Saturday, November 16, 2013
Big busy day
I had a nice day. Dad took me to Gordman's and I spent my gift card. I think I got some good things for Christmas with it. I felt good about it. Then we went grocery shopping also because Walmart is right next door. We came home and I slept and then we went to Barnes and Noble and got Isaac that Planes book Rachel that we saw that night. The DVD comes out on Tuesday and I am going to go get that for him. I thought that would be a good present for him. I felt like I accomplished a lot. I still can't quite shake what I have. I feel like I have been run over by a bus. I sure hope I get feeling all better soon. It just kind of rained here off and on all day. I love you guys MOM
Today cold. It snowed and rained a bit, nothing substantial. We went grocery shopping this morning and it is good to have food in the house. Two of Casey's friends came up to Logan and we ended up spending the afternoon and evening with them. It was fun and good to see them. Isaac did really well and was really good with them. I hope that everyone has a good time shopping tomorrow. Find some good deals.
Pass the time
Sorry I forgot to blog I lost track of time I was watching dexter. To day was chill I had a photoshoot but it wasn't anything stressful. Tomorrow i am meet up with mom and Karen for Costco and then maybe meeting with with Walter. Well not to much have a good night
Friday, November 15, 2013
Well we made it to Friday. YEAH. I talked to everyone today and we all sound the same. People with bad colds. I will be glad when we get over them. Thanks for the pictures Rachel. They are so cute. I love hot chocolate also. We didn't get any snow today just rain. I hope you guys don't get snowed in tomorrow. Have a nice weekend. LOVE MOM
Hot Chocolate
Karen, I will put a list together for you. Thanks. I am excited for Christmas and Thanksgiving. I ordered Robin's present and it came today and that was fun. It snowed this morning up here, not too much but enough to make a kind of snow man. Isaac knows about snowmen and really wanted to make one. He also loves hot chocolate so I think that we will drink the back log that we have so that will be nice. Thanks Mom for the decals and garbage can, Isaac really likes them. I hope that everyone starts feeling better and has a good day tomorrow.
I am so glad that it is the weekend. I still have a cold, but I am feeling better. I would like to requests a Christmas wish for all those not wanting me to just guess what you would like. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Blue snowflakes
Rachel, I think a blue snowflake pattern might be cute as a border. It might be too busy. We can go look for one when I come up next weekend. I am just going to sleep in and go slow this weekend. My cough is getting better so I think I am on the tail end of it. YEAH. I think you should give me the quilt as my Christmas present. It is so cute. I love it. Thanks. Robin I am sorry you are working so many hours. You have to be worn out. Karen I am glad you are doing good. I was worried you were going to get really sick also. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. It has been a long week. I hope it doesn't snow too much. I am so not ready for that. Two more weeks and the fun begins. I am excited about that one. We can get all the food ready when I come up next Saturday. LOVE MOM
Count to 4
Today was so much better. We were all in better moods and I think feeling a bit better. Isaac slept though the night which was really nice. It was a great day outside so we went on a walk and just played in the dirt all morning. It felt really nice. When Casey got up we went out for ice cream. Casey was telling me something about a co worker I think and I said that makes me so angry. Then Isaac said "That makes me so angry, take a deep breath and count to 4, 1 2 3 4". He remembered what to do when you are angry from a tv show. It was really funny. He finally took a nap so I was able to use the sewing room for the first time. I finished Mom's Gingerbread quilt I just need a border. I need some help thinking of what to put as a border. I attached a picture and if anyone has any ideas let me know. This evening we played with legos, Isaac is finally getting into them. Well that is about it. I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow and I hope that it doesn't storm. I am not looking forward to that.
Well things are good in Kamas. I enjoyed the last nice day be for the storm starts. Work was a little slow but I made it thru. My head is still plug and my nose is still dripping but other that that I don't feel too bad. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday also. I am so sleeping in this weekend. Have a great Friday everyone.
early to bed early to rise
work has been busy. I have been staying late and coming in early. I am going to try for 6 tomorrow I will have to see if I can get moving. It will be a nice check though so I love that. nothing much else to report. its mostly all work stuff. 400 yards of mesh is basically all that I have been sewing. well have a good night. So glad its friday tomorrow. stay safe in the storm that is about to hit its suppose to snow :)
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
I went shopping with Kay and Julie and Austin. It was nice. Carters had their PJ's for 60 percent of so I got some for Isaac for Christmas Eve. They say fast as lightening and have race cars on the pants. I hope he doesn't already have them. They also had a toy store there with barbeque food for 10 bucks so I got that also. It was fun to walk around. I am glad everyone had a good day. My cold is still hanging on and it is staring to get really old. I am sorry your nose is running Karen. Take a red pill that will help dry it up. It is suppose to snow this weekend. Karen told me and I looked it up and sure enough on Saturday is suppose to be bad weather. I was loving this late fall weather. It has been so nice. Have a great Thursday. LOVE MOM
Isaac didn't sleep great last night so we were both kind of tired today but we weren't grouchy. Isaac was in a pretty good mood and we had a good day. I sewed with Jenn today and that was fun. I am almost done with my jelly roll quilt. Isaac fell asleep downstairs with Casey but woke up when he moved him upstairs. He never did fall back to sleep so I had to drop off some papers and he wanted to go to the mall so we did that. We went to burger king with the last of our gift certificates for dinner, thanks again Karen and Mom. Not much else to report. I am excited for the holiday's also, I can't believe how fast they are coming. Everyone have a good night.
what has happened
today was good. I worked early and stayed late. not to much else going on in life I watched some dexter. I did look up some black friday ads and everyone is starting at 6 on thanksgiving even best buy. it frustrates me. Walmart had the same. oh well maybe there will be some fun stuff. Have a good thursday. we are so close to the weekend. I am so excited!
