Wednesday, May 24, 2017


I am sorry about your tooth Karen, you are so good to stay on top of things.  You are doing a good job, you just got the Gumm teeth.  Isaac is fine about the program, Casey took the day off and I think it will still be a good day for him.  Today was good.  All three of the kids didn't sleep that great, something in the air.  This morning I needed a bridal shower present so we went to kitchen kneads and got that, then to Sam's for some diaper and treat.  I got the kids a pizza and icee and they were a lot happier after that.  When we got home Oliver went in his room and fell asleep and then Ruthie took a nap.  So it was just me and Isaac.  He is always complaining that he never has time to play so I just let him play and I sewed a bit.  Isaac was watching a Judo test so I took all the kids and we met Casey their.  I had a bridal shower during it so I left with Ruthie and went to that.  It was good to see everyone from the old ward and see Jenn.  Oliver was cranky so Casey took him to the airport so I dropped Ruthie off their and went and watched the rest of the test with Isaac.  Isaac was kind of bored but we made it.  I kept forgetting to say but Oliver loves that dog he got for Christmas.  He takes it everywhere and Ruthie always pets it gently when he holds it, it is cute.


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