Rachel, I am glad the shower went well. I loved the quilt she better appreciate all the work you did.

Big busy day

it was a busy day. At work was really busy the lady over zero harm is taking 6weeks leave and she has been giving me all the stuff that needs to be done. My headache was better today I drank a coke and kept on ibuprofen. We are going to meet Karen tomorrow and get her a lawn mower after work. I am excited for Saturday. We had our summer picnic and it turned out nice, it was hot but no wind. It is my first full week back.  I can,t believe how fast August is going. Love you guys mom Rachel, I am glad the shower went well. I loved the quilt she better appreciate all the work you did.


I am sorry that you aren't feeling good Mom, I hope that you are feeling better soon, that is so rough.  This morning was kind of gloomy and the kids were tired so we just were lazy.  Casey came home at lunch not feeling good and then fell asleep for the rest of the afternoon.  He said he felt a bit better after that.  Calleen needed some help buying a new computer so her and Casey went and looked and then hurried home so I could go to the shower and then when I got home they went back out.  I had a fun time at the baby shower.  I talked with Casey's aunts and then a lady I kind of know who likes to quilt.  It is fun to talk to people.  Kimi got a lot of cute things also.  Well hang in their everyone it is almost Josh Groban.



Thank you everyone for the offer of taking the day off, I will be fine. I am only taking a half day so I'm planning to work after. Today was ok. Still busy as ever. I went over to Walters and we had stroganoff. Not much else with me have a good night


Well it was smoky here this morning so something must be on fire. Work was good. I have a cough so I have been sucking on cough drops at work so it doesn't sound like I am coughing up a lung. After work I went to Walmart to pick up my prescriptions. So that was my excitement for the day. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

All worn out

I went to the dizzy physical therapist and she wore me out.  I had a bad headache yesterday and I came home and fell asleep.  She gave me some exercises to do.  I think it is going to help.  I have a summer work party tonight.  I hope it goes good.  Rachel that is one beautiful quilt.  WOW!!  She better appreciate that one.  Robin, I am glad you made the appointment for your scan.  We can all take the day off if you need us to.  I am ready for the weekend.  LOVE MOM

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Down to the wire

Kimi has a baby shower tomorrow and I have been having late nights trying to finish it in time.  Today I only had the binding to do so Casey watched the kids for a half and hour and I finished it up.  It feels good to be done.  This morning me and Ruth were turning on the water and I checked the garden and the beans were ready.  I have really neglected the garden this year, it was is a mess.  Last night we were thinking of things to do with apricots and I thought of scones.  But then I decided it was easier to buy them so we went and got a couple this afternoon.  Hastings is going out of business so we walked around that but their wasn't any good deals.   Imogene came over when we got home.  They got wet and have a fun time.  I sent her home to get dry clothes on and then both girls came back over.  Casey made salmon to go along with our garden beans, it tasted really good.  We went on our evening walk which was been a lot of fun.  I also bought Isaac a ticket for the concert so he is ready to go.



Well the week is half over. The rain keeps taunting me this week. It keeps looking like it is going to rain and then the clouds break and the sun comes out, but no rain. Oh well it will eventually. Andy, the guy I work with, comes back to work tomorrow. He has been on vacation since the 2nd so it will be good to have him back. Robin if you need me to be there on the 29th for emotional support I will totally ditch work for you. Just let me know. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

It's only wednesday

It has been so busy at work. I feel like I get more behind the more I work. My CT scan is th 29th of august. So I have a bit to wait. So we will see how it all goes. Good luck with the dizzy doctor mom. I had to work at scheels tonight. So its a slow night. I love the backpacks for the kids. That was the best part of.going back to school were all the school supplies. Have a good one


Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Well my day was good. I had two meetings today that went long, so that took up most of the day. Rachel I am feeling okay. I am still congested and now have a bit of a cough but I am hanging in there. I hope everyone has a Great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye


Robin, I hope that it is an easy fix.  I read online that it is a chronic disease, will it flair up in the future?  Good luck tomorrow with the dizzy doctor Mom, I hope that it helps a lot.  I hope that you are feeling better Karen.  Ruthie slept better last night but Oliver was up a lot.  They like to take turns.  This morning we ran errands.  We went to Shopko and they had backpacks the boys liked and they were 50% off so we got them.  Isaac got star wars and Oliver wanted batman but he called it superman.  Then we went to Sam's and had lunch.  When Casey got home he processed more apricots with Isaac and then finished mowing the lawn.  He had scouts tonight so we went on our walk when he was gone.  Their was a weird thunder storm over the mountains and it made it windy.  We did see a rainbow which was pretty.  Everyone enjoy your day tomorrow.


