Saturday, May 27, 2017


We made it to Karen's today.  It was kind of a mixed up way.  Dad had to go to work for a bit so Karen came and got me and we went to Costco and lunch.  I found a floaty for Ruth.  It is Coast Guard approved and everything.  I was so glad we found one.  We went up to Kamas and it took a while but the ceiling fan is in and working.  It is so much brighter in there.  I love it.  We came home and I went grocery shopping we are all set for playing.  I love you guys  MOM

Friday, May 26, 2017


Today was good. I only worked a half day. Then I came home and took a nap. Then davin called he was in town so he came over for a bit. We watched a documentary it.was fun. Then after he left I just relaxed and watched Lol I don't work this weekend. I am bird. I'm sorry about Isaacs tooth. For the 24th. We should find a camp ground and make Dutch oven dinner and smores we.can go back to Karen's for fireworks.

I am shocked

Karen, that is weird you didn't get tickets.  I am with Rachel we will come up and party anyway.  It will be fun.  I got to leave work early and come late.  It was nice.  Dad had to work a little late so I took trax to Smith's just to walk around.  I found some cute shirts for Ruth for $2.00.  I feel like I scored.  Dad joined up with me and then we went home.  Later we went to Walmart and bought a new movie.  We are going up to Karen's tomorrow to help her get her ceiling fan installed.  I am excited to play this weekend.  Robin do you work during the weekend?  Rachel, I am so glad you took Isaac in.  The meds will help a lot.  LOVE MOM


I am sorry Karen, it is the luck of the draw I guess.  I think we should still come up and we can walk around and see the cars and then watch the fireworks in your backyard.  I think we can still make it work and have fun.  Today turned out pretty good.  Isaac slept well and doesn't seem to be in a lot of pain.  He didn't want to go to school so he stayed home.  I babysat this morning and the kids all had fun.  Randy came and took Ruthie and Oliver up to the park and then his house while I took Isaac to the dentist.  It was really nice and they had a fun time.  The dentist went good, Isaac was brave.  Afterwards we went to Walmart and filled his prescription and got him a prize.  At first he got a lego but then we were looking for something for Ruth and we saw these robot pets.  I thought they looked fun so he changed his mind to that.  We got a dog one for him and cat for Oliver.  They love them and have played with them all day.  We decided they are better than a real pet because they can turn off and don't ever die but still are fun.  We went up to Randy's and I took the little ones home and they both took a nap.  Isaac stayed up and played for a while.  They sent everyone home at Casey's work and said no overtime today so he mowed the lawn.  The yard is looking really nice.  I hope that everyone gets some rest tomorrow and has a good day off.  We will see you Sunday.


Sad News

Well I have sad news, we didn't get tickets to the derby. I can't believe the sold out that quick. I mailed it the first day. Other than that my day was good. I am glad that the weekend is here. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, May 25, 2017


I think Isaac is doing better.  We were playing playdough after dinner for a half an hour maybe and we start to clean up and I look at Isaac and his jaw is swollen.  He has been complaining about his teeth hurting and he didn't sleep well but I thought it was just his molar.  We called the dentist and he said to give him some medicine and they will look at it in the morning.  We are thinking it is an impacted molar maybe, they will take xrays and see I guess.  Other than that we had a good day.  We went on a walk this morning and then went to the hobby lobby.  After lunch I worked on pulling a ton of grass out of the raspberries and it looks a lot better.  When Ruthie woke up we went to the park and we had a fun time.  We just took it slow and played and then walked around and looked at everything, it was fun.  I hope that everyone have a good Friday.



I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope Isaac's jaw is okay. My jaw is doing better. Antibiotics are wonderful things. My day at work was good. Nothing to wild and crazy to report. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


Karen you might be contagious.  Isaac's jaw is all swollen up now.  Crazy.  I hope he sleeps tonight.  I went to work early and after work I met up with the Gumm gang.  It was a nice visit.  Not too much going on.  I am over my hours so I get to leave at 3:00 tomorrow.  I am jealous Robin that you get to leave at noon.  Rachel let me know how Isaac does.  If you need anything let me know.  LOVE MOM


Today was.long. tomorrow I am only working a I am jazzed. I also had to work at scheels tonight so that was ok. I am excited for the long weekend. I am going to sleep and nap. Lol


Wednesday, May 24, 2017


I am sorry about your tooth Karen, you are so good to stay on top of things.  You are doing a good job, you just got the Gumm teeth.  Isaac is fine about the program, Casey took the day off and I think it will still be a good day for him.  Today was good.  All three of the kids didn't sleep that great, something in the air.  This morning I needed a bridal shower present so we went to kitchen kneads and got that, then to Sam's for some diaper and treat.  I got the kids a pizza and icee and they were a lot happier after that.  When we got home Oliver went in his room and fell asleep and then Ruthie took a nap.  So it was just me and Isaac.  He is always complaining that he never has time to play so I just let him play and I sewed a bit.  Isaac was watching a Judo test so I took all the kids and we met Casey their.  I had a bridal shower during it so I left with Ruthie and went to that.  It was good to see everyone from the old ward and see Jenn.  Oliver was cranky so Casey took him to the airport so I dropped Ruthie off their and went and watched the rest of the test with Isaac.  Isaac was kind of bored but we made it.  I kept forgetting to say but Oliver loves that dog he got for Christmas.  He takes it everywhere and Ruthie always pets it gently when he holds it, it is cute.



Sorry about your tooth. I've had a tooth ache for a bit I guess i should go in. Hopefully it's not as tramatic. Today was good nothing exciting. I had to work at scheels so it was a chill night.



