Well I made it to work today. My stomach still hurts but it wasn't worst so I took two Tylenol and lived with it. It didn't rain at all here. We got it all yesterday. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. We did go grocery shopping for the weekend. I am excited to play. Rachel I like those legos in there that is nice. Hopefully my couch is coming tomorrow. I hope it is what I ordered. We are going to try a dinner celebration again. I hope it works out. Love mom
Thursday, August 3, 2023
It rained a ton today and it lasted for most of the day. The kids were stuck inside all day were bored. Work was busy and stressful. We edited instructions and I used the wrong thread in some pictures but it probably ok. I checked svg files and their were a million and it took forever. After work Oliver had been wanting to get some foam so he can put his gun in it. So we went to the store and got one. Ruth got a sucker holder also. They had all the back to school stuff out but we are not ready to look at it yet. I packed up my stuff in the secretary desk so Isaac could display some of his Legos. Me and Oliver worked on cutting out the foam for his gun and it looked pretty good. I did mess up and didn't make the foam the size of the box. So when Casey came home we went to the do to find a suitcase to put it in. Casey found a awesome snow blower for $100 and it is worth a lot more so he got it. We played the escape room game and Casey took Tony on a walk when the rain stopped.
Love Rachel
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
I am sorry you guys aren't feeling well. I am glad you stayed home Mom and I am glad you found a couch. Work was busy. We had a potluck today and that was fun sit and talk with everyone. We went to the jump zone after work and the loved it. We stopped at Lees on the way home. I feed my sough dough starter and it is doing well. I am excited to get the stove back so I can bake some bread. I had book group tonight. We read the book Caste and it was depressing and I didn't finish it. It was good to visit everyone. It was a fun evening. We get crazy rain storms at night also. I am enjoying it.
Love Rachel
My day was good. Work stayed busy so it went by fast. The rain was fun to listen to. I met mom and dad at cafe rio for dinner. It tasted good. Then when I got home I blew up mom's couch. It is cute. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye
I didn't go to work today. My stomach was off also. I didn't sleep well last night so I slept in. We did run errands when I work up. We stopped by the postoffice and they finally have our forwarding address. Crazy. We did stop by some furniture stores and went to john parris. We found a couch on clearance and its being delivered on Friday. That was nice. My stomach still hurts but I am going to try work tomorrow. It is weird. The rain was crazy. I loved watching it. My blow up couch that Karen got us came today. It is really cute. I am leaving it up. Love mom
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
I was tired also today. Work was busy and it went by fast. There was a really bad wreck on my way home. We had bacon and tomato sandwiches. They were good. I did call rc Willey and make sure they credited my account. I think it is funny Luna knows outside strawberries. I M glad klies came back to work. Dad mowed the lawn today. He was worried it would rain if I mowed tonight. I thought that was very nice. Have a nice day. Enjoy the cooler weather. Love mom
Klesis started back at work and that was really nice. It was good to have her back. Also Monday we had a new tester start so we are fully staffed again. After work Isaac had an interview at the library to be on the teen advisor board. I was proud of him for interviewing and I think it is good practice. I will let you know if he is accepted. We did Oliver's puzzle and he had a hard time focusing. I need to bring a salad to work tomorrow so we went to Lee's. I went to exercise class and it was a spin class tonight. It was really hard but I feel so good afterwards. Casey is on a zoom call for the grotto. They are planning cave trips for the year. Also Casey took the kids to Walmart to get Oliver a gun to replace the one he broke. Also this afternoon Isaac went over to a friend's house to play. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
Monday, July 31, 2023
I am sorry about your couch Mom. I hope you can find another one soon. Your garden is great Robin. You guys have done an amazing job with it. Work was stressful. One of the pictures Kelsey took wasn't good enough so I am remaking the block. She was having machine problems also so that took some time. We went swimming when I got home and we stayed until 7. It was fun. I didn't swim long because I wanted to finish my book and the water was cold. The kids had fun. I was able to go to the late exercise class and that was fun. Casey is rocking climbing at the gym. Love you guys
Love Rachel
Well I was so mad about the couch. It made the day long. We were going to celebrate with a movie night and pizza on the new couch. The pizza tasted good. I like pizza hut. Robin your garden area looks really nice way to go. I am sorry Luna has a cough. I had one last night also. Hope we didn't catch something. Rachel I hope your day went well. It is suppose to cool down and rain. That will be nice. Have a nice 1st day of august. Love mom
It was pretty quiet at work today until the last 15 minutes and then it seemed like everyone needed stuff. But I made it through. Instead of celebration pizza for dinner tonight we had consulitory pizza. It still tasted good but I think celebration pizza is better. Oh wellnext couch we will have to try again. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, July 30, 2023
It was a quiet day. I slept in and took a nap. We did go to reams and got a few things and then Karen won a 25 dollar gift card for taco bell. It tasted good. We did make beef stew in the insta pot. It was good. Insta pots are amazing. I am super excited for my whole couch. Half a couch is old. Robin I am glad you went to the party. Rachel that is nice randy had you for dinner. Have a nice last day of July. It is suppose to cool down a bit. Love mom
My day was good. I slept in and then we went to the store for some groceries. We stopped at taco bell and got tacos to take home for lunch as well. Then we had a good omens 2 marathon. It wasn't as good as the first, but we still had fun watching it. We also moved stuff around downstairs because mom and dad's new couch is being delivered tomorrow. We are going to have a movie night with pizza downstairs to celebrate tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye
Today was good. I am feeding the neighbors cat so I went over and spent some time with him. He was lonely and came over and sat with us for a while but Tony keeps wanting to play so he left. Me and Ruth did her paper kit. We are still letting it dry. We went to church and I payed the piano. I am getting better and I was fun. Casey went to work and we just took it easy this afternoon. I sewed and am almost done quilting my college quilt. I think I am quilting it too dense but I can't change it so I am just going with it. We went up to Randy's for dinner. The kids played in the water and had a fun time. It sucks to go back to work tomorrow. It is never as bad as I think it will be. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...