Friday, July 1, 2022


 Today was good and busy.  I got a second interview for the accounting clerk.  Also when I was walking this morning I ran into Jenn.  We were talking for a bit and she asked if I was looking for a job when Ruth goes to first grade.  I said I was and she said kimberbell would be a good place to work.  She talked to her boss and she asked for my resume.  She said that when a job opens up they will let me know.  That would be a good place to work.  We went to exercise class and it was so hot.  I was sweating so much.  Oliver had a bloody nose so we left a couple minutes early.  We had to return the foam machine and the snow cone machine.  Then I went to the dentist to fix my temporary crown.  Ia but fell off.  They were able to patch it.  I picked the kids and we went to Sam's.  I thought we could eat lunch there but it was so long but the time we got our food we had to leave.  So we eat in the car.  Ruth had a play date with Emily.  I was visiting with her Mom for a while and the boys started playing with William so all three stayed.  I picked them up and then went to physical therapy.  He put needles in my pin scars and twisted to break up the scar tissue.  I really helped which is so strange.  After dinner we did yard work and the yard is looking good.  We are at black night now.  They kids were so excited to go.  Everyone have a good night.

Love Rachel

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...