Friday, May 26, 2017


I am sorry Karen, it is the luck of the draw I guess.  I think we should still come up and we can walk around and see the cars and then watch the fireworks in your backyard.  I think we can still make it work and have fun.  Today turned out pretty good.  Isaac slept well and doesn't seem to be in a lot of pain.  He didn't want to go to school so he stayed home.  I babysat this morning and the kids all had fun.  Randy came and took Ruthie and Oliver up to the park and then his house while I took Isaac to the dentist.  It was really nice and they had a fun time.  The dentist went good, Isaac was brave.  Afterwards we went to Walmart and filled his prescription and got him a prize.  At first he got a lego but then we were looking for something for Ruth and we saw these robot pets.  I thought they looked fun so he changed his mind to that.  We got a dog one for him and cat for Oliver.  They love them and have played with them all day.  We decided they are better than a real pet because they can turn off and don't ever die but still are fun.  We went up to Randy's and I took the little ones home and they both took a nap.  Isaac stayed up and played for a while.  They sent everyone home at Casey's work and said no overtime today so he mowed the lawn.  The yard is looking really nice.  I hope that everyone gets some rest tomorrow and has a good day off.  We will see you Sunday.


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