Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Robin, I hope that it is an easy fix.  I read online that it is a chronic disease, will it flair up in the future?  Good luck tomorrow with the dizzy doctor Mom, I hope that it helps a lot.  I hope that you are feeling better Karen.  Ruthie slept better last night but Oliver was up a lot.  They like to take turns.  This morning we ran errands.  We went to Shopko and they had backpacks the boys liked and they were 50% off so we got them.  Isaac got star wars and Oliver wanted batman but he called it superman.  Then we went to Sam's and had lunch.  When Casey got home he processed more apricots with Isaac and then finished mowing the lawn.  He had scouts tonight so we went on our walk when he was gone.  Their was a weird thunder storm over the mountains and it made it windy.  We did see a rainbow which was pretty.  Everyone enjoy your day tomorrow.


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