Monday, June 20, 2016


Well, dad took pictures of all tests they did but I couldn't get them to download to my gmail account.  They have physical therapy that can help heal and let your body compensate.  I thought that was good.  Rachel don't feel bad, I should have been more organized.  I was having such a good time that I didn't plan very well.  It all worked out OK.  I am glad that Isaac did so good in the pool.  He is a smart kid he will figure it out.  That is nice you get to swim afterwards.  That really helps reinforce what they learn.  I do love those floaties.  We can get something for Ruth if you want to.  Karen I am so glad that your road is paved.  That was a long time coming.  It is going to seem weird to have it all done for a couple of days.  It sure is a hot one.  I did laundry tonight and our house was 85 with the airconditioner on.  It just couldn't keep up.  It has been weird weather for sure.  Good luck with Isaac's tooth tomorrow.  LOVE MOM

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