Tuesday, June 21, 2016


You were born under a lucky money star Karen, that is awesome.  The boys slept in the tent last night so they didn't go to bed until late and then Oliver woke up really mad at 6.  I couldn't fall back to sleep after that.  Isaac had his dentist appointment at 7:50 and Casey took the day off to take him to it.  He was a trouper and did really well.  He was pretty sick when he got home.  He said I looked weird and had two mouths and Casey had three eyes.  I picked him up some antinausea medicine and he felt a lot better after that and slept for a couple of hours.  He was his old self when he woke up.  Ruthie and Oliver also took a nap so Casey was able to work on the Jeep in the afternoon.  I bought a panini maker today also.  I have been making them using a rock to smash it down and we decided to just get the maker today.  The sandwiches are so good and we ate them all day.  I am glad that you are able to work on your inner ear problem Mom.  I am sorry that you have been so dizzy, that sounds horrible.


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