Thursday, May 22, 2014


I think that the zoo would be fun for Saturday but I am open for anything also.  We had a good day.  We walked to Lees this morning and that was fun.  It was a pretty day but it was hot.  Tonight Casey fixed the bumper of the van, it looks really nice.  Isaac fell asleep at 5 and woke up at 8.  He was pretty upset when he woke up.  Casey and him made Dinosaur cookies and really enjoyed that and made him happy.  It was a mess though.  Well we will see everyone tomorrow.  Their is supposed to be a meteor shower tomorrow night so that will be fun to see at the concert.


Mom's table runner

Yeah for Friday

I am ready to play.  Work was long for me today.  I just couldn't focus.  I think I finally am slowing down and I don't know what to do.  Drive safe everyone.  I will see you tomorrow.  I am good with anything on Saturday.  Isaac does love to jump.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was pretty good. It is super windy here tonight. I am excited to come down and play with everyone. I remembered to water my strawberries so yea they aren't dead yet. Well have a great Friday everyone. Bye

Kangaroo zoo

I am excited for tomorrow!!! Sorry i forgot to blog I fell asleep again. I worked at 7 and I forgot to re adjust sleep patterns. Work is going well it's finally busy. So this girl at work took her grandson to kangaroo zoo it in slc. It's like jungle Jim's were its 9.00 for the kids and adults can be free. But it's a whole blow up park. So the have slides and jumping places. And on the website it said massage chairs for the adults. So not to shabby. Just thought I would bring it up for ideas on Saturday. Well not to much else I am excited to see everyone, I will meet up with you after work at moms house. 


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I'm chopping

I'm chopping at the bit for Friday also.  I am so looking forward to a fun weekend.  It has been a long week.  Dad hurt his back last night sleeping.  He isn't 100 percent.  We just vegged all night.  It was really windy here also.  I got a lot done and don't feel so far behind anymore.  I still have a few things to catch up on but not the huges piles anymore.  That feels really nice.  Robin why don't you plan on coming over for dinner on Friday and we will leave from here.  LOVE MOM


We had a pretty uneventful day.  It was really windy this morning so we didn't go on a walk.  My visiting teachers came this morning also.  I made pasta for dinner with vegetables and it tasted really good.  The couple came and looked at the car but we aren't sure if they are interested or not.  It doesn't really matter.  It is a nice car.  If we sell it we are just going to buy an old beater car for Casey.  Well everyone have a good night.  Isaac is chopping at the bit for Friday to come.



Well my day was good. Morning did come to early this morning though. Work is moving right along. I am excited for the long weekend. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Driving around

Looks like we both had the same idea.  Try out the repairs on the car.  We figured if we went up the canyon we could tell right off it was fixed.  Everything worked like a champ.  That was nice.  It was fun to hook up with Karen.  Robin, I am glad things are picking up for you.  Rachel, I am so glad we got some more badding.  I can't believe that you have run out. That is amazing.  It will be fun to have a lot more for projects.  Oliver is growing up way to fast.  I am so excited for this weekend and I have a voice this time so I will be able to hold him.  Not much else going on with us either.  I have a class in the morning so that will make the day go by fast.  Tomorrow Oliver is 3 months old.  LOVE MOM


Today was good we started to get really busy at work so that is good to have stuff to do. The new girl is good so it's been nice. The quote for today though was from the blonde girl...... " I don't get why we are making bird refugee banners it's not like birds can read" lol. It was funny. I made banana nut bars today I found the recipe on Pinterest. I cooked them thicker so I don't know if the set up well. I might have to try it again with thinner bars. I like your picture Rachel. Are you guys getting another car instead of the white car? Well not to much else on my side have a good one



Well my day was good. I did have to go to engineering meet this morning, but I made it thru. After work I went to park city and met mom and dad for dinner. They wanted to try the jeep out after getting it fixed. I liked all your pictures Rachel they are cute. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

6 Month Clothes

Most of Isaac's 3 month old clothes were for winter so I put Oliver in some 6 month clothes today and it fit really well.  That is perfect timing for the summer clothes.  We had a good day.  We walked to story time and that took the whole morning.  On the way home we saw Linda and she showed us all her baby cats.  She has 20 so if you know of anyone who needs a cat she has them.  Jenn came and sewed and that was fun.  I am getting close to finishing the pineapple quilt.  I have been sewing at night also after everyone goes to bed and that has been working out good.  I am making a table runner for Mom and I used the last of the batting last night.  I put a picture of the old roll and new roll together.  I didn't have much left just enough for a table runner.  Tonight we wanted to make sure the AC was working good so we drove to Idaho.  It was fun just to drive around.  We did forget all of Isaac's stuff and a movie so when we got home he wanted to sit in the car with his binki and watch a movie.  So Casey is in there with him watching a movie.  We put the white car on KSL last week and someone called today and is coming to see it tomorrow.  Well everyone have a good night.  We are excited for Friday.  It will be fun, thanks guys.