Hot day

It was hot today.  I thought it should start cooling down by now.  Work was good.  Nothing to dramatic and that was really nice.  I needed that.  We went to the mall after work and got dad some more tea.  He was running out.  It sure has been helping him.  Robin did you get an appointment for your CT scan?  Robin, I don't know where you get those cute sayings but they sure make me laugh.  Thanks! Have a nice hump day.  I am leaving work early to go to the dizzy therapist.  I have waited a long time.  I hope they have some good exercises.  LOVE MOM

Juggle fail

Today was good. I had another meeting that took half the day. I feel like I would be more productive working than talking about working. Then our olympic event today was ballon juggling. We had to juggle on big ballon and one small ballon. It's oddly really hard. My best time was 13 seconds. So I lost, I hate losing. I had the night off from scheels so it was nice to relax a bit. Have a good night


Monday, August 15, 2016


Today went by so fast. I had meetings all day so I really didn't do anything. I had my doctors appt. He thinks I might have diverticulosis. It's basically an infection in my colon. I have to get a CT scan to make sure since it usually happens to older people. But if that is what I have I guess I just need an antibiotic. So that's not to tragic. But I am scheduling My CT scan tomorrow to see when it.can get done. Have a good night



Robin when I texted about Halloween, I forgot to ask how the doctor went.  I hope he knows what is going on.  I have been worried.  Rachel cute pictures.  I am glad that some of the teeth have broken through.  She should also be getting two more on the bottom.  Poor little thing.  It will be fun to have Isaac come to Josh.  He will love it.  Work was good and we went to get stuff for our company picnic on Thursday.  I forgot all about it so we went and bought some table clothes at Zuchers.  It has all it's Halloween stuff out.  It made me excited.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


Ruthie and Isaac didn't sleep well last night so it was another long night.  Her two front teeth have broken through so she just has one more to go.  It was bleeding today so I think it is about through.  We went grocery shopping today and the kids did really good this time.  It was fun.  I had a dentist appointment and I don't have cavities but my gums are bad.  She thinks it is the pregnancy hormone, they can last for up to a year, and the lack of sleep.  I think that they will be better next time.  Casey wasn't feeling well so he canceled his.  After dinner we played outside for a while and then me and the kids went on a walk while Casey mowed the lawn.  I went earlier today and it worked out better for giving us more time for bed time.  For Saturday, Isaac really wants to see Josh Groban so I am going to bring him along.  We are still going to sew if that is OK, I think he will be fine.  Everyone have a good night.



Well I made it thru Monday. That always feels like a major accomplishment. Work was a little quiet today, but I still kept busy so it wasn't too slow of a day. I think my head has sprung a leak. My nose has been running all day. I can't decide if running nise or stuffy nose is a better thing to have. Robin, I hope that the doctor went good today. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, August 14, 2016


Ruthie didn't sleep well last night so I was tired today.  We went to church and it was Jenn's daughters home coming and she gave a good talk.  Casey had the two little ones in the hall most of the time.  I took Ruthie to my class and Casey took Oliver to nursery but Oliver was upset and then Ruthie was upset so we decided to just go home.  We grabbed Isaac out of his class and headed home a little early.  Casey was busy all afternoon, he picked the apricots and black berries.  He is drying the apricots and freezing the black berries, he is amazing.  Oliver has been liking walking up steep hills so after dinner we went to old main hill and played all night.  It was a lot of fun and it felt nice to get out.  Good luck tomorrow Robin.  We have dentist appointments so that isn't fun either.


Nice Weekend

We had a nice weekend.  I love going to the Kingdom Ball.  One of the boys was dressed up like Prince Ali fro Aladdin.  He was so cute.  Today we went to Park City on our way home and had lunch and went and saw Suicide Squad.  It was good.  Plot explanation was too long, took half the movie but other than that it was good.  I did laundry when we got back home.  I still hadn't caught back up from when we went to California.  Last week at this time we were coming home from Lego Land.  Sure have been having a fun August for sure.  Josh Groban next week.  Does it get any better than this?  I don't care if Isaac wants to come.  It is really up to you Rachel if you need the break.  Have a nice Monday.  Good luck Robin with the doctor.  I hope they figure out what is going on.  LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. Mom and dad were here this morning so we went to park city for lunch and a movie. It was fun. Then i was just lazy the rest of the day. Robin I hope that your doctor's appointment goes well tomorrow. I also hope that he has a magic pill that fixes everything for you. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Full week

I didn't do much today. I just worked at scheels all weekend so it was a dud. This Saturday is josh groban :). Tomorrow I have my stomach doctor apt. To see what the deal is with my side pain. Not much else. Glad everyone had a good weekend



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...