Friday, February 22, 2013

Third times a charm

you better knock on wood or something Rachel. Cause you know what they say "Third times a charm". My day was good. I even remembered to put my trash can out last night. Work dragged a little bit in the afternoon, but I made it thru. Then I went to Walmart and went grocery shopping. Exciting I know. Then I finished my puzzle. I am glad that Robin is feeling better. I hope that everyone has a great weekend. BYE


I got a card in the mail saying I am summoned for jury duty next week.  I am not too worried about it.  I have been summoned twice before and I have never had to go in.  Today was pretty good.  The only frustrating part was I put Isaac down for a nap and soon after the lady down the street came by and talked at me forever.  I really wanted to sew since Isaac didn't nap yesterday, so I haven't got much done this week.  Isaac was really good today and he is getting so smart.  It is fun to see him learning.  Casey had to drive something down to SLC for his work so he hasn't gotten home yet.  He is getting a lot of overtime so that is nice.  I hope that everyone has a good weekend.  I hope that you don't have to shovel any more Karen and I hope that Mom and Robin yet a lot of rest.


Thursday, February 21, 2013


Karen, I am still planning down and spending the day with you and Mom.  I think that I will come down on Tuesday night and then we can have all of Wednesday playing.  I am excited.  Thank you for taking the day off.  I am glad that you are doing good Robin.  I hope that you start to feel better soon.  You are so brave.  We have been thinking about you.  Well everyone get lots of rest and have a good night.



I am glad that Robin is doing good. My day was good. It went pretty quick so that was nice. It did snow last night so I had to shovel this morning. But it wasn't much snow so it wasn't too bad. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Rachel since Casey isn't leaving now are you still coming down for my nephew day or do you want me to come up? I am still good either way. Well have a great Friday everyone BYE!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I am ready

Well the bags are packed and I am ready to go.  Karen that is too bad about that girl being laid off.  I hope you are OK.  I think we have Robin ready to go and Dad ready to go.  I didn't get a craft but I had a bunch of stuff to do here so I will take some of those.  There just never is enough time.  I am glad that Robin goes in at 8:00.  It is hard waiting.  We can get up and just go.  Not much else to report.  I will keep everyone posted as I things move along.  Pray for all of us.  LOVE MOM

this is how we do it

Thanks everyone for everything. Tomorrow is the big day. I go in at 8 which will be nice so I don't have to starve all day long. hopefully it all goes smooth. Mom took me out for my gallbladders last meal. and shopping for food. I think I am all set. not to much else to do but just get er done. I may not blog for a bit but I will have mom update :) Love you Robin


That is a lot of drama at work Karen.  That is hard.  Good luck tomorrow Robin.  We are thinking about you and I wish I could be there.  You will do great.  Keep me updated on how things are going.  Mom have a good two days off caring for Robin.  I hope that you get a fun craft to do.  Today was good.  We didn't have anything going on so we did a lot of projects.  Isaac is a fun age and we had a good time.  Anyway good luck tomorrow Robin.  Let me know if you need anything.


What a day

Well the other girl that worked in office got layed off yesterday. From what I heard it sounded more like a fired but they layed her off instead of firing her. So that was alittle shocking. I didn't see that one coming. Other than that it was a pretty quiet day. There was no snow so that was nice. I didn't have to shovel at all. I hope that Robin had a good last meal. I am glad that they are doing your surgery in the morning. Mom will you send text updates. Well good luck tomorrow. BYE

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Nice Day

Today was good.  We went to story time this morning and that was fun.  Isaac is getting better about going.  I sewed with Jenn today and worked on my St Patricks mystery quilt.  Isaac didn't take a nap so I just turned on a show downstairs and it worked out pretty good.  I think what happened is that he woke up at 4 and I got him back to sleep.  So he sleep in until 8 so he was off schedule.  I made chicken for dinner and it turned out pretty good.  We drove the truck around when Casey got home and got some ice cream.  It was a nice evening.  Good luck tomorrow everyone.  I hope that your "Last Meal" is delicous Robin.


