Friday, August 17, 2012
I am glad today is friday. It has seemed like a long week somehow. Not sure why. Rachel we would love to have you come down. Dad isn't working he will be home all day also. He would love Isaac time also. It is up to you. I am excited to help Karen tomorrow. I hope it will be fun. I made chicken and au gratin potatoes and it tasted good. Have a great saturday. LOVE MOM
Good job Robin, I am excited for you apartment. Karen that is so sweet of you to help. I hope that you and Mom have a really fun time tomorrow. That sounds like a fun day. I am still thinking about tomorrow. I will probably just stay up here and then come down next weekend. Today was good. I made spaghetti sauce from the tomatoes in the garden and it tasted good. It is fun to use everything that grows. I bought clay dough the other day for Isaac and we have been playing with it. Today we made a blanket and he would rub the clay dough against his face like a real blanket. It was cute. I am no artist. My sculptures leave a lot to be desired. Everyone have a good night and stay cool.
today was good I worked and then put my deposit down so I can for sure get the room I want. I think it would be fun if you came down rachel. I will take you out for dinner I will be home around 5-5:30 if you decide to come up. any way have fun at the ball karen and mom.
yeah for friday
Well I spent today steaming drapes and table cloths for the kingdom ball tomorrow. I think that now I am considered an expert. i am excited for the Ball tomorrow. It should be fun. Thanks again for doing all that sewing mom. Congrats on your raise Robin. That is awesome. Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday. BYE
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Cute Pictures
It was a nice evening. Work was busy but this evening was nice. I put a roast in the crock pot this morning and it tasted so good. We went to see Robin's apartment and I think it will be nice. We didn't go in just drove around. Then we went and had a jamba juice. I even got my dishes all done. That was a good thing. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I love the pictures Rachel. I think you have a years supply of blackberry jam. That is a good think with how much Isaac loves them. He is getting so big. Have a nice friday. LOVE MOM
I finished sewing all my strips together today and was able to use my new strip tubing ruler that you got me Karen. Every time I made a cut I said WOW in my mind because of that demo. It made me laugh. It worked really good and I really like how the quilt is turning out. We had a nice night we just hung out in the backyard and picked blackberries. I made a ton of jam and froze the rest of them. For dinner I made chicken with blackberry sauce, it was really good. I like it. I also cook some squash from the garden. Isaac had a better night which was nice. His face is always covered with blackberries, it is funny.
My jam
He looks cute going down the stairs
Eating with his blanket
Getting the hang of his bike
Making a fish face.
today was good tomorrow is payday ;) and i got a 50 cent raise,Is not a ton but more then I was getting. then I noticed its a 3 pay day month which is awesome. so that was good. not much else me and mom and dad drove out to see where my apartments are at. I am going to head for bed I have to work early tomorrow. at least its overtime/
Rachel I did have the day off yesterday. It was nice. Work was good. It went by fast. It was pouring rain in places here. It was strange blue sky and pouring rain. It didn't last long. But it was fun to watch. They liked the new skirts mom. They haven't requested anything else so i think that you all set. Well have a great one BYE
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Another hot one
Karen, did you take the day off to get all of that done? Good job. I am glad that you fit a nap in. That is fun that you went out to dinner. Good job. Today was good. We worked in the yard this morning and that was nice. We went to the zoo in the afternoon and that was hot. It was watering day and everything looks happier when it is watered. Well everyone have a good night and have a good day tomorrow.
