Sunday, June 26, 2022

Happy birthday

 Happy birthday Mom.  We love you.  Thank you Robin for having us yesterday.  You threw Luna a wonderful first birthday.  It was a fun day.  Lagoon was a lot of fun and we want to do more evenings there.  I had meetings all day today.  I started at 9.  Then I delivered birthday books to primary kids.  I had another meeting that went until church started.  We had a linger longer after church which was a lot of fun.  The kids loaded up with desert.  I dropped the kids off at home and went to to a stake meeting about the primary program.  Then me and Oliver went to a baptism of his primary friend.  They did it in a pool at his grandparents house.  It was really nice and a beautiful baptism.  Then it was bedtime.  Casey worked most of the day so the kids played video games most of the day.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...