Tuesday, May 23, 2017


I bought Josh Grobans new Broadway cd and when it got here I was like I don't have anywhere to listen to this but the car.  I should have just downloaded it.  Today was good.  We went to Walmart this morning and I was going to get a bridal shower gift for Jenn's daughter but I couldn't find anything.  I did get some new hoses, our last year all had holes in them so we are starting over with all new hoses.  The kids always fight over these big balls so I got Ruthie and Oliver one but then after school Isaac was sad because he wanted a new one so Casey took them back when I was at young women's and they ended up with three more balls.  This afternoon was so hot I put the sprinkler on the trampoline and they boys loved it, they played forever on it then we watched a show until dinner.  Casey had earlier scouts so when he was done we all went and got ice cream and then I went to young women's.  I think that this weekend will be fun, thanks guys.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...