Friday, June 24, 2016

Old Timey

I was thinking I haven't changed the blog in a while and it has been years.  Everything I used to do is gone and I had to find new things.  I felt old.  Today was good.  Isaac and Oliver didn't sleep well last night but they did sleep in which is nice.  We went to story time and that was fun.  Isaac wanted to ride his bike this afternoon but it was too hot so this evening I took him out and he did so good.  It was fun to see him come so far riding his big bike.  Oliver was up running with him and it was cute.  Casey went shooting with his Dad and Collin, Collin wants to buy a new gun.  I will give you a call tomorrow Mom and work out where to meet.  Thanks.



It was busy at work today but I didn't get anything done everyone kept interrupting me.  We did go to the mall after work and get dad some of the tea he liked over the weekend.  He can make it when he wants it now.  They are paving our roads today and tomorrow and they parked all there crap right in our parking spot.  On Saturday we are meeting Rachel and crew at the airshow.  We will have lunch there and then I think we are coming back with Ruthie and Casey and RAchel are staying with the boys to watch the blue angels.  On Sunday, I am good with anything.  That will be fun that you don't work Robin.  We can go to lunch.  Isaac wants to go swimming at Murray swimming pool with the slides.  I will see if they are open on Sunday.  Everyone have a great Friday.  I am so glad that the weekend is close.  I have been so tired all week.  LOVE MOM


Rachel, the blog looks amazing.  Thanks for the updates.  The pictures are darling.  You did a really nice job.  Thanks.  Not much going on with me.  Dad took me out to dinner tonight and that was fun.  We watched Princess Bride on netflixs and that was so much fun.  I love that show.  Work was work but I am getting a handle on things again.  Have a wonderful weekend.  I will see you all soon.  Everyone drive really safe.  LOVE MOM

Finally Friday

I am so glad that the weekend is here. They had doughnuts at work today so that was fun. Work was good. It was the last day of the shipping month so everyone was busy. I was good and finally mowed my lawn it really needed it. I hope everyone had a great Friday.  Bye

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Karen, that is a cute gift.  Good job.  Today was good Isaac had swimming lessons and then we went swimming.  Oliver was grumpy today, I think he was tired.  We just played the rest of the day outside.  Isaac made Mom something for her birthday and it is pretty cute.  I finished a quilt last night and I attached a picture.  We also had a couple of strawberries in the front yard that were ripe and Isaac ate them all, he loved them



Well my day was good. Work was busy so it went by pretty quick. Then I decided to get my visiting teacher something for her baby since he is coming soon. I saw this cute motorcycle thing online so i thought i elwould give it a go. I put a picture below. I think it turned out good. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye

So close

Today was actually kinda slow. It was really nice. I was able to catch up. It was super nice. Then I worked at scheels so nothing to exciting. I work Saturday 10-7 but I'm off sunday if we are doing anything let me know for moms birthday.


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Hump day

Robin, I keep hoping it slows down a little bit for you.  You have been running non stop.  Karen that is a nasty cut you have.  Watch that really close.  Rachel that is fun with the snake, he is huge.  I am glad that swimming lessons are turning out good.  Today was busy at work but I got to go out to lunch so that was nice.  Someone in our office is quitting and it was his farewell luncheon.  We stopped by Walmart on the way home.  We had no treats in the house.  Let me say I am ready for the weekend.  Not much else going on with me.  I can't believe how fast June is going.  LOVE MOM


Good job on the Photoshop Robin, I like it.  I want to do a photo shoot next month and then maybe you could edit the photos, that would be fun.  We had a fun day.  We had swimming this morning and I brought a stroller this time and that helped with Oliver.  I also brought trains instead of cars so he was happier waiting.  The kids love to swim and it feels nice.  The library had a scales and tails show this afternoon and we went and had a fun time.  They bring cool animals and they got to touch a python.  Oliver had no fear and touched it right off but Isaac took some time thinking about it before he did it.  It was outside so we were all pretty hot by the end.  Casey came home about the same time as us and we all took nap, except Isaac who played quietly.  It was nice.


Just keep swimming

Today was good. It was busy, like always. But I just keep going. There is a one new girl that is kinda struggling and I feel bad so that takes up most of my time. I worked at scheels tonight. But the girl that works in the day is gone for the rest of the week so I'm busy doing day and night stuff. But I keep forgetting to add photoshop fun. They are saved I'm my computer. So I took a picture of latte I changed the image. It's not the best quality since it's from my phone but you can get the gist. I changed it from the leafy thing to the skull.



