Saturday, January 23, 2021

Saturday etc.

 I am so glad you caught that the couch was broken.  That made me made.  I love the big couch.  You might need phones to call each other from the other side :).  LOVE MOM 


 We had a nice day. We met up with Robin and Jeramy and they got their chair and we got them a crib and chest of drawers. It didn't fit in the Jeep so jeramys friend came with his van and helped us. It looks really nice. Luna has a nice room. We went to black bear diner for lunch. We left and went to WinCo and they had all the stuff to make a pizza so we did that and it tasted really good. We are meeting Rachel and kids in ogden and trampoline park tomorrow. We didn't get any snow. Karen I am glad your snow blower worked.  I can't believe it is the end of January. Time is going fast. Love mom


 We got an inch or two and magically we didn't have to shovel our driveway.  We had a good and busy day.  I walked this morning and the snow was pretty.  Isaac had a basketball game and played better.  He is learning how to play and that is fun.  Our couch was ready so me and Casey went to the dump to clean the trailer and went and picked up the couch.  We got it downstairs and noticed it was broken.  We had plans to go sledding with Ruth's friend so Casey took the couch back and we went sledding.  They had a floor display they traded us with.  We had a fun time sledding.  It was a fun afternoon.  The couch is huge now.  We tested it out when we got home and watched a show.  Isaac had a playdate with his friend for a bit this evening.  Me and Casey worked on putting the cement board down on the floor.  I got the walls sanded and the texture applied.  It is looking good.  We are meeting up with Mom and Dad tomorrow and we are excited.




 Well I got about 5 inches of snow this morning. This is the first time this winter I used my snowblower. It did snow a little more during the day but it didn't stick after I shoveled so that was nice. Other than that it was a quiet day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Friday, January 22, 2021


 Ruth's stomach was hurting last night so.we had her lay with us.  She then threw up all over.  We got her and the bed cleaned up.  She seems ok today.  I walked and we went to exercise class.  When we got back home I sat down to turn a movie on for her and I fell asleep.  It was a pretty day this afternoon.  I didn't think Ruth was up for a walk so I played with Tony outside.  I shoveled the deck so it is clear of snow and cleaned up Tony's toys.  I put them all on the deck and he sat by them.  It was cute.  Isaac had a friend come and over play after school.   His friend likes legos so they did that.  I put the border on my quilt.  It is a werid shape so I wasn't sure what to do but I decided to just follow the directions.  Oliver has been doing the dishes every night and he is so cute.  Me and Casey went to Lowes and got cement boards for the bathroom floor.  I hope that everyone had a good day.  Enjoy your Saturday.




 I didn't sleep well last night so I took time off from work and took a nap. It was nice. I got my stimulus debit card today so that was fun. It has been snowing here since about 6. I am probably going to have to shovel in the morning. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye


 We made it to the weekend. I got off work a little early because I was over my time. We went to the gym and then to dinner. We went shopping for crafts supplies for my craft box. It was fun. I am the last to get my stimulus. I hope it comes soon. Be careful in the snow. Love mom

Thursday, January 21, 2021


 I walked in the freezing cold this morning but the sunrise is so pretty.  We volunteered in Isaac's class and graded papers.  We worked at preschool and it was fun.  The kids are really cute.  Some kids yesterday were asking for Ruth but the were calling her wolfie and it took her a while to figure out who they wanted.  We couldn't find Isaac after school he never came out.  So we walked in the school and found him in the library.  He decided to stay and read with his friend.  It scared me.  He just needs to tell me what is going on.  We saw Oliver's teacher and she said he hit his head and had to go to the nurse.  He didn't say anything to me.  The missionaries called on zoom and the kids were wild and fighting.  The missionaries were so young.  We did homework and sent everyone to bed early.  Love you guys.




 You threw me off Robin. It really is only Thursday. I am glad Luna is doing good. I keep hoping you feel better. I went into work today and it was so busy. I stayed late to do payments and the program went down so I just brought them home. I still was way over. I get to leave early tomorrow. It is suppose to snow this weekend but they say only an inch or two. Karen's weather says six inches. I am curious what will be right. Not much else to report. Have a nice friday. Love mom


I'm so glad Tomorrow is Friday. I worked from home today and that was nice. I had a doctor's appointment. They just checked the heart beat so she's still alive. Then we went on a walk after work. Have a good Friday



 My day was good. I had a project at work that I was going to work on but other stuff came up and I never got around to it. Oh well there is always tomorrow. After work I was going to go grocery shopping, but I decided I didn't want to anymore. So I just came home and made chex mix. Then I started watching school lectures. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, January 20, 2021


It was so cold on my walk this morning.  We went to exercise class and it feels so good to go.  I love it.  Ruth had school and I programed and worked on the bathroom.  I had quilt group on zoom and it was fun to talk.  Not a lot of people get on but it is still fun.  We are going to try to get together next month in person.  Me and Ruth walked Tony to the park and threw the ball for a while.  It is so fun and such a pretty day. Oliver had a playdate after school and Isaac walked home with his friend so we didn't pick them up today.  I made Oliver his quilt Mom bought. I messed the corners up a bit but it is a cute blanket.  I was going to make crepes but Isaac didn't think breakfast food sounded good so we met Casey at a Mexican restaurant.  Isaac got a fish that was whole but he said tasted good.  Isaac had basketball practice and had a fun time.  He learned a lot he said and was happy.  Love you guys and I hope you are doing well.




