Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fun day

Bernia was closed so we couldn't go get fabric. We did get a little bit at Walmarts but not anything fancy. We did go see inception and that was an interesting movie. I enjoyed it. It was a good day. Rachel, Casey and Robin left around 10:00 and Robin has to get up at 3 so she is going to be one tired girl tomorrow. Sorry about that one. Well have a great sunday. Happy 24th


Friday, July 23, 2010


I will defintely take a train at my house any time. He can have anything he wants. I am the grandma. The monster has been unleashed. (grandma Carole) I am excited for you guys to come up. I went grocery shopping tonight so we are ready to go. We watched a Beautiful Mind tonight and Grandma really liked that movie. She didn'thave a good day today. She is having so much trouble walking. We went to dinner and then took her for a drive. She liked that. I got my certificate for 10 years today. That was nice. I can't believe I have been with the kids for 7 of that. It seems only yesterday to me. I hope the movie was good Karen. That is fun you got to go with your ward. LOVE MOM


well another day at lagoon nothing to spectacular same ole same ole. I had nothing planned for this evening so I tried to get caught up on everything. didn't really happen. I did try my stencil I made and it turned out so I was jazzed. and I also rented lights for the photoshoot. I think that I have everything lined up now for that. Well tomorrow we are going to head to logan. have a great pioneer day


Calling out, I'm Calling out to the only one

I had a good day, work this week has been really good. I have been doing some new reports and writing new queries and that is fun. Karen, I love that you had a Kindle, that is so fun. Mom, I am going to pick Robin up around 9:30 so we should be in Logan about 11:00. So we will be there for lunch, mabye we could go to the IP and then go to the fabric store. Well I am going to read my kindle now. Casey went to the store to get more ink for the printer. Have a good night.


Well I went to walmart after work today to get y shopping done. It was super busy there. I decided to eat subway before shopping because I didn't think that I would make it out of there before dinner. I did bring my kindle there so I read it while I was waiting in line. It did make the time go by faster. A group of people from the ward want to go see Sorcerer's Apprentice tonight so I am going also. I am glad that you used the gift card mom, it sounds like you and dad had a good night. Well I hope that everyone has a great night. Love ya all bye.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Well today I worked in the morning at lagoon and then I drove to salt lake and started a new film. I haven't read through the script yet. I just caught the last part of the read through. But an actress from L2H bragged about me to the director, so I am doing the movie cause I think she was sweet. Also there was a story about the scary girl I did for the 48 hour film festival. I thought it was pretty fun. well tomorrow I work in the morning and then I don't have anything at night. What will I do with only one job. I guess laundry. :) well have a great night


newsletter link:

No movie

we decided to go to spoon me and use the nice gift card that Karen gave us. It was really good. Thanks Karen and then we went to Walmart and bought a movie. George of the Jungle. I like that movie. We also just walked around the baby items also.



Me and dad are going to go see inception tonight. We are going way late. Living on the edge. That was OK Rachel. I really didn't have anything to say. I am sorry I missed your email this morning. I will look in the junk mail. It was a nice day today. Not too busy I am scanning in billing from previous years to store it. It is nice to have that ton of paper gone in my office. I still have 5 years left. I have done 3. I liked the fire engine one the best. I guess Rachel will have to make them all. We went to Formosa for dinner tonight and it tasted good. I haven't been there for awhile. I am glad everyone is doing well. No one has come to see the house yet. I am not sure how that works. I guess wait and see.



I had a god day, work was busy and went by fast. Casey had to work tonight but he meet me for dinner. Sorry I had to go Mom, the waiter came. I am watching a movie about Coco Channel. It is pretty good and you would like it Robin. Well thanks for everything.


