Thursday, August 19, 2010


Well The letters of who made it into frightmares came out today. I didn't get one because they said they already talked to me and I knew I was already in. O well. I will pretend it was a big deal. But yeah I'm doing makeup for frightmares. I have halloween off, how odd is that, but its nice because then I don't have to worry about zombie walk times. :) well I'm excited to see everyone this week. woot. I work tomorrow night so I will be at the apt late. Then on saturday I have to be in draper by 10. Sorry about the crazy times. But at least I will have most the day saturday to play. Well I'm am off to bed. Everyone drive safely.

love you

Almost the weekend

I am so excited to the weekend and being able to hang with everyone. Karen drive safely. I hope you party is way fun. I am excited for you. What an adventure. Not much going on with me. I didn't paint tonight I ironed. Boy I do live an exciting life. We did drive clear to Smithfield for gas. It was a nice drive. We went to Angies for dinner. They are so nice to us there. Grandma really likes that place. See you guys soon.


You can do it

Karen, have fun at your party tomorrow. I am excited for you. I don't have anything exciting going on. Work is going really good and I like it. It has been a fast week. Robin, I am excited for your Zombie walk, it will be really neat. Good job. I will see everyone this weekend, it will be fun.

One more

One more work day left. Today was good. It rained last night and boy was the thunder loud. It last from mid night until about 3 so sleep was a little hard to get. Especially with the lightening lighting up my room every couple of minutes. Robin a passport is not necessary for my trip they said that you needed either a passport a birth certificate though. I did get your invite to the zombie thing also. Mom, I am glad that you get getting over the half way mark. I can help you when I get up there in about a week. Well have a great Friday everyone.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

And the paint goes on

Well I am starting to see an end to the deck painting. I only have one more side of railing to do and then just powerwash the floor and stain it. I know that still is quite a bit to do. I had a nice day today. Just worked and then painted. I don't have any more news than that. I am excited for the weekend, maybe that is why today was nice. See you guys soon


Zombies... bring it on

Well they guy from art cinema called me today and we are on for the zombie walk. we are going to do it the 31 of october right on halloween. yeah. I'm excited. I made an event on facebook but I don't know if you guys got an invite. I've never made an invitation before if you didn't get one will you let me know??? I'm excited for your cruise karen, do you need your passport for a cruise? I think you will have loads of fun. well that was my big news. I hope everyone has a great night

love you



Well I am 99% of the way packed. I was having stress and they best way to defeat it is to do something. SO I packed. All I have to do now is pack my pj's and electronic stuff then I am set. I called and got my lantus refilled so I will pick that up tomorrow at lunch and then I will have it all set. Right now my phone, camera, and kindle are charging. You know all the important things in life. Just 2 more working days until vacation. I am glad that you got a quiet day Robin. I love those. I am sorry the the impostor three tenors weren't very good Rachel. maybe they should have lip sync to the cd of the real tenors instead. Well I think that I have rambled on enough so I will go. Thanks again for the travel kit Robin. I love it. See you all soon. BYE

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

WEll I had the day off today, I went and saw eat pray love with a girl at work. It was kind of a long movie to sit through. I'm glad I saw it but I don't think I would buy it. then me and dad went out for dinner. It was a lazy day but nice. That is sweet of casey's sister to get you some things rachel. well nothing else to exciting I work tomorrow morning. Have a great one



I did get an hour of paint in tonight. It is coming along. I lost grandma's check book somewhere so we had to go close her account and open a new one. I am losing it. I was up until 1 last night looking for it. I have no idea where it is. I did get a half hour nap tonight and that helped a lot. I am so excited for the weekend. It will be fun to be with everyone. I miss you guys. Wow Karen I can't believe that next week at this time you will be swimming in the ocean. Oh that just sounds to wonderful to be true. Or maybe stuffing your face on crab and lobster. Oh boy I better stop talking about it. Rachel that is so nice of Mandy to send you some clothes. You are right he is going to be the best dressed baby. Oh OK he is just going to be the best everything baby. LOVE MOM

The Fake Three Tenors

Tonight after talking about it all summer we made it to the free concert in the park. It was fun to go too but the three fake tenors weren't that good. It was still fun to go too. Mandy, Caseys sister, sent us a box of baby things. It was really sweet of here and they are really cute. Their is a pair of cute shoes. This baby is going to be well dressed.


