Saturday, February 12, 2022


 I am glad you guys were able to meet up and have a good day.  Oliver didn't sleep well because his legs hurt last night.  He had an early basketball game at 8 so we skipped it.  Oliver's friend Walter came over and played this morning.  They had a fun time.  After lunch Casey worked on Oliver's bed and I took the kids and Tony to the park.  It was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun.  Isaac's basketball game was good.  Randy and Terri came.  Ruth's friend Emily was there and they had fun.  Oliver's shoe was broken so we went to the mall afterwards and got him a new pair.  We had dinner at the mall.  It was fun and good just to be out all together.  It was a nice evening.  Love you guys.




 We had a nice day. We went to some bookstores with Karen and I loved looking at all the books. We looked at used bookstores and it was such a fun adventure. We hooked up with robin at Fuji's and that was so nice to see Luna. She is growing so fast. We went to the zoo to walk around and got a coke and fries and watched the elephants. That is my favorite. Dad's knee is bothering him so we just did that and the baby gorilla and left. The baby has really grown. Karen went back home and we just vegged the rest of the night. Love mom

Friday, February 11, 2022


It was warmer today which was nice.  I walked and went to exercise class.  I went and got Valentine's presents for the kids and Tony after Ruth went to school.  We had Oliver's Valentine's party today and it was fun.  We just played games in the gym.  The kids had fun.  Everyone also liked the hearts Dad made, thank you for doing that.  Casey helped in Ruth's class since I was in Oliver's and they had fun.  We made Valentine's boxes after school.  It was alot of fun and the kids loved making them.  Then we wrote names on their Valentine's so I think we are set.  Casey didn't have to work late tonight and it was nice to have him home.  Love you guys.


 I went into work today and helped clean out some shelves. It looks so much better. Karen came down and we went to Costco. They have a computer on sale that dad wants. I think I am going to talk him into it tomorrow. We are going to go hunt down books for Karen's capstone tomorrow. Everyone enjoy the weekend.  I was super excited that is get a three day weekend.  Love mom

Thursday, February 10, 2022


Today was good. Jeramy went into work and Luna took long naps. So that help me get ahead. Work has felt busy but I think it's because I'm juggling a 7 month old with it. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. I Hope you get a new job Karen that will be fun. I was looking through Zillow for fun and found a house I like. We are looking at it tomorrow. It's completely out of the blue so I doubt anything will come from it. But it will get us into gear to start looking seriously. I have been 3d printing while I have been working at home. I made everyone at work gear hearts for Valentine's day. I thought it would be fun



 I worked from home today and it was quiet. We did meet the gumm gang for dinner and that was fun. We ate at Texas Roadhouse and had herb crusted chicken and it was so good. Alyssa is selling her condo for 339,000.00. it is only 989 square feet. It is cute but that is a lot of money. I have to go into work tomorrow. Drive safe Karen. Robin I hope you are doing good. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. Love mom


 Good luck Karen.  I am so excited for you to get a new job.  Today ended up being busy.  I walked this morning.  After we dropped off the boys we went and got an outfit for Ruth's hundredth day of school.  She dressed liked a hundred year old.  She was so cute and we had fun.  I forgot to pick up some pictures for Isaac so we went back and Ruth brought her money to buy a toy.  I took Tony to the park to play ball with him.  When I got back the school called because Oliver threw up at recess.  He said Ewan was eating mud and it grossed him out.  I picked him up and we watched a movie.  I accidentally fell asleep.  Ruth had dance class.  Me and Isaac started working on a Valentine's box.  Isaac had basketball practice.  He is acting aor better this week.  We are trying to get the kids to bed early and I think that is helping.  Casey worked late and is super busy.   Isaac left his coat outside all night and it was frozen this morning.  That is the picture of him.  I also cut Oliver's hair.  It was driving me crazy.




 My day was good. It turns out that Rachel and Robin were right and I should have applied to jobs for my major already. My boss talked to the president of the company and he said that I hadn't applied for any jobs yet and that I should apply. So there is a job for a manufacturing engineer that I am going to apply for so wish me luck. Other than that it was a quiet day at work. After work I ran to Food town because I needed Dr. Pepper. Then I came home and did homework. I am good with school until the 25th. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, February 9, 2022


 We had a busy day and it was good.  I walked this morning, it is still cold.  I also went to exercise class and we did High which I love.  Oliver went on a field trip to watch Seussical the musical so he needed to be at school on time.  I had to go to the store and then I studied.  Isaac had parent day at orchestra.  He is doing really well and it was fun to hear him play.  Oliver was out of control and I was so mad at him.  Casey had to work last so we had a early dinner and then did homework.  I had the kids get ready for bed and then we watched a movie.  I had book group tonight also and it was so much fun.  It was really nice to talk with everyone.  Love you guys.