Rachel I like the trains or the dinosaurs. My day has been good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday though. There is only one month left until I am on my cruise. Work recently has seemed that it is nice and busy until the last hour and then it drags. I hope that everyone has a great Friday. BYE

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

for the interest of time

Well today was a long day. I worked at lagoon for 12 hours. I brought a stencil to work on so that helped ease the pain. I made a dragon stencil for my cirque photoshoot. I hope it turns out cool. I"m glad that you got your kindle that will be fun. Rachel I like the dinosaurs or animals. I have a cute giraffe picture at home you can have for the nursery if you do animals. But I think that dinosaurs will be easier to shop for. well have a great one


One more thing

I found some cute quilt patterns online and I thought I would see what everyone thought. Here are some pictures.

Water days

Wednesdays and Saturday are watering days now so I have been watering all day. Karen I am so glad you got your kindle. What is going to be the first book that want to read. I am excited for you guys to come up on Saturday. What a fun day. It looked like it was going to rain here today but we only got a few drops. Work was good not too busy that was nice. I went early to help with a casting but I missed a few hours yesterday so I made that up. Tuesday I will be in SLC all day because Grandma has a doctor's appointment and I have set up a hearing thing with Kay for her. We can meet for dinner for you would like to. Have a great Thursday.


Welcome to the world of the Kindle

Karen, I am excited for you. I hope that you like your as much as I have liked mine. I think that they are great. You will really like it on your cruise and on the plane. I am excited for you. Robin that is good for Saturday, we can leave earlier in the day and get back that evening for you. That will be fun. I had a good day. It went good. Casey worked this evening but he was able to meet me for dinner and that was fun. Well everyone have a good night.



Well I got my kindle. I know you are all real excited. My day was good at work. It was busy at work until the last hour then it kind of dragged. Oh well. At least the week is half over. I am glad that everything is going good on your house mom. I got my hotel room all reserved for my cruise. I just need to call tomorrow when the people at the front desk are there and reserve a spot on the shuttle from the airport to the hotel. Just 31 more days. Have a great rest of the week everyone.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

waka waka waka

Well today was a long day. I worked on the student film and then I also worked at lagoon. It was nice though the night show doesn't preform on tuesday so it was quiet. Lovely. I went and saw the Cirque show it was really cool. I'm glad I went and saw it today. I"m glad that your open house went well mom. Rachel we can drive together on saturday, But I need to be home that night. I have a uber long day on the 25th. If that is alright. If you would like there is a comedy show going on in Logan at the art cinema, I guess its a family friendly stand up night. anyway that is just an idea.


Open House

Travis said the open house went really well. There were 24 realtors that come and looked at the house. There were only three negative comments. One was the spider webs on the porch, second the bathroom in the master bedroom and then the deck has peeling paint. I guess you can't get an FAA loan with peeling paint. I didn't think that was too bad. The sign is up and now we will see how long it will take. I think that was nice of Robin to send you a cruise surprise. It is getting closer by the minute. I just was lazy tonight. I thought I needed it after the open house. It will be interesting to see if anyone is interested. I did figure out how to delete on farmville. Thanks everyone. My plot is now straight. I added a few because I have so much fuel I thought it might catch me up to Karen. Well I have to go to work early to help put some casts on. I best be heading for bed.


Its the recycle tool

I deleted things the other day and you use the recycle tool. It is in the same menu as the pointer. It will delete whatever you want. I make m farm smaller the other day just so it didn't take so long to do, now that I am playing Fronterville, which is really fun. We are coming to Logan on Saturday, we are going to start to make some recieving blankets. It is fun. I need to think of a good theme for the baby so if anyone has some ideas let me know. I need to think of something so I can start planning on what quilts to make. I know I am going to make a rag quilt and I have a cute pattern with squares I want to make. It would be nice if they both had the same theme to them though. Me and Casey went grocery shopping tonight and there were some birds eating dead bugs off of the car across from us, it was really cut. Well thanks for everything and have a good night.