Well just three more work days until my vacation. This week has been going as slow as I expected. I have been bored at work also, doesn't it just figure. It is hot here again today. I keep burning my hands on my car steering wheel. Oh well at least summer is coming to an end. I am glad that you got sleep Robin. That always makes my world a better place. Have a great rest of the week. BYE

Monday, August 16, 2010

you can stand under my umbrella

Well today was good. I slept in and chilled and then I worked at lagoon. It was nice to only work at one place. I feel alot better now that I had slept I was starting to feel drained. I'm excited for your party karen that is so sweet of everyone to do that. I love when count downs get down to days. Rachel's seems like it is so far away. I know its only 4 1/2 months. I guess I will just have to wait. :) Its really windy tonight I guess a storm is going to blow in. Tomorrow I am going to a movie with a girl at work and then I have the whole night off. woot. I have to make some stencils for a movie in a few weeks. but nothing to crazy

have a great one
love you


Karen that is so nice of everyone to do that for you. You are going to have to go find a Hawaii shirt now. That sounds like so much fun. You are so spoiled. I had a quiet night. I decided it might rain so I didn't paint and I just did laundry and did another burb cloth for CJ. He has enough to last for a while I think. I do love to make them. My next one will be airplanes. I just finished a computer one. It felt really nice just to sit for awhile. I am going to paint tomorrow for sure. The project needs to be completed. Dad made it safe and sound to SLC. Still plugging along. I wish the detector would just work. It is so close. Well have a great day. I love you guys



Karen, that sounds fun. You work with nice people. I am excited for you. Your going to have blast on your cruise. I am jealous. Well not too much going on. I have been eating a lot and that is fun. Casey worked tonight and worked on my sea urchin quilt for a while. Everyone stay safe.



Well apparently we needed to have a party at work. So we are celebrating my cruise at 4 on Friday. With Hawaiian shirts and grilled pineapple and the like. It should be fun. Tom did mention that since we are having a party at work I really didn't need the whole week off then, but I told him that I still thought I did. Other than that is was just a Monday. Just another day to mark off my calender. Well I hope that everyone else had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I had a good day, we went to church and then came home and tookk a nap. With Mom's help I made some of these Jello, yorgurt, waffer snacks. They taste really good and they are easy to make. Casey remebered he had to do a couple of things at work so he was up there most of the day. I had more energy today so I worked on finishing some of my projects. It felt really good to sew again and finish some things. I really haven't sewn a lot lately. Here are pictures of what I finished.


I like your quilt rachel, its super cute. I think that the colors turned our really well.... Well yesterday I worked and then I went to zombie prom. It was fun, nothing to crazy but I had a good time. Today I worked again, there were so many people going to lagoon today it was insane. I work tomorrow night as well. so my life is work and more work. but its good. I'm excited for your cruise karen I can't believe how fast time has gone. At least you get to have a fun vacation before the "summer" ends. Its going to be winter before we know it. Love ya'll



I love lazy sundays. I just rested. We even made it to sacrament meeting and they ordained dad a High Priest. So he is officially a old man now. We went for a sunday drive and now we are going downstairs to watch a movie. I heard a boy's name at the fair and thought I would let you try it out. Carson. I thought that sounded nice. So many names, so many choices.


It's so Fluff

Rachel that quilt looks really fluffy and cute. Well things are good here in St. George. This is the last full Sunday for the branch I go to. Next Sunday they are just having sacrament meeting and then we are combined with the other ward. I am thinking that I might just bite the bullet and start going to the family ward. Oh well I am gone the next 2 Sundays any way. I cook a pot roast with baked potatoes for dinner. It tasted good. Just one week left. I am excited. Well I hope that everyone had a great Sunday bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...