Hump day

 I went into work today and got a lot done. I needed to go in to do some stuff I couldn't do at home. I came home and we are watching the 3 hour dune. It is same story just different movies.  Rachel I hope you had fun at book club. Karen drive safe tomorrow coming down. Robin watch Luna sometimes they get ear aches when they are teething. Doctors say no way but I think it is the swelling that blocks the ear canal. Thank you doctor mom. I haven't been straight on the days all week. I thought tomorrow is Friday. Never mind Karen drive safe in Friday. We are meeting the gumm gang for dinner tomorrow. Love mom


Jeramy Called out again today. He wasn't feeling good. Luna is good she only woke up once last night so that was lovely. She had a really hard time going to sleep tonight. She kept rubbing her ear and couldn't get comfortable. I can start smelling strong scents so that is a step in the right direction. I took the little ones on a walk after work. It was warmer and sunny and Jenkins was dying to go on a walk 



 I am glad that the week is half over. Things are going good here. Nothing too exciting though. Just work and school. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, February 8, 2022


 I am sorry you guys have been sick Robin.  I read an article and said vitamin d will make you not as sick.  When you mentioned Luna fell and it reminded me of when Oliver fell but he was older.  I found a picture.  I also found a cute older picture of Isaac and Oliver.  I walked this morning and it was cold but we survived.  Me and Ruth walked around joann's and got a diamond art to do.  I walked and studied while Ruth was at school.  The kids were so much better today and we're so nice.  It was a lot better day.  They all did their homework and didn't complain.  Casey didn't have to work late because the guy who is training got a flat tire.  Isaac had young men's and they did a etiquette lesson and had desert.  He had fun.  Love you guys.




 I worked from home today and it felt like Friday already. We did go to Sam's to get treats for work so that felt nice. I go into work tomorrow. Karen congratulations on 10 years. Robin I am sorry Luna crashed. That is going to happen a lot. She has no fear. Rachel I hope your day went well. The picture robin posted reminded me if you and homework. Not much else to report on my end. Love mom


I felt better today. Still can't smell anything. Jeramy stayed home he was really tired and didn't feel good. Luna slept alot better last night. But still no teeth. I'm thinking it's never going to happen 😂 she fell on her face today and got a scrape on her cheek. I felt bad for her.


 My day was good. I got my 10 year anniversary plaque today. We are also going out to lunch next week to celebrate. Officially I started on the 13th. Other than that it was just the usual for a Tuesday. I hope that Robin and crew are feeling better. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, February 7, 2022


Luna slept alot better last night. It was nice to get some sleep. Today went by fast so that was nice. I work from home all week so me and Luna watch wiggles and just live the exciting life. after she went to bed I finished a name puzzle Julie wanted. I also tried my pass through alot but failed. So I will have to try it again another day



 I walked in the cold this morning but not very far.  Isaac had a rough day, he had a hard time.this morning.  He said his stomach hurt.  We went to exercise class and that felt good.  Me and Ruth went grocery shopping.  I sewed and studied while Ruth was at school.  Ruth lost something at school so we went to the hobby lobby to get a new one.  Oliver loves going there and I need to take him more.  We picked Isaac up from orchestra and went home.  Casey worked until 8 and will for two weeks.  Isaac had a hard time doing his homework tonight and it is stressful.  Ruth brought home flat Mrs B and she had to do three things with her and write about it.  She did really well and was excited.   Love you guys.




 I worked from home today. It was payroll Monday so that always goes fast. We did go get drugs and then went to Walmart. It was nice to walk around. I work from home again tomorrow. I don't think I will be home much longer. Karen I am glad you went to the kamas library. We will go to the u library on Saturday. Robin I hope things are turning the corner. Rachel it was nice to talk with you today. Love you all mom


 Things are going good here. It is still cold though. It was 10 degrees when I went to work this morning. Work was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. Then after work I went to the Kamas Library to see if I could find some books for my capstone paper. They didn't have anything but it was worth a try. Then I came home and did homework. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, February 6, 2022


 That is werid about your smell Robin.  Good luck quarantine.  Today was ok.  Isaac was grumpy today.  Casey made waffles for late breakfast then we went to the park.  Tony loved going and it was nice to be outside.  Casey is doing the Australia training so he went to work.  We went to church.  Primary is stressful and busy.  We played for a while and then watched the new Ghostbusters movie.  Dad was right, it isn't great.  Everyone have a great week.




 We had a quiet day. Karen was having trouble with her heater so we went up to help. It was a nice drive and it was fun to visit. Rachel I hope your primary went well. Robin I am glad you got some rest. That will help a lot. I am working from home tomorrow. I am going to do payroll tomorrow. Just get up a little earlier. Since I don't have to drive it will be the same as going into work. Just have a whole weekend off. Everyone have a nice week. Love mom


Luna slept better last night she only woke up twice instead of every 2 hours. It helps getting more sleep. She is waking up when you put her down but will sleep if you hold her. So yesterday we got a 2.5 hour nap out of her with me holding her next to me in our bed when I took a nap. So Jeramy did it today and she slept for 4 hours. He made like a blanket fortress in our bed and she accepted. So hopefully we are over the worst of it. But no teeth yet. I lost my sense of smell yesterday. Tonight I could finally smell really strong things but not much. I'm working from home this week. We are off quarantine after that and we can get back to our routine. 



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...