Saturday, July 12, 2014


Today was good I just was lazy in the morning and had makeup in park city. It was at the hotel montage. Super nice place. We did makeup in a suite and it was pricey looking. Joe had to cancel tomorrow because he had to work so we are going to try for next week. That is really terrible about Richard. Cancer is a terrible thing. I'm glad you guys are having fun though I'm excited for Karen new furniture. I'm glad you guys go up to bear lake. It's so pretty up there. Well have a good night


Good day

We had a nice day also.  I forgot to take a picture of the furniture in Karen's family room but it looks really nice in there.  She is really going to like that.  We had a fun day hanging out.  I am glad you went to Bear Lake Rachel that is fun.  I love the picture of Oliver Casey sent out.  I am excited to come up next weekend.  Robin, I hope your makeup went well today and it goes well tomorrow also.  We did go grocery shopping after we came back from Park City.  I have food again.  LOVE MOM

Fun in the sun

Vickie had her baby today.  She looks like a cute baby.  I am sorry about Richard.  That is really sad and horrible.  We had a good day.  Casey was worried about the pool being too deep for Isaac so we decided to go to Bear Lake.  We drove up and picked up Calleen and Allen then we headed to the north shore of Bear Lake.  It was so crowded.  I wasn't expecting it.  It took us an hour to get to the beach and Oliver was hunger.  We found a spot and had a good time.  I brought some buckets and truck and Isaac liked playing in the sand.  He liked his boat and wouldn't let anyone else use it.  The umbrella worked really well and we kept Oliver in the shade which was nice.  Then we went and got pizza and shakes.  We went home through Logan and Casey dropped me and the boys off and then drove his Mom and Allen back to Idaho which was really nice of him.  We had a good day, it was fun to play in the water.  I am glad that you got your furniture moved Karen.  I am excited to see it.



My day has been good. Mom and dad come up this morning and helped me move my furniture around. Then we went to lunch at high land drug. We went to Park City and went to Best Buy and Michael's. Then we went to the 2nd Planet of the Apes movie. It was pretty good. Thanks again mom and dad for the fun day. Rachel I am glad you got rid of a car payment that will be nice. Well I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Friday, July 11, 2014


Congratulations Rachel and Casey.  I bet that was hard to give up the car.  I hope you find a good cheap car for Casey.  I really like that umbrella.  That is neat looking.  Have fun at the hot springs tomorrow.  Not much going on with us.  I am excited to go to Kamas tomorrow.  Good luck Robin with all your makeup jobs with weekend.  I hope they are fun for you.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that you got a subway Karen, that sounds like a nice treat.  I am glad that Mom and Robin had a nice dinner, that sounds fun.  We had a good day.  Some people looked at the white car last night and they wanted to buy it.  It was less than we asked for but we decided to sell it.  It feels really good to not have a car payment anymore and we made a little off of the sale so we are going to get Casey a cheap car.  This morning Casey wanted to get me a birthday present and I wanted a sun umbrella to keep the kids out of the sun so we went and got one.  I am really excited for it.  We are going to use it tomorrow and we can use it at bear lake.  It will be nice.  This afternoon we went up to Randy's.  I had a plant on the table and we aren't putting one there anymore so we brought it up to him.  He took us out to McDonald's and that was fun.  Then Casey meet up with the car buying people at the bank and signed all the papers.  Then Casey and Isaac went to the splash park while I gave Oliver a late nap.  Tomorrow we are going to pick up Calleen and Allen and do something water related.  It should be fun.  I am excited for my birthday and to have everyone come up.  It will be a lot of fun.



I am glad that it is finally the weekend. I have been meaning to mow my lawn since Wednesday, but it was always rainy when I got off work. So I finally managed it today. It really needed to be done. Since I was good and actually mowed it I decided that I would reward myself with subway instead of having to cook. It was good. I am excited for mom and dad to come up tomorrow. We are going to move furniture in order to make room for my new stuff. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Nice evening

That picture is so cute of Oliver.  I love that stage when they find there feet.  It is very entertaining for them.  I am so glad that you got Isaac's teeth fix and he won't remember it.  I am sorry he got the bad teeth.  Poor kid.  We had a nice dinner with Robin and Walter and we got a lot of wind but no rain.  I was so tired this afternoon.  I am glad that it is Friday.  I do love the thunderstorms.  LOVE MOM


Isaac went to the dentist this morning and they were able to fix his teeth.  They were bad and it is good that we got them taken care of.  They gave him something so he wont remember the ordeal which is good.  He wasn't a happy camper.  He did well in the day and played outside for a while.  He fell asleep around 4 and has been out ever since.  He needed the sleep.  He did a really good job today.  Oliver has found his feet which is cute.  I attached a picture but it is hard to capture the moment so he is just close to his feet.   I sprayed round up today so I hope that it doesn't rain up here.  That is fun that you guys are having thunder storms.


