Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sounds fun

Well I like all the plan mentioned. It all sounds like a fun time. Well work just trucked right along today. The wind started blowing like crazy this afternoon so my allergies were killing me all afternoon. Oh well what can you do. My bag is all packed and ready to go. I just need to print out my flight check in information, but my printer is being stupid right now so I am running the recommended maintenance on it. It was another hot one today. It is going to feel down right chilly being in 80 degrees. Well I am excited to see you all tomorrow. BYE

Good Ideas

Rachel we are planning on seeing you tomorrow. Me and dad are going to go buy Isaac a new toy. We think he might need one. I have soup in the fridge or there are warm ups in the freezer for lunch. I know you are planning on going to dinner with Casey but we are going to ice cream after we pick Karen up thursday night and you guys are welcome to come. The stampede sounds really fun. I don't mind doing that.

The Antelope Island Stampede

I was watching the news this morning and they are having a hot air balloon and kite flying thing at Antelope Island Sept 2 through Sept 4, it is called The Antelope Island Stampede. It looked fun but it is 15 dollars a person. I think that bowling sounds fun Mom, that is a good idea. I think that would be fun to have Josh come along. I got a lot done on Karen's quilt today. I got it all cut out and there are five different kinds of blocks and I have done 4 1/2. It is really pretty and I think that you will like it. Well Casey is on his way home and we are coming down with him tomorrow morning. So I will be at Mom and Dad's apartment tomorrow if that is alright. Thanks for everything and I am excited.

And the fun continues

I was thinking of a fun idea for Friday night. Why don't we go to the pizza factory and then we can go play a few arcade games or bowl afterwards. How does that sound? If Josh can come that would be way fun, if not we will go anyway. I had a good day. I will be glad when I am just at my desk again. I miss it. I am excited for you to come down tomorrow Rachel and Karen. Fun Fun Fun

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

z plan

sounds good for the plan. I don't know if its cool but I josh might meet us for dinner on friday. He has to double check his schedule but he thinks dinner will work out. if thats ok with everyone? well today was good I worked and then had my employee dinner at lagoon. I didn't win any prizes but I did get a cool rainbow slinky, I think isaac will like it. I have had hours of entertainment. anywho off to bed have a great night


Love the Plan

I love the plan. I think that will be fun. It will be perfect. I will plan for that. I got my hair cut yesterday and it feels so nice. I put in a roast to cook tonight so we can have sandwiches for the weekend. I love the zoo and Snowbird I think those will be fun. We had a quiet night. I cooked dinner and then we just vegged. It was nice. I am excited for us to have the weekend. LOV EMOM

The Plan

After talking with Robin and Casey we have come up with an outline for this weekend, if it is alright with everyone. I am going to drive down with Casey on Thursday morning. Thursday night me, Casey and Isaac are going to go out for sushi. Then we are free to play with everyone all weekend. We talked about going to the zoo and Oktoberfest, we can think of fun things to do. I think then we will go home either Sunday night or Monday. We will see how it goes. In other news Isaac has only wanted to take baths on his stomach and I have been worried about him slipping so I bought a bath mat today and it is perfect. He could be on is stomach and play with his toys and not slip. He was just laughing at his bath toys it was really funny. Well I am excited for this weekend, we are up for anything and everything.

2 down 2 to go

Well just 2 more days until i get to come up. Robin and Rachel what are your plans for the weekend? My day has been good. I stayed busy at work so it went by faster than yesterday. It was hot again here today. I nearly melted when I got in my car after work. Well have a great day bye

Monday, August 29, 2011


well my day was good. I went to work and then slept all the rest of the day. I was drained. Tomorrow I have my all star banquet at lagoon. cross your fingers I win a prize ;) anywho i better get back to sleeping :)



My morning was long also, I wasn't a 100 percent. I wish those teeth would come for Isaac. he would feel a lot better. Not much else going on here. I am excited for you to come home Karen. I am excited for cookies. I hope all goes well tomorrow.



This morning was long for me but the rest of the day was better. Isaac was having a rough morning. He took a long nap and felt better after that. I finished my quiet book today. I still have to sew the alphabet but I am waiting on some fabric. It looks really cute and I am pleased with how it turned out. I started cutting the fabric for Karen's quilt today also. Karen what do you want for your birthday. I have a idea but I am afraid you will hate it. I may go ahead with it. Robin I am glad that you talked with Josh, I hope that it works out.


Well today seemed like a long day. I was glad when work was over. I am doing laundry right now. I figure it would be good to get done before I come up and play. I took my cookies into work and they liked them. I still had some left so I took your advice mom and put them in the freezer. I will bring them up for you cause you said that you were craving them. Just 3 more days until i get to come up. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE


sorry I forgot to blog its been a crazy week. so josh moved back and saturday didn't go well I was mad. so today I worked at zions and then I went out to dinner with my friends. then I meet up with josh again to have another talk but it went better. we are going to work it out. so I got home late i lost track of time but things are going much better. but the storm was crazy but pretty the lightning was bueatiful. well not to much else i just work tomorrow at zions. Karen maybe bring your swim suit. we can go swimming up here maybe or i don't know I will think of something fun. let my mind work a bit

have a good monday


Sunday, August 28, 2011

what a storm

It is really a lightening and thundering here. It is really fun to watch. I hope Robin is OK in this storm. IT is bad. CAsey also. I am so glad Isaac's PJ's are cute. He can wear them anytime he wants to. I am glad you guys had a good weekend. I am starting to feel better and dad is still struggling. Once his stomache gives out it takes a while to get it back in shape. Not sure what hit him. I am excited for Karen to come home on Thursday. Have a good Monday. LOVE MOM

The weekend summary

Sorry I didn't blog last night either. We had a good day yesterday. It was fun to have mom and dad come up and play. After they left Casey and Isaac took a nap. We ordered pizza for dinner and went on a walk up the canyon, it was really fun. Then we came home and grated zuchinni. Today me and Isaac went to church and Casey had to go to work. Today is grandma Anderson's birthday so the had a party a willow park for her. It was fun and we got to walk around the zoo. Isaacs new pajamas look so dang cute on him, I love them. I wish he could wear them all the time. I am sorry mom and dad got sick yesterday, that isn't fun. I am glad everyone had a good Sunday and have a good day tomorrow.



Well i had a good Sunday. My primary kids really enjoyed the clay dough and the cookies. They asked that if they were reverant could they have clay dough every week. I said they might get tired of it after awhile, but they weren't convinced. They called another teacher for my class so I am teaching every other week again. Which is nice because I don't have to find a sub for this Sunday now. Well I hope that yiu feel better mom. Have a great week everyone


Sorry I didn't blog last night but boy did I get a bad one. I still feel like I got run over by a truck but the pain is gone. Thanks Robin and Dad for the coke and meds. It helped a lot. Thanks Rachel for letting us come up yesterday. I had a really good time. Isaac is getting so big. I hope you and Casey and Isaac had a good evening together. Not much else to report. I am going to just lay around all day and see if I can get feeling better. LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...