Friday, February 26, 2016


The boys woke up early this morning and we all had a hard time getting going but we made it and were in better moods.  This weather is awesome and spent a lot of time outside again.  Casey is going to start to pain the house so he got a gallon of paint today.  They were going to start painting but we didn't want to ruin Isaac's shoes.  So we went the the mall to get cheap ones.  The children's place didn't have anything good so we went to the new show store and got the boys new shoes.  They were really nice and a good price.  Isaac loved his and wore them out of the store.  We got pretzels and gyros for dinner.  It was fun.  Ruth gets a lot of compliments when we go out, she is pretty cute.  I put some moose in her hair today and it made it lay flatter, it was cute.  I will give you a call tomorrow Mom in the afternoon and we will meet up.  I am excited, thanks.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...