We really ended up with a storm this evening.  It rained and the wind blew.  Karen I am glad you went in and got checked.  That could have gotten out of control quickly.  I talked with Isaac and he is good with have a graduation party on Monday.  I thought we could swim and then I bought a piñata and we could have a party.  I thought about going to Leatherby's for lunch.  Would that be too much?  Well everyone have a great Thursday.  Love you all MOM

What a day

Well I have had a sore tooth for a few days so I decided to get it checked out.  So I called the dentist and the fit me in this morning. Turns out I have an abscessed tooth. Since it was in the same spot as the one I had last year he said I would have to go to a oral surgeon and get it cleaned out and maybe part of the root amputated. It sounded painful so I asked about getting it pulled and putting an implant in. He said that was fine also, so I  am doing that instead. Since it has an infection he wants it pulled soon, so a week from today I am going in. Sorry about the conflict with Isaac's graduation. Other than that it was just the usual. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Today was ok. Everyone at work was on one. But whats new. Ha ha then I just chilled. I've been having more energy which was nice. I am so glad we have a long weekend ahead. Not much else



I bought Josh Grobans new Broadway cd and when it got here I was like I don't have anywhere to listen to this but the car.  I should have just downloaded it.  Today was good.  We went to Walmart this morning and I was going to get a bridal shower gift for Jenn's daughter but I couldn't find anything.  I did get some new hoses, our last year all had holes in them so we are starting over with all new hoses.  The kids always fight over these big balls so I got Ruthie and Oliver one but then after school Isaac was sad because he wanted a new one so Casey took them back when I was at young women's and they ended up with three more balls.  This afternoon was so hot I put the sprinkler on the trampoline and they boys loved it, they played forever on it then we watched a show until dinner.  Casey had earlier scouts so when he was done we all went and got ice cream and then I went to young women's.  I think that this weekend will be fun, thanks guys.


Pretty day

It was so pretty outside.  It was hard just not to look out the window all day.  Work was good.  I got a lot done and it was nice.  We stopped at Harmons on the way home and it was before 6 so we stopped at that Vinyl store and man that is an amazing store.  I picked up a few things for you Robin.  We will have to go there.  We stopped by Kohls and I found some cute shorts for Ruth.  Then we came home and vegged.  I started with another headache.  That is really getting old for sure.  I have to go to work early tomorrow to help set up a class.  I am good with plan for the weekend.  Karen I think we will come up on Saturday and put up your ceiling fan.  LOVE MOM

Next week we get Monday off

I thought that might give everyone courage for the week when they saw that next Monday is a holiday.  Rachel, I am sorry you don't feel good.  I hope you are OK.  If you need me to come up and help I can.  That is fun to have a picnic.  Ruth will be dressing herself very soon and she will put on what she wants to wear.  That might be pretty interesting.  Girls know what they want to wear for sure.  I wasn't sure what everyone was doing for the holiday.  If Casey needs to some we can take the kids, we are going to Kamas to help Karen put her ceiling fan in but that won't take a whole weekend unless they want to play up there.  I don't really have any plans at all.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  I can't believe how fast May is going.  LOVE MOM


Well things are going good here in kamas. Work was good. Nothing exciting to report. After work I made beef and broccoli with rice. It tasted really good. I also did laundry tonight and did my dishes. I felt really productive.  I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Monday, May 22, 2017

The worse

I found out today I somehow got a mosquito bite on the bottom of my foot. It's not super fun. I went grocery shopping today so that was good. I was thinking maybe we can go swimming memorial day? We hired another girl. That should start next tuesday so let's hope she's good. We need someone normal. Ha ha
Have a good night



I didn't feel great today but I was a good day.  I babysat this morning and it went good.  The kids had a fun time.  This afternoon we didn't have any homework so Isaac could play all he wanted.  He had martial arts and Casey picked him up.  Ruthie likes to sit in the car when Casey gets home so they were doing that and decided to drop off some old oil and get panda for dinner.  When they got back we had a picnic outside and the kids loved that.  It was pleasant evening.  Ruthie has been dressing herself a lot, it is so cute.  I attached a picture.



My Monday has been good. It was just the usual for a Monday. After work I got into my car and something smelled funny so I searched around and found a noodles and company to go container under the front seat. So I threw that away and left my windows open so that my car could air out a bit. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Sunday, May 21, 2017


My day was good also. It rained here a but also. Thanks for the fajitas mom. They tasted really good. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Easy peasy

I forgot to blog last night. The makeup went well yesterday. Then i went to my coworkers wedding shower. The other girls i work with went to olive garden. Then today i slept in and rested. It was needed. I've been talking the vitamins too and they seem to be helping. I did a batch of laundry. I also ordered out texas road house and got a steak. It tasted really good. I like your tote bag Rachel. Hope everyone has a good week


Sunday of meetings

Thanks for coming up again yesterday, it was such a nice day.  Last night I watched passengers on vudu and almost finished up my tool tote.  I didn't love the movie but it was good to watch it, thanks Mom and Dad.  I love my tool tote, it was fun to sew and turned out so good.  Today was good.  We went to church.  Oliver was kind of grumpy but he went to his class and did ok.  He did so good going potty today, it was amazing.  He even said when he needed to go which is a big step.  I had meetings for most of the day and Casey watched the kids.  After dinner went walked to the park along the canal.  It was so nice, we haven't walked that way since they change the canal and it brought back a lot of memories.  The kids had fun running around and going to the park.  It was a nice evening.  Kelly came over and is helping Casey work on the transmission which is fun.  Everyone have a good Monday and don't work too hard.


Ruth was dressing herself all day, it was pretty cute.

Quiet day

It was a really quite day here.  I slept in and just watched TV all day.  It kind of rained here this morning.  The relief society president came and visited for awhile.  Not much else to report on my end.  I had a nice time yesterday.  Thanks again for the nice day.  Robin, I hope the vitamins are helping.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...