PS Robin, do you want to ride with us to Logan on Saturday. I can call you and work out details. Karen I am super excited for your kinlde :)

Delete tool

Mom, I looked on my facebook and I couldn't see the delete tool anymore. You may just be stuck with the crooked plots. Robin thanks for the travel kit, that is so nice of you. When I saw UPS at my door I thought it was my kindle so I was really surprised when I opened it. It is a nice kit, it has every thing in it. Work was good today. The engineering sectary is out sick so I trying to help by getting the prints for the jobs and outside processes made. I am glad that your open house thing went well mom. I hope that everyone has a great rest of the week. BYE

Delete tool

Mom it is the delete tool I think you are looking for. Its changed to the plow tool section. if you put your mouse over it more options should come up and delete should be there. Well Tomorrow I am going to shoot for the student film and then work at lagoon. The night show has tuesdays off so I just have to do laundry. should be an easy day. Today I worked at lagoon and also we shot the last scene maybe of Love 2 Hate. I guess there may be one more scene but a small one. Maybe. Its just an on going project. Well have a great day


Monday, July 19, 2010


OK so I can't remember how to undo my plots and right now they are all uneven and I want to make it bigger but I can't remember how to make them go away. Can you guys tell me?



Karen, I am excited for the the kindle, that is really excited. You will have fun. I hope that it goes good with the relators. It will go good. I don't have much else going on, it was a good day. It is hot, not as hot as Southern Utah though, ppor Karen. Well have a good night.

Monday, Monday

Well Travis came over and took pictures of the house today and tomorrow all the realtors come over and see the place and the sign goes out. I think I have said that before but I think this time it is for sure. Dad made it to SLC today. I called Deana and told her I wasn't coming to the wedding. I feel better having that behind me. That was really hard. The realtors are coming at 10:00 tomorrow so that is a bit hard. They were suppose to come at 11:30 to 1:00. It is hard on Grandma. I feel bad about that one. I hope she is OK. If not I'll just come home and we can sit in the living room. I think the place looks nice. Rachel I was thinking about maybe on the 24th having a sewing day? I know Robin is off so that might not work it was just an idea. She could help us pick up material etc. Just a thought. Just think Karen 32 more days. I only 2 days until you have your own kindle.



Well my Monday has been pretty good. i was busy at work for most of the day so that was nice. It defiantly made the day go by faster. My kindle should be here on Wednesday, according to the package tracking. I am glad that you are keeping busy Robin. Well I am going to go and cook dinner so I better go. Hope you have a great day.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I'm glad that you got a kindle karen. I think Rachel sleeps alot better at night :) jk. Well today I worked at lagoon and then I had a meeting for a new movie a girl wants me to work on. I guess its like a police movie thing. So I get to kill more people. It should be fun everyone seemed really nice. Its just going to be a challenge with my schedule but they are good to work with. Its amazing how fast my little day planner gets inked in. At least august is a bit bare hopefully I get a day off now and again. :) Well I hope that everyone has a great manic monday. At least the 24th is a holiday. Yeah for holiday ;)


Lazy Day

Dad had his interview to be a high priest. I am not sure when they will do that but I will keep you posted on that one. I was dressed to go to church but the smell from the floor is till too bad so we stayed home and I slept. It did feel nice. Rachel I am glad you got to go hiking. It is so beautiful outside. Not much else to report. Tomorrow Travis is coming over at lunch time to take pictures and then it will be on a virtural tour. I will give you the web site. I guess the sign will go up tomorrow. Then on Tuesday all the realtors are coming to take a look and see if they will bring their buyers over. I think it will take awhile for it to sell. We will see. Have a great week.



Thank you everyone for the wonderful Birthday, I have had a really nice weekend. Thank you for everything. I am excited for your kindle Karen. I got two book with my gift card and I am looking for some more good ones. Today was good, me and Casey went hiking, we climbed half way up to Desert peak. It was nice and felt good to be outside. Thank you again for everything, I am spoiled.


Happy birthday

 I can't believe she is three. Time goes to fast. I am glad she had a good day. I got up and went grocery shopping and then mowed the la...