Thursday, July 22, 2010


Me and dad are going to go see inception tonight. We are going way late. Living on the edge. That was OK Rachel. I really didn't have anything to say. I am sorry I missed your email this morning. I will look in the junk mail. It was a nice day today. Not too busy I am scanning in billing from previous years to store it. It is nice to have that ton of paper gone in my office. I still have 5 years left. I have done 3. I liked the fire engine one the best. I guess Rachel will have to make them all. We went to Formosa for dinner tonight and it tasted good. I haven't been there for awhile. I am glad everyone is doing well. No one has come to see the house yet. I am not sure how that works. I guess wait and see.


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We went down to salt lake in Saturday and helped finish up the floors. Then Luna spent the night a grandmas. We came home and worked on the ...