Thursday, August 16, 2012


I finished sewing all my strips together today and was able to use my new strip tubing ruler that you got me Karen.  Every time I made a cut I said WOW in my mind because of that demo.  It made me laugh.  It worked really good and I really like how the quilt is turning out.  We had a nice night we just hung out in the backyard and picked blackberries.  I made a ton of jam and froze the rest of them.  For dinner I made chicken with blackberry sauce, it was really good.  I like it.  I also cook some squash from the garden.  Isaac had a better night which was nice.  His face is always covered with blackberries, it is funny.


My jam

He looks cute going down the stairs 

Eating with his blanket

Getting the hang of his bike

Making a fish face.

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