 I made it through work also. It was quiet. We did go to astro burger for lunch. You can sit in there and it was nice. We went to the gym after work and then watched expanse. I don't like getting one episode a week. I lose track. Robin. Explain tight. Are you ok? I am glad you are going to the doctor tomorrow so he can check you out. I am going into work tomorrow. Good luck with school karen. Oliver called me tonight. That was nice. Love mom


Today was busy but I made it out alive. We just relaxed tonight my stomach was feeling tight and so we just kept it easy. Jenkins was wild all night. Jeremy took him on a walk but he still had a ton of energy. I'm glad we are closer to the end of the week



 I am glad that the week is half over. It was cold here this morning but it did warm up a bit this afternoon. Nothing too wild and crazy at work. I am staying busy so that is nice. After work I  went thru all the introduction stuff for school. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


 It sounded windy and cold this morning so I didn't get up to take Tony on a walk and just took him while Ruth was at school.  It was still cold and windy.  When we got back I worked on my programming.  Me and Ruth met Casey for lunch and that was fun.  Ruth was mad at me because her candy spilled when I turned the van on the way there.  I signed Ruth up for kindergarten today and their are a lot of forms.  After school the kids got their hour of video games and then we walked to the park to play ball with Tony.  It was kind of a rough start but it was a lot of fun when we got their.  I love throwing balls with Tony.  It was a pretty day also.  We got homework done before dinner which is always nice.  Love you guys.  Good luck with school Karen and thanks for the fun time Mom.




 It seemed like monday to me today. Work wasn't bad. I am almosght up. we didn't do anything after work. We watched the mummy. I did go get my hair cut at lunch. Robin I am so glad that things are starting to sound good. Good luck karen with school. You will do amazing. I bet economics will be the hardest. Rachel I hope the kids made it back to school. It was fun to play yesterday. Have a nice hump day tomorrow. January has gone by really fast. I hope we get our stimulus soon. That is neat you got it. Love mom


Today was good nothing to wild. I went to red rock for lunch because bruschetta sounded good and it's only in salt lake. It tasted good. We got our stimulus debit card. That was way faster than last time. 



 I went and got my allergy shot this morning. I did sleep thru my alarm so I was running 10 minutes late. I made it though. Work was good. I am keeping busy so that makes it go by quick. Tomorrow is the first day of school for me so wish me luck. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, January 18, 2021

Fun day

 I had a nice day. It was so nice to be out. We played at wheeler farm. It was colder than I thought it would be but it was so fun to be outside and see the animals and little kids. We went to lunch  and then went and looked at a mattress for isaac that Kay was selling. They are going to buy it. We then went to a new trampoline park at jordan landing and it was so nice. The kids loved it. I am not ready to go back to the real world tomorrow.  Love mom


Me and Jeramy bought a new rocker for the nursery over the weekend. They had  20 percent coupon and they let us use it in the chair. So I went in today to get the price adjusted. I also worked today it was busy but I made it out alive. Then we just relaxed the rest of the night. Jeramy had the day off work so he went and got his car inspected. Hope everyone has a good one



 My day was good. I did wish I had it off like mom did but it was still good. It was cold and snowy this morning. The sun came out in the afternoon but it was still chilly. I am going to go get my allergy shot tomorrow morning. Exciting I know. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Salt lake

 We are back in salt lake. It does s nice to get a day off tomorrow. I think we are good ng to go to wheeler farm. I haven't been there in a long time. The bathroom looks a lot better. Still loads to do but moving along. Everyone have a nice monday. Love mom


 Good job on the new microwave Karen.  I am sorry your caught on fire.  We have had a good time with Mom and Dad.  We are in SLC and spending the night here.  We got a lot done on the bathroom.  A new subfloor and the sheetrock is up.  It is so much work.  Love you guys.




 My day was good. I got my laundry and dishes done this morning. Then after lunch I decided to make chex mix. I put the butter in my microwave to melt it and it went super sparky. So I thought it might just need to be cleaned, but it was still sparky after I cleaned it. So I decided to go to Walmart and get a new one. Seemed like a better idea than exploding my microwave. Before going I did make my chex mix. I just melted the butter on my stove like they did in the dark ages. I did get a new microwave though so I will be able to cook again. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...