Saturday, February 27, 2016

Spring Cleaning

I spent most of the morning cleaning up.  It felt nice to get things thrown out and cleaned up.  Then we met Rachel and family at the train museum.  Rachel that last picture of Oliver is so good.  That is a keeper for sure.  I am glad that you and Walter had a fun time today making sushi.  That is good to do.  Karen I am glad you got your blood test done.  WE have physicals Monday afternoon.  I think we should do dinner when we are done.  They are 4:00 and 4:30.  We also have an appointment for one of dad's heart doctors before that.  Well everyone have a great Sunday.  LOVE MOM


Well I had to get up early this morning to get my blood test done. I was tough and got it done. Then I went grocery shopping since I was there. There were a ton of people at all the bus stops I passed. They all had skis with them. It must have been a good day to go. After lunch I had a nap which was really nice. It was cold and windy here today also. I am glad that you guys had a fun time at the train museum. Bye

Fun day

Today was a fun day.  We went and visited Casey grandma and she is doing really well.  She is going to turn 93 and looks amazing.  I was worried the boys would get bored so I brought a lot of things to do and it worked out good.  We took her to burger king for lunch and ate it ate the park.  It was so windy and cold, I didn't expect that.  So we decided not to go to the airplane museum since it was so cold and met Mom and Dad at the train museum.  The boys love it their and it was a lot of fun.  We tried a new place for dinner, a Mongolian barbecue and it was really good and a fun place.  We have stake conference tomorrow and Casey is helping Kelly fix his car so I think we are going to have a pajama day.  It should be nice.



No comment

Today was fun. I had the whole day off. Walter picked me up to help with apartment stuff. If all goes well he should be able to move the 10th of march. So he was excited.  Then we went to the sushi Making class. We had fun, the guy was funny and said no comment from him ment you were hopeless. We didn't get very many comments on our rolls. We have decided not to be sushi chefs. Lol. Have a good sunday


Friday, February 26, 2016

So glad

I am so glad that it is Friday.  It was a long week.  I am really far behind in my work but I made it through and did what I could.  I am good with that.  I am glad it was a pretty day.  Joe Biden (vice President) came to the Huntsman today and I got to see the convoy up to the hospital.  It was fun to watch.  Love my window.  Not much else going on with us.  I am going to hook up with Rachel and family in the afternoon tomorrow.  Everyone have a really nice weekend.  I can't believe that February is over with.  Time goes so fast.  LOVE MOM


Well I am glad that it is finally the weekend. Work was good today. I stayed busy so it by pretty fast. Except for the last bit which dragged, but I made it thru. I am going to get my blood test done early tomorrow because it has to be a fasting one. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

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Image result for slow work day jokes


The boys woke up early this morning and we all had a hard time getting going but we made it and were in better moods.  This weather is awesome and spent a lot of time outside again.  Casey is going to start to pain the house so he got a gallon of paint today.  They were going to start painting but we didn't want to ruin Isaac's shoes.  So we went the the mall to get cheap ones.  The children's place didn't have anything good so we went to the new show store and got the boys new shoes.  They were really nice and a good price.  Isaac loved his and wore them out of the store.  We got pretzels and gyros for dinner.  It was fun.  Ruth gets a lot of compliments when we go out, she is pretty cute.  I put some moose in her hair today and it made it lay flatter, it was cute.  I will give you a call tomorrow Mom in the afternoon and we will meet up.  I am excited, thanks.


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Nice dinner

I am so glad that the weather is nice. It does make a difference.  Robin, I am glad that work went better.  I do like you new title.  Very impressive.  Karen, I am glad the dentist went well.  That is enough to wear you out.  I am glad you didn't go back to work.  Rachel, I am glad all is well and the kids can go outside.  That does make the day go better.  We had a nice time at dinner tonight.  Kay, Julie and Jen might be coming to the blessing.  I think we should plan on them.  We are going to Hill AirForce Museum this Saturday with the kids.  IT will be afternoon.  If anyone wants to hook up with us.  Have a great Friday.  The last one in February.  Man this month went by fast.  LOVE MOM


I didn't take any good pictures today, I kept forgetting to get my camera out.  My phone doesn't take as good as pictures, I am really liking the new camera.  Today was a lot like yesterday.  It was pretty weather and we spent a lot of time outside.  I am making two tee shirt quilts for a lady I used to work with and I finished putting together a layout in excel.  I sent it to her so I am sure it is what she wanted.  This week is flying by.  It has been so nice to see the sun.



Well i survived the dentist.  It wasn't too traumatic so that was good. I still took the rest of the day after off though. I am glad that your work went good today Robin. Change can be stressful.  I am glad that tmorrow is Friday also. I hope everyone has a great Friday. Bye


Today was alot better. I wasn't as emotional. I am embracing the work change. It's still ambiguous what is going on with job responsibilities but I at the end of the day I'm a qc senior manager so that's what I'm going to roll with for now. Tomorrow it might change. I am so glad tomorrow is friday. I need a break. Saturday me and Walter are taking a sushi making class. It should be fun. Well not much else with me. I am working at scheels tonight so it's a slow night.