2 dollars

Today was good I officially put in my notice it went well. Everyone knows it's a better move. It will be good. Then I met up with mom dad and Walter for dinner it was fun. The weather is starting to look nasty there was lighting and really windy. It will be an interesting night that is for sure. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday !! It's going to be so nice to have a weekend. I am doing makeup most of the weekend so it's good. I'm excited. Stay safe in the weather and have a happy Friday! 



Well there is quite the thunder storm going on right now. There was a little bit of rain with it so hopefully the lightening won't start any fires. My day was good. Work went by quickly in the morning, but it dragged a bit in the afternoon. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. It is also payday and free slurpy day at 7-11. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Thanks I'm excited to start my new job but I'm nervous to hand in my notice tomorrow, Isaac is cute Oliver has long legs. I remember isaacs being solid. I can't believe Oliver is trying to eat solids. Well about the new job it's at Maggie sottaro it's a wedding dress shop, I am going to. Basically doing desk job stuff but it's called factory manager. It will be a diffrent challenge but will be good. Today at work was good though I did my first car decal it was fun. It took a long time but that's ok we were slow. Well have a good night. 



Yea Robin, I am so excited for you.  That will be fun.  I don't think Isaac is a sensory seeker either.  I have worked with a bunch of the kids and he is just a normal kid.  He is just fine.  I love the picture of Oliver in the jumper.  It reminds me of Isaac when he was barely looking over the edge.  So cute.  I am glad you got rain Karen.  That is so nice.  We didn't get anything.  I am excited to hook for dinner tomorrow Robin.  Not much else going on with me.  I am ready for the weekend.  I hope everything goes good at the dentist tomorrow with Isaac.  I will be praying for you guys.  Let me know how it goes when he is done.  LOVE MOM

Yea for Robin

Congratulations Robin on the new job.  I am super excited for you.  You rock.  We had a busy day.  Isaac had a PT appointment for his toe walking.  He is doing better and he said keep wearing the braces.  He said that Isaac is sensor seeking but I read about it online and Isaac isn't that bad but we just need to teach him how organize better.  Sean let us borrow a balance board which was really nice of him.  It should be good for Isaac.  At lunch I started feeding Oliver solid foods.  He didn't eat any but we are just going to start practicing.  After lunch we picked up the medicine for Isaac's dentist appointment tomorrow and the we went to a Frozen party at the library.  Isaac was so excited to go and talked about it all day.  He had a list of things that he was going to tell Elsa but he got nervous when we got up there and didn't say anything and he looks angry in his picture but he was nervous.  They had a cute program and all the kids knew all the songs and sang them all.  It was really hot though.  After dinner Casey, Randy, Colin and Isaac went on a bike ride.  They are gone now and I hope that they are having a good time.  We also pulled out Oliver's jumper and he really likes it.  Wish us luck tomorrow at the dentist.  I hope that it goes good.



Robin congratulations on the new job. I am excited for you. You just have to make it thru 2 more weeks of your old job. My day was good. Nothing as exciting as Robin's news. It wasn't raining when I left work but about 10 minutes after I got home it started pouring rain. The good news about that is I can procrastinate mowing my lawn and I don't have to water tonight. My exciting news is my couch gets delivered one week from today. Have a great Thursday tomorrow everyone and good luck turning in your notice Robin. Bye

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Shun on

Today was ok. It was hot again at work and I was tired. I felt like a zombie at work. I just counted the minutes till I could go home. Then I came home and worked on projects. Walter bought this cool leather panel jacket but it was Xl and he needs 3x so I added in some panels. I think tomorrow me and Walter are going to hang out so I thought I would have him try it on. It's not done but the panels are in. I am glad everyone hasn't melted. Have a good ones and don't forget it's 7-11 day on Friday get a slurpee!! 

I am with you

I agree with Karen, I am so ready for Friday.  I haven't been focusing very well at work, I just want to play.  I love your bear lake pictures Rachel and I am so glad that your AC is fixed.  That house can get hot.  We went to the store tonight and got stuff for lunches.  Thanks for picking up the tickets Karen.  I am so excited.  Everyone have a great Hump Day.  Say HI to Shaun and everyone for me at Cache Kids.  I think Isaac is doing a lot better also.  LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. We skipped engineering meeting this morning because most everyone who goes is at the trade show. I am ready for it to be Friday, but I guess I will just have to wait. I finished my Escher puzzle, but to my annoyance I am missing one piece. I looked and looked for it but didn't find it. I even swept my floor in an attempt to find it. No luck though. Oh well what can you do. Rachel I am glad that you got your ac fixed. I pick up the tickets for the demolition derby. Just a reminder to everyone that it is on Saturday the 26th of July. I am excited. Well have a great Wednesday tomorrow everyone. Bye


