Saturday, July 2, 2022


 We did have a really fun day. We worked on rain gutters in the morning and got them cleaned out. They need to be sealed also. There are a couple of missing shingles on the roof that need to be repaired. We had lunch and then met the lewis gang at south Towne mall. They have a really good arcade there we might need to try out. We went back to Lehi and played and jeramy made a smoked pork roast and it was so good. Robin found this place that had strawberries and cream and it was really good. I only have had peaches and cream. We came back to kamas and are leaving for Logan in the morning. I am glad you had a good day Rachel. I am glad you got to go to the cruise in. That was so sweet of Mandy to give you those gift cards. I really like whole foods. Love mom


 I hope you guys had a fun day together.  We had a good day.  I got up and walked Tony.  It was so hot.  We worked on digging up the apricot stump until it got to hot.  We found a cool old root beer can in the ground.  We had lunch and then Casey and Isaac went to SLC to spend the whole foods gift cards.  They got a bunch of vitamins and fun stuff.  I took the little kids to the birthday party.  They rented a huge water slide and they had fun.  It was pretty hot for me sitting in the shade.  Casey and Isaac got back and we left the party.  We met Randy and Terri at McDonald's to watch the cruise in parade.  It was fun.  The cars are neat to watch.  Logan is having fireworks tonight and we are going to try to watch them from the tree house.  I don't know if it will work.  We have church early tomorrow and it is going to be so hard to get everyone going.  Drive safe tomorrow and we are excited to see everyone.

Love Rachel

Friday, July 1, 2022


 Work was busier than I thought it would be. I left at 4 and we went to Karen's. We are going to Lehi tomorrow for smoked pork at robins. I am excited to come to Logan on Sunday. Rachel you are going to have jobs all over the place. That is interesting about the scar tissue. Have a nice Saturday. Love mom


 Today was good and busy.  I got a second interview for the accounting clerk.  Also when I was walking this morning I ran into Jenn.  We were talking for a bit and she asked if I was looking for a job when Ruth goes to first grade.  I said I was and she said kimberbell would be a good place to work.  She talked to her boss and she asked for my resume.  She said that when a job opens up they will let me know.  That would be a good place to work.  We went to exercise class and it was so hot.  I was sweating so much.  Oliver had a bloody nose so we left a couple minutes early.  We had to return the foam machine and the snow cone machine.  Then I went to the dentist to fix my temporary crown.  Ia but fell off.  They were able to patch it.  I picked the kids and we went to Sam's.  I thought we could eat lunch there but it was so long but the time we got our food we had to leave.  So we eat in the car.  Ruth had a play date with Emily.  I was visiting with her Mom for a while and the boys started playing with William so all three stayed.  I picked them up and then went to physical therapy.  He put needles in my pin scars and twisted to break up the scar tissue.  I really helped which is so strange.  After dinner we did yard work and the yard is looking good.  We are at black night now.  They kids were so excited to go.  Everyone have a good night.

Love Rachel


They were walking around a mini parade at Luna's daycare. So I packed her tennis shoes since she pulls her sandles off. When I grabbed them to put in the bag she sat down and wiggled her feet. So I put her shoes on and she clapped and giggled. It was cute. Then at work they did the mini parade and Luna did amazing. When she saw me she ran to me and gave me a hug then ran back to her teacher to walk in the parade. She soaked up all the attention. Then after work I picked up groceries, cooked dinner and went for a walk. 


Thursday, June 30, 2022


 The primary party went well and I am so glad it is over.  We had great weather which I am grateful for.  We went over around 11 and started getting everything set up.  They delivered the slide which was really nice.  I am never setting that up again.  The party went really well and the kids seemed to be having a lot of fun.  After we were done we headed to Randy's house for Collin's birthday.  The had Indian food for dinner.  Then we went to the park and played for a while.  It was a fun day.  Everyone have a good Friday.

Love Rachel


 Work was really quiet and it will even be quieter tomorrow. I was a little over my time so I left a little early today and tomorrow not a lot but 30 minutes seems like a lot. Boy did we get a thunderstorm around 4 this morning. It would light the sky and them boom. It was a huge storm. Karen I am jealous it was your Friday. Robin that is so nice you helped jeramys sister. Being hot is the worst. Rachel I am glad your primary party went well. Bet you are glad that is over. We are going to go stay the night in kamas and then go to robins in Saturday. Sunday and Monday we are in Logan. What a fun holiday we are going to have. Love mom


Nothing to wild today. I have been sneezing non stop and I have a runny nose. It's annoying. We drove down to provo tonight. Jeramy had an old portable swamp cooler that we gave to his sister. Her basement is so hot. It took up most of the night so we came home and put Luna down for bed. 