No wind

We didn't get any wind today.  That is weird.  I haven't watched the news so I am not sure when the storm is suppose to come.  My day was a good day.  I have been really nervous for two days but I am hoping by Friday my nervousness will be better.  I only have to work one more day and then I get 4 days off.  I am going to pack dad up in the morning and then help Robin the rest of the day after we know what time the surgery is.  I will be glad when that is over with.  I am excited to play the next week.  Rachel if you want to stay the whole week that would be fun.  We could drive up to Kamas one night and we could play with Robin at night if she is up to it.  Well have a great hump day LOVE MOM

blown away

Well it was super windy here today. Work was a little slow today, but not too bad. At least tomorrow is Wednesday. That means the week is half over. I am making progress on my puzzle. Yeah, it is starting to connect. I got approved for the 6th of March off. So think of something fun to do Rachel. Well I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. BYE

Monday, February 18, 2013


today was good nothing to exciting. its super weird I am going into surgery on thursday. Its nice though they are going to let me use vaction hours so that is a super big bonus. I was worried about not getting paid for a few days. But I think I have everything, thank you for all your guy's support. I just think its mostly just sleeping most of the time for me. But hopefully it all goes well. Anyway I will keep you updated on times as I get more info. have a great tuesday. robin

Monday Monday Monday

Casey is going to France on March 3.  He isn't going to Paris but to a city near there.  We looked it up online and it looks really neat.  I think that he is going to see a lot of neat things.  Karen wants to do a nephew day on March 6 so I thought I would drop him off at the airport and then stay until Wednesday if that is alright.  I hope that Dad is able to go to China also.  I hope things start going smoothly for him.  I can't believe you are having your surgery so soon Robin.  Let me know what you need.  We had a good day.  They had a meeting for the play group and it sounds like it will be a fun thing for Isaac.  The parents can stay or go but I think that I am going to stay and see how it goes.  They want to start on March 11 and they are going to do lessons and music time.  It is going to be in the basement of the Unitarian Church.  It is a house that a couple bought and the top is a church and the bottom used to be a preschool.  Isaac started to not feel great after his nap.  We went on a walk and a cat walked away from us and he has been crying about it all evening.  He says kitty cat went bye bye and starts to cry.  I gave him some medicine and that seems to help.  We visited Casey's Dad tonight and they have redone their bedroom and it looks amazing.  It was nice to visit with them.  I hope that everyone survives the snow. Stay safe and warm.  Oh I finished an embroidery today and I have attached a picture.  It was fun to make. 


I Agree

It was a quiet Monday for me also.  A lot of people worked where I was but they were all busy so I got a lot done.  The piles on my desk are coming down.  :)  I only have to work two more days and then I am off for 4.  Dad is working late tonight but I think that will be the norm until they leave.  I hope they get to leave.  Things aren't looking good right now.  Stress is hard.  I hope that they can pull it together.  Does Casey know when he gets to go to France?  Karen I am so glad you live close to work.  I see two big storms coming and I think.  YEAH Karen doesn't have to go up the damn hill.  Robin I am still planning on dinner Wednesday night. This is kind of a random blog posting.  Can you tell I had a coke today?  Java Java.  Don't work too hard.  LOVE MOM


Things are going good here in Kamas. The weather is suppose to get nasty tomorrow night. Hopefully the snow won't be too bad. Work was quiet today. Alot of people took it off for the holiday. So they should all be back tomorrow. I am glad that you are liking your new bed Rachel.  New beds are so nice. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Heave Ho

I am glad you like your bed Rachel.  That is fun for you.  I will talk with Karen and see if she wants the twin bed or if we should have it at my place.  Casey thought we should move it when we moved the swing set and I agree with him.  That would be the perfect time.  We went to church also and that was nice.  We got a new relief society presidency.  It was a phone call day here.  Dad was on the phone most of the day.  I hope they make it to China.  It does stress me out a bit.  I am going to drive to work tomorrow and take all my juices for my party on Tuesday.  It will seem strange to drive but I need to do that once in awhile.  I think I am going to plant tomatoes in the planter.  I love them and that would be easy to take care of.  I might do an herb also but there really isn't a lot of space there.  I did love the picture of you Robin on Facebook.  Well have a good week.  Not too many more days and Robin with be gallbladder less.  LOVE MOM

oh hi

well today was good. super chill. I vacuumed, and made ham fried rice for dinner. Its been really nice to just putter sleep and rest. I really have enjoyed it. next week I will have a drug induced relaxing week it may get pretty crazy. lol. Patch my plant is still alive YEAH!! have a great monday robin

Hi Ho

Karen, how did going to church go?  Are you meeting any nice people?  Robin, I love the photos.  You did a really good job.  I am impressed.  I thought you looked really cute in your photo also.  It was nice to talk to you today Mom.  I am glad that you had a good weekend.  I am liking our bed so far.  It is a different feel and I think that it will take a while to get used to but I really like it.  Isaac did well in nursery and had a fun time.  Casey made it back home and is tired.  There is a meeting for a new playgroup tomorrow that I am going to.  It will be fun to see what is going on.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday.



Well I don't have much to report. i had a good day, it was windy outside though. I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...