We were tired today from the late night yesterday but it was worth it.  We just took it easy this morning.  The AC guys were supposed to come so I didn't want to go to far so we skipped story time.  I still sewed with Jenn and that is when the AC guys showed up so it was a little crazy but it all worked out.  It is working now and it feels really good.  I started working on the quilt for Mom that Robin got at the quilt show.  It will be pretty.  Also I started sewing car roll up holders for Hayden and Oliver.  I also made Hayden, Oliver and Isaac a crayon roll up.  This evening we went grocery shopping.  Tomorrow Isaac has a check up for his toe walking.  We haven't been as good at wearing the braces with the heat this weekend but I think that he is getting better.  I hope that everyone had a good day and a good night.


Monday, July 7, 2014

Fun Day

Robin, I like your photo shoot.  Good job.  We had a really nice day.  This morning we went to the hobby lobby and then the jump zone.  Isaac had a lot of fun there.  After lunch Isaac and Oliver both fell asleep and I was able to finish up my quilt.  I really like how it turned out.  Casey texted me and said that we should go to bear lake to beat the heat.  He wanted to ride his bike home and Colin wanted to come also.  We got kind of a later start than we wanted because we had to wait for Isaac to wake up so Casey didn't get to ride his bike but we still had a really fun time.  We got pizza and rasberry milkshakes for dinner.  Then we drove north and found a beach to play at.  Colin took off on his bike and we caught up with him when we were done and picked him up.  Isaac loved the water and had a blast playing in it.  It felt really good to wade in, we had fun.  We didn't get back till late but the kids were really good and it was fun.  Tomorrow the AC guys are coming so it should be cooler.  Everyone have a good day tomorrow.


Summer has arrived

It was a hot one today.  I forgot it was a luncheon away from work today.  We went to the Dodo for lunch.  It was nice to have a break on the first day back.  It was hard to get back into normal life again.  Not much going on with me either.  Thursday will work for us.  Robin your picture turned out good.  I am glad you got to do a photo shoot.   That is always fun for you.   Have a great week, stay cool.  LOVE MOM


It was hot, hot, hot today. Our swamp coolers were not keeping up the pace so it was just adding humidity to the air. Then Walter took me to baza grill it tasted good. It hit the spot. Mom Walter said Thursday would be good for dinner if that work for you, have a good one stay cool.



Well I made it thru Monday. It was pretty good. Work was quiet. They have a big trade show in California this week, so there are a lot of people gone to that. I really don't have much else to report so I will sign off. Have a great one. Bye

Sunday, July 6, 2014

A full week

I am sad that it is a full work week I wish we only worked 4 days a week. But it will be good. I had a photoshoot today with joe, it wasn't the skull one, we might do it next week, then I just came home and relaxed, it was nice to just chill. It was really hot today though so I have been running my air conditionor all day. But it's so worth the extra electrical bill, well have a good Monday


Fun times

I sure had a nice weekend.  It is hard for it to be over with for me as well.  We took Grandma Bodily to breakfast this morning and then to Walmarts.  It was nice to visit.  I was showing her picture on the blog and she saw your quilt and love it.  I thought that would make you feel good Rachel.  I did take a nap today also.  I have had naps every day this weekend.  You would think I would be rested up.  Have a wonderful week.  It should be a hot one.  LOVE MOM


I am sad that the long weekend is over also. I had the hardest time falling asleep last night. So I took a nap this afternoon also. I hope that everyone had a great day and that everyone will have a good week. Bye

The Sabbath

Today was good.  Casey went on a bike ride this morning, he couldn't get a hold of Colin this morning so he went by himself and had a good time.  He found a awesome house when we are millionaires we are going to buy.  Me and the boys went to church and it went good.  I had to teach today and the girls in my class loved holding Oliver and he did well.  I missed relief society because I had to feed him and then he was fussy so I went in the hall.  After church I drove by the house to see if Casey was home and he was so I picked him up and we went to McDonald's for lunch and Isaac to could play in the playland.  It was fun until he had a meltdown in the middle of the playland and Casey had to go up there and carry him out.  In the afternoon we watched the lego movie and then Isaac napped.  I have been working on the pineapple quilt and I have it all together.  I just need to add one more border.  I will put a picture on when I am finished.  I love it if I just don't look at the parts that bug me.  It is pretty.  I am sad that the weekend is over but we have fun stuff coming up so that is good.  Everyone have a good Monday.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...