Picture Overload

Oliver's face is funny

6 Month Outfit

Monday, May 19, 2014


Today was good. I am excited I don't have to work next Monday!!! The awning stuff is going well I like doing it. This girl I have worked with before needed prosethetics for a show she is doing. I just have to make them and the guy will apply them every night, so it's nice. I started making those tonight, I started signing up for etsy but I thought I would wait till I finished my black mask, and so I could put more stuff up. Well not to much else with me have a good night



I love the picture of the flowers also Karen.  Thanks for posting them.  I am so glad they are still alive.  I love flowers.  Rachel, I am so glad your air conditioning is working.  That is so nice when you travel.  I remember our trips in our van without air conditioning.  It was so hot.  I had a quiet day and it was nice.  We had the cook off contest and I brought my casserole.  I didn't win but I was supportive and I think that was what was important.  It was fun to sit and eat and talk.  Tomorrow we are taking are jeep in to get fixed.  I am excited for the long weekend also.  Just having it quiet at work has been so nice.  I feel like I am getting things done.  I still have some big piles but I think I will get through them this week.  Not much else goin on with us.  Just same old same old.  LOVE MOM

Air Conditioning

Karen, I love the flowers thanks for the pictures.  Did you plant your garden also?  What vegetable did you plant?  We had a nice day.  We went visiting teaching this morning.  The van was being fixed so Shirley drove us which I thought was nice.  Isaac took a nap in The afternoon which was nice also.  He has been eating a lot so I think he is growing.  When Casey got home we picked up the van and it now has ac.  It will be so nice to have this summer.  Then we went grocery shopping and me and Isaac weeded the front yard.  It was such a pretty evening.  I hope everyone has a good night.



Well my Monday has been good. Work even went by fast. Than I went to WalMart after work and got some more insulin pens. I am excited for the long weekend coming up. I really like the flowers me and mom planted in front of my house. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Nice day

WE had a nice weekend also.  We took Grandma Bodily out to breakfast this morning and then took her to Walmart to get dad a pot for his new catus.  It looks really neat.  They dye these catus different colors.  Karen and I got him some at Home Depot when we were there.  Thanks Karen for getting them.  He really does love them.  I napped all afternoon and then made my casserole for tomorrows luncheon.  Thanks again Robin for the recipe.  It looks really good.  I didn't try it, I guess I should have to done that.  Oh well.  Rachel, that potty story made me laugh and laugh.  You have one smart boy on your hands.  He has figured out how to get candy without really peeing.  That just made my whole day.  I found some jean shorts and a cute top today for Isaac and a onsie for Oliver.  Have a great week.  LOVE MOM


We had a good weekend.  Saturday morning Casey mowed the lawn and we went on a walk.  It was nice.  Then we took the van in to get the ac looked at.  They couldn't look at it until Monday but it was a good day to drop it off.  Then we went to Lowe's and got stuff to fix the screen door.  Casey then fixed it and it is so nice.  I love it.  We got the pool out for Isaac and he loved that.  He would run and jump into it.  Calleen and Allen came and visited for a while.  They are really enjoying the truck.  Me and Casey watched the second hobbit movie which was fun to do.  Today we went to church and napped.  Randy and Terry visited for a while also.  Isaac cut his finger on a brick which was pretty traumatic.  I forgot to tell a funny potty training story.  Friday Isaac was sitting on the potty and I was in the living room helping Oliver.  He came out and and his potty was full and I congratulated him and was over the top with praise.  A little while later he was on the potty again and he reached over ans grabbed his bath toy and squirted water between his legs and and wanted more candy.  It made me laugh so hard,  I think that is what he did the first time also.  Also today at church we were doing stickers and he saw a tennis player and he called it a killer since we use that electric racket to kill flys.  It made me laugh.  Well everyone have a good Monday and don't work too hard.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...