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Lovin it

Rachel, I am loving your new camera.  What amazing pictures.  You are really good at taking them.  Robin congratulations on the promotion, I was thinking the same thing as Rachel.  I hope it comes with a raise.  Karen good luck with dentist tomorrow.  I hope it all goes well.  You make them check out the swelling and make sure you don't need another antibiotic.  I am loving this weather also.  Work was good and then we went home.  We made spaghetti for dinner and I did laundry.  It was getting out of control.  Tomorrow night we are meeting up with Kay, Julie and Jeff.  Jen, Rylie, Austin and etc are all going to the Mexican restaurant by Julies.  Dad said he would come with me so that will be fun.  LOVE MOM


Congratulations Robin, that is awesome.  Hopefully they will give you a raise to go with your extra responsibilities.  Good job, you are a hard worker.  Today was really pretty outside and we took advantage of it.  We dropped Isaac of at school and then played outside.  I finished cleaning out the beds and  Oliver dug in the dirt and rode his bike.  After lunch we were back outside until nap time.  Casey said KFC sounded good for dinner so we went their.  It was better than I remember it so I am up for going again.  I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow.



Well my day has been pretty good. Work was busy so it went by fast. The dentist called me at ten to confirm my appointment at noon tomorrow. Then at noon they sent me a text to confirm it again. Then at three they called to change my appointment to 1120. So yeah that was my excitement for today. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

Image result for dentist jokes
Image result for dentist jokes
Image result for dentist jokes

So that's it

Well today was crazy. When the crazy girl left. My boss pulled everyone in and talked with us. She kinda hinted at me being promoted but didn't really finalize anything. Then today she came in and said that me and the other qc girl are getting promoted and we are having 3 seniors now. It's just weird more than anything. I had a talk with my boss because I never really said yes to anything and I didn't know what was expected. And she was like we are just going to try a few things over the next 6 months. So I guess it was good I was promoted but I'm mad that it's to a who knows position. So I'm not excited but hopefully it all turns out. :/then I worked at scheels tonight nothing crazy there. Well have a great night


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Lovin it

I was encouraged also with the sunshine.  It was so nice.  Work was good.  I exploded toner all over the copier room floor.  Three people helped me clean it up.  What a mess.  It was so nice to visit with Karen and afterwards we went grocery shopping and got some stuff for lunches.  I am so glad your doctor's appointment went well.  I am glad that you meeting Robin went well, I was worried about that.  Losing two people at the same time is going to be hard.  It won't be too much longer and you will be in Chicago.  That will be cold.  Have a great hump day. LOVE MOM

Signs of Spring

Today was good and busy.  Oliver has been dying to ride his bike and the weather was nice today so we played on the bikes this morning.  I also started to get all the dead stuff out of the flower beds, I got about half done.  It was nice to work in the yard a bit.  The pictures I took aren't great but I know a lot more now, thanks for all the help Dad.  I sewed with Jenn and worked on Oliver's train quilt.  I am pretty close to being done.  He wouldn't lay down for a nap before she came so he saw the blocks and liked them.  After she left I had to go visiting teaching, I haven't been in forever so it was good to go.  When we got home they wanted to play on their bikes again which was good.  I made dinner and then Casey had scouts.  I am loving this sunshine and I hope that it stays.  Me and Isaac were looking for signs of spring today and found a lot which is encouraging.



Well my day was good. I worked half day and then went to the doctor. The appointment went good. Then after I met mom and dad for dinner. It was fun visiting. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was crazy. We had our meeting. It wasn't really anything huge. It's mostly sale strategies. The gossip going around was way more exciting. Then the girl that has been causing problems decided today was her last day. Then another girl put in her two weeks so we are losing another person. It was quite the day. I am working scheels tonight so nothing exciting tonight. Tomorrow we are doing the runway at work to show our new season so it should be a good day tomorrow. Have a good night


Monday, February 22, 2016


Thank you for coming up for Oliver's birthday and for all the wonderful presents.  It was a really good day, thank you.  Today Casey's car broke down on his way to work.  A belt broke on his alternator.  He was worried that the engine was ruined but he was able to fix it and it is working.  He had to fix it on the side on the road, he is a amazing.  He took Isaac to school and then we all picked him up and went out to lunch and picked up some car parts.  Then we dropped Casey back off at his car and he fixed it and drove it home.  When he got home I impulsively got my hair cut.  It has been bothering me and I figured it was a good day to do it.  It looks a lot like how I cut it after Isaac was born.  I like it so far.  Isaac wanted to go to the jump zone so we went tonight and it was a lot of fun.  The boys were really cute and had fun.  We haven't been in a while and need to go more often.  Thanks again for the fun party.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...