Saturday, February 27, 2016

Fun day

Today was a fun day.  We went and visited Casey grandma and she is doing really well.  She is going to turn 93 and looks amazing.  I was worried the boys would get bored so I brought a lot of things to do and it worked out good.  We took her to burger king for lunch and ate it ate the park.  It was so windy and cold, I didn't expect that.  So we decided not to go to the airplane museum since it was so cold and met Mom and Dad at the train museum.  The boys love it their and it was a lot of fun.  We tried a new place for dinner, a Mongolian barbecue and it was really good and a fun place.  We have stake conference tomorrow and Casey is helping Kelly fix his car so I think we are going to have a pajama day.  It should be nice.



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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...