 I get tomorrow off so that is nice. I am so sleeping in. Work is going good. It was busy because it is the end of the shipping month. At least it made the day go by fast. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, June 29, 2022


 Work was quiet and I am getting caught up. We went to the pie for dinner and that tasted good. I worked on my abominable snowman and that was good. Dads looks really good. I wish tomorrow was my Friday Karen. I am jealous. Robin Luna looks so cute in her dress. Rachel that tree house is amazing. I love it. I am glad you got an interview. You will find the right job. What were the hours. Have a nice time at the party. I think the weather will be fine. The storms come and go so quickly. Good luck. Love mom


 I am worried about the weather for my primary party tomorrow.  I hope we don't have thunder storms.  It was cloudy today but we didn't have any rain.  I walked this morning and went to exercise class.  It was nice to go back.  We cleaned and did everyone's practicing.  I had a phone interview for an accounting clerk.  It is full time and I am not sure if the schedule will work.  Then we ran some errands and went to the jump zone.  I finished a really good book by Viola Davis called finding me.  I really liked it.  I got the deposit back from Isaac's violin so I called Casey and met him at Culver's for dinner.  I rented a foam machine for tomorrow.  The guys who rents them used to be in our ward so he brought that over tonight.  Isaac went to young men's and had a fund time.  Casey hung up the hammocks in the tree house and we are working on putting a tarp up for a roof temporarily.  Wish me luck tomorrow and I really hope we have good weather.

Love Rachel


Today was good. We had a wild thunder storm come through around dinner. The thunder just rolled for 30 minutes with out a break. It was hailed and rained then it just cleared out like nothing happened. It was weird



 Tomorrow is my Friday so that is nice. I love short weeks. Things are going good here. Nothing too wild and crazy. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


Today was good nothing too wild. One of Luna's teachers had a birthday tomorrow. So after Luna went to sleep I glowforged her a little gift. I'm glad your hand surgery worked out rachel. I'm sorry your job didn't work out. Finding a new job is so stressful and self deprecating. You guys are amazing and I hope something amazing is around the corner :)


 We found out we don't owe a million dollars for my hand surgery just 1,600 which is amazing.  I feel so relieved.  I didn't sleep great, I had bad dreams about the primary party.  I walked this morning.  Me and Ruth went over to Wendy's house to see where to put everything for the party.  She has a fun yard and I think it will work out great.  Then we all went to the dollar store to get water game supplies.  We also went to joann's to get some fabric for Moms friends quilt but they didn't have the same fabric so we will keep looking.  Isaac had his first violin lesson today.  She seems amazing and so nice.  I think it will really good for him.  He wants to be an ambassador and she gave him a list of what he needs to do.  The kids just played in the backyard the rest of the day.  They were cute.  Tiffany sent Isaac a half birthday card which was really nice.  Everyone have a good night.

Love Rachel


 It was a quiet day also but Mark Harrison was there and so it made it busy. He is going to be there all day tomorrow also. I might have to dress up a bit. I did go in a little late but stayed late so I am still over my time. I live the pictures of Luna. She is so cute. I am glad tomorrow is hump day. Except for Karen. She gets Friday off. I am looking forward to the long weekend. I am glad you got rain Karen. That is nice. We got a little rain at work but not much. Love mom


 My day was good. It was meeting day so that took up most of the day. About 6 it started thundering and then it rained really hard for a bit. Rachel I am sorry that the job wasn't that awesome. Just keep looking and you will find something awesome. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, June 27, 2022


 Congratulations on the interview Karen.  That is exciting and you will do great.  My interview this morning wasn't great and I didn't like the job.  It was just checking prisoners in and taking their information.  Then watching the monitors in the control room.  It isn't what I would like to do.  I missed exercise class which was sad for me but I did walk.  Then I had a dentist appointment to get a new crown.  I had a large filling they wanted to turn into a crown so I did it.  Fun times.  When I got home we had lunch when I got home and then we went to the jump zone.  No one got hurt or cried so it was a good time.  The kids were so hot by the end.  They came home and played in the sprinklers.  While they did that I went to physical therapy.  My grip strength has gone up which is good.  He put needles in my finger the loosen the tendon and maybe break up scar tissue.  Then he did the electricity through my hand.  After dinner we all went to the store to get some groceries.  Then Casey took Tony for a walk and I read to the kids.  It wasn't the best day but I made it through.  The kids keep fighting on the trampoline so we talked tonight and had them think of a better way.  So hopefully tomorrow will be better. Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 Work was busy.  It was payroll Monday and that is always busy.  I picked dad up on the way home from work and we went to hobby lobby because I wanted yellow paint for my big foot.  One of my friends at work made me mango salsa for my birthday and it was sooo good.  I am going to get the recipe and I am going to have Isaac try and make it.  I love the pictures.  I sure had a fun weekend.  It was hard to get back to the real world.  I am glad Luna is doing so well.  I didn't need a doctor to tell me that.  I hope she didn't have to have any shots  Karen that is exciting about your job interview.  Rachel, I am sorry yours was a bust.  I wouldn't work graveyard at the prison.  Well enjoy the heat.  LOVE MOM 


Thanks for all the pictures. I'm excited you have a job interview Karen. Good luck. Luna had a doctor's appointment this morning so I worked from home then took her to the doctor. She did really good and the doctor says she is doing great. Then I dropped her off at daycare and I finished off work. Luna wanted to walk around outside but it was so hot. So I just put her toys in the shade and we played outback all night


 My day was good. I got an email from the place I had a phone interview with and they want to do an in person interview on the 6th. So that is exciting. Work was just the usual. I just worked on my to do list. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...