All done
Well I got everything done I wanted to today. I got my licence renewed, my address changed on my car registration, gas in my car, and my grocery shopping done. I also got a nap. It was a nice day. I also met mom and dad for dinner. It was fun. Well I hope that everyone else had a great Wednesday. BYE
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
No Box
Well I have all but one skirt done and I have no box to put them in. What is up with that? I was working on the last one and I ran out of bobbin and just thought I am tired and I will finish it tomorrow. I even made my skirt. I cut one of them out wrong so I sewed it up for me. It actually looked good. I guess if I don't tell anyone it is cut out wrong they will never know. Rachel I am glad you liked the fish. It looked strange. Way to try it. I would love to see Isaac dance. He is so cute. He has a lot of music in him. He gets that from his very gifted mother. Robin I am glad you made the decision. I know how hard that must have been for you. I think just making the decision with relieve a lot of stress off your life. It was really a hard one. I am excited about your apartment. It looks so cute. I better start looking in ernest. I am taking a couple hours off tomorrow to go with dad to his check up. It is for his rythmn doctor. It should take long. Dad's window doesn't work right and they said the the motor on it got glass in it and won't work so they ordered him a part and we are taking the jeep in to get fixed before the doctor and picking it up after the doctor. Dad is loving his computer so that is fun. It is fun to watch him work on it. Well have a good Wednesday. LOVE MOM
I love it
I am excited for you Robin. That looks like a nice apartment. That will be a lot of fun. I am glad that you aren't doing Fritghmares also. I think that you are too busy and they weren't going to work with your schedule. Today was good. We went on a walk this morning and went to story time. Isaac danced to the song today and that was cute. I picked out crappy books though. I don't know what I was thinking. I made blackberry cobbler tonight and it was so good. Thanks for the idea. I love it. I did like the fish yesterday. It tasted good. I have attached a picture. I am not a good photographer.
Robin that is awesome. I am glad that you got the apartment. My day has been good. Nothing too exciting. Tomorrow I am getting my drivers license renewed. Wish me luck I hope that it isn't too bad. I hope that dad's doctors appointment goes well tomorrow. BYE
Monday, August 13, 2012
today was long I had to work at lagoon today. but thats ok its almost over. I have made the decision to not do frightmares this year. its getting to stressful and I would miss to much work. I did find out that I am pre approve for my apartment I wanted, its called lost creek apartment. is on 4500 south state street. Right in front of the hospital. so that is fun I posted a picture they had online of the living room. well have a good night
New Needles
I put new needles in the serger tonight and all I can saw is WOW. Needles make a lot of difference in your sewing. The stitching is so much better. I am glad you liked your snacks today. It is fun to have new snacks. They always seem to run out the fastest. Was the fish good tonight Rachel? You didn't mention whether you liked it or not. We had hamburger helper and it tasted really good. I don't make it very often and it was a good treat. We went to JoAnns to get more fabric to make skirts. It was fun. They are all sergered, I just need to make hems and put elastic casing in them. I will for sure be done by Saturday. Not much else to report. It was a good Monday. Dad has a doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Just a check up. I wasn't go to go with him but I think I will ask for a few hours off to go with him. It is his heart doctor in SLC so it won't take long. It didn't rain here at all. Dad said there is a big black streak across the Sun. I am going to research it and see what they think it is. It is longer than from here to the Moon. I thought Casey would be interested in that. LOVE MOM
Thank you for all the snacks and the new books. They are really nice, thank you. We snacked well today. This morning instead of going on a walk we went up to first dam and walked around. It was nice to do something different and Isaac had fun. I made black berry jam this morning also. I picked another big bowl tonight and I am going to try to make leather with that. Casey brought home fish from La Tormenta and it was good. It was a whole fish with eyes. I also made my block of the month today. I did a horrible job on the first one. Lucky I had enough fabric to make a second one and that turned out better. Well everyone have a good night and thanks for everything.
Well I have had a good day. They really like your costumes mom. Other than that it has been a quiet day. It was kind of rainy when I got home from work. I like your quilt Rachel.You are awesome at quilting. Well I hope that everyone has had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, August 12, 2012
I did it
I stayed up last night and finished binding my quilt. I watch Shelock Holmes while I did it. It was a nice evening. I like the movie. I thought when they were running slow motion through the wood was kind of too artsy for me but it was a good movie. Did you guys like total recall? That sounds fun to go to a movie. Good job with all the costumes, that is so nice of you guys to do that. Maybe put some pictures on the blog of them. Well we were just lazy today which was nice. Isaac did really good in nursery and that was nice. When Casey got home we went over and visited with his Dad. They found a ton of Collins old cars so he had a lot of things to play with and that was nice. Well everyone have a good Monday.
Where does the weekend go
I love weekends. I had such a nice time. It was so nice to celebrate dad's birthday in Logan. I had so much fun. Isaac just grows so fast. He is so cute. We got most of the costumes done today and Karen is taking them to work. I have three more vests to sew but the serger needs a new needle and I don't have one. I will go get one tomorrow. Not much else to report since last I saw everyone. I am off to another week at work. I should be a quiet one. I am getting caught up. I shouldn't say that too loud should I.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...