Well my day has been good. Wirk was busy so it went by pretty quick. It was hot outside today. I really don't have anything exciting to report.  I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

So you say

Today was busy since I took a half day in monday for golfing and I worked at scheels. I've been watching photoshop tutorials and liking it. Not much else with me. I'm sorry about your finger karen. I'm glad Issac is feeling better and your ear mom. Have a good one

Pictures of my tests

 This is  a tunnel where the strips move around.  I was all over the place.
 This is where they track eye movement and see if your eyes move involuntarily
I kept losing my balance so they had to catch me. I was hooked up to a bungy cord. 

Quiet day

We got a new person today at work so that was nice.  She is really nice, I like her a lot.  I am not so much dizzy as I just lose my balance and walk not in a straight line.  I am hoping these exercises help.  At least I know that there is a reason why I am all over the place.  I am so glad that Isaac is feeling better.  I think that is funny you had two mouths.  Karen, I agree with Rachel, you are a lucky one.  That will be fun to buy on Amazon.  Robin I am glad that your golf game went well and that Walter didn't get heat stroke.  It sure has been hot.  I am glad tomorrow is hump day.  LOVE MOM


You were born under a lucky money star Karen, that is awesome.  The boys slept in the tent last night so they didn't go to bed until late and then Oliver woke up really mad at 6.  I couldn't fall back to sleep after that.  Isaac had his dentist appointment at 7:50 and Casey took the day off to take him to it.  He was a trouper and did really well.  He was pretty sick when he got home.  He said I looked weird and had two mouths and Casey had three eyes.  I picked him up some antinausea medicine and he felt a lot better after that and slept for a couple of hours.  He was his old self when he woke up.  Ruthie and Oliver also took a nap so Casey was able to work on the Jeep in the afternoon.  I bought a panini maker today also.  I have been making them using a rock to smash it down and we decided to just get the maker today.  The sandwiches are so good and we ate them all day.  I am glad that you are able to work on your inner ear problem Mom.  I am sorry that you have been so dizzy, that sounds horrible.



Well my day has been good. I had to go to 2 meetings today so that took up a lot of my day. I did get an email from amazon and someone sued a publisher so i got a 131 dollar refund. So that was fun. Then I cooked ham fried rice for dinner.  I cooked thru blood and tears. Blood because i cut my finger when cutting up onions, then the tears followed. But i put i bandaid on it so i am all better now. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, June 20, 2016


Today was good. It was Maggie golf day so I only worked a half day. Walter went with me and we had a good time. I have pictures but I decided to blog from my iPad and not my phone so I will attach them tomorrow. I came home and did an hour of photoshop tutorials and now I'm just watching Netflix. I am tired. I'm working the next three days at scheels so I am just enjoying my freedom while I have it. Have a good night



Well, dad took pictures of all tests they did but I couldn't get them to download to my gmail account.  They have physical therapy that can help heal and let your body compensate.  I thought that was good.  Rachel don't feel bad, I should have been more organized.  I was having such a good time that I didn't plan very well.  It all worked out OK.  I am glad that Isaac did so good in the pool.  He is a smart kid he will figure it out.  That is nice you get to swim afterwards.  That really helps reinforce what they learn.  I do love those floaties.  We can get something for Ruth if you want to.  Karen I am so glad that your road is paved.  That was a long time coming.  It is going to seem weird to have it all done for a couple of days.  It sure is a hot one.  I did laundry tonight and our house was 85 with the airconditioner on.  It just couldn't keep up.  It has been weird weather for sure.  Good luck with Isaac's tooth tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


Today Isaac had swimming lessons and he has come a long way from last year, he did a really good job.  After his lesson we went swimming, I was worried about going with three kids but we had a lot of fun and it went really well.  The floates really helped and it made it easy.  We came home and had lunch and watched the new lego movie, it was nice to relax.  It was a hot one today, it is a hot summer.  We went to costa vida for dinner and it tasted really good and nice to get out.  I am glad that you went and did the dizzy test Mom, I hope that it helps.  Sorry again for yesterday, I feel bad we were so late for dinner.



Well they finally got my road paved. It will be so nice not having to drive thru an obstacle course. My day has been good. Work is moving along. It was super hot here today. It was 94 outside when i was walking home from work. I hope everyone has a great day. Bye

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day

Thanks for meeting us at snowbasin, it was beautiful their.  Sorry dinner was a bust and that I lost Casey.  Here are some pictures from today.  The paw patrol stuff was a big hit with Oliver.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...