2 weeks
Well there are only 2 more weeks until Thanksgiving. My day was good. It was pretty busy in the morning and then it slowed down in the afternoon. My nose has started running like crazy. It will be red soon at this rate. I am really glad that the week is half over. Have a great one. Bye
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
not so busy
today was good. work was slow. we have a lot of big projects coming up but the printer was down so today was slow but I know the next few days will be catch up time. Then I picked up walter and we had dinner. nothing to crazy. well have a great wednesday I can't believe we are half way through november have a good one
Fall Days
I am sorry that you are getting sick Karen, it isn't a fun cold. I hope that everyone starts feeling better. This is a long term cold. Mom, it isn't the sewer backed up. We are pretty sure it is a dead mouse or something. It isn't as bad as it was downstairs so I think it will be fine. Have fun going to dinner with everyone that sounds fun. Robin I like your Cinderella photo and your drawing, you are doing a good job. Today was pretty good. We had story time and all the kids were really wild, I think that it must be something in the air. I cancelled sewing with Jenn and we are going to do it tomorrow since our kitchen was smelling. Scouts went well and the boys were interested in what we did. Isaac was tired this evening so we just took it easy. He is sleeping in his race car bed again so that is exciting. He also peed in the potty again, he is growing up. Everyone have a good night and stay safe.
I hate colds
I am tired of this cough. I had a bad night last night and went into work late today. I just couldn't stop and it was 1 before I feel to sleep. Karen I sure hope you don't catch this. I do like the number also. Robin that is a beautiful picture. I think her hair looks really nice. It doesn't look like a real person to me. Rachel I am sorry you still have a smell. I was wondering if it was the same type of smell when the pipe was backed up? I was thinking about that after we hung up. Could it be sewer water? Not much else going on with me. I am going to meet Kay and Julie for dinner tomorrow at the fashion place mall. Kay said there is something wrong with her thyroid and she has to have it operated on. She wasn't sure what it was but they are sending her some information on it. She is going to have it done after the cruise. Have a nice hump day. LOVE MOM
I like the date today. All in a row. I think I might have caught moms cold sometime during the weekend. I have a little sore throat. Hopefully it won't get bad. I did get cough drop and medicine just in case though. I am glad that tomorrow is Wednesday. That means the week is half over. I am glad that Isaac likes his new bed. Well I hope that everyone had a good day. Bye
Monday, November 11, 2013
Fastest race car bedroom
That bed is so cute I am glad Isaac is loving it. I am excited he's sleeping in a big boy bed. Today for me was good. Its going to be a busy week so hopefully my paycheck will be nice for the day after :) the photographer posted the Cinderella pic I will see if I can get it to load on here. Have a good night
I thought it would take a little while for Isaac to warm to the bed. That is neat that he is sleeping in it already. We will have to get him some curtains for his room. It is such a cute bed. I am glad you got a nap today Karen, I am jealous. Rachel I am glad you made the book. I am so excited to see it. I am feeling better. My cough is getting better, I think. We just watched TV tonight and I did laundry. I really needed to do that. Robin I really love your drawing and that paper coil stuff is neat. We will have to go out one night and see if we can find some. Have a great Tuesday. I am so glad Isaac is sleeping in his new bed. It does fit him a lot better. LOVE MOM
He is in a new bed
Casey brought the race car bed in last night. Isaac was really excited to see it this morning and we spent a lot of time with it today. He never calmed down enough to take a nap but he is asleep for the night in it right now. I hope that it goes well. I think it is going to be really good for him. There is a lot more room and it is more comfortable. Thanks again for everyone help. Isaac never woke up from his nap yesterday so he woke up in the middle of the night and it made for a long night for me so I was tired today. It was another pretty day outside which was nice. I ordered the photo book that Robin got on Groupon. I am excited to see it. It was pretty easy to put together and I liked there website. If it is nice we should get more from them. It will be good to know where to go. Thanks Robin. Everyone have a good night and I hope that everyone is feeling better.
Well it was inventory today. So I had to be to work at 6. It was early but I made it. It was nice getting off at 230 though. I came home and took a nap though. I need to go grocery shopping tomorrow. So I am planning on going after work. Should be exciting. Well I hope that everyone's colds are getting better. Bye
Sunday, November 10, 2013
today was good. I was sore though, I'm glad that we got alot done. I am excited to see the fastest race car bed room. I just slept basically all day long. I was feeling guilty so I went and got panda express for dinner. so I did leave the house. I also did a drawing from my drawing book I bought the other day. I was also pintresting and there was this cool thing call quilling its done by coiling paper. I posted a picture of a fish that was cool. I have never heard of it before. it looks interesting. well have a good monday.

I am glad everything is turning out good for Isaacs new room and your new sewing room. We did get a lot done yesterday. I am sorry Isaac is sick. Poor baby. I hope he gets better soon. Me and dad just slept all day. I had a bad night with my cough so I just rested and I feel better. Dad went and got me a humidifier, that did help a lot. I can tell when I move away from it. I am hoping it helps me sleep really good tonight. We have a quiet week also and that is going to be nice. I am getting excited for Thanksgiving and the holidays. Everyone get feeling better soon.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
Thank you guys so much. We owe you big time. I appreciate everyone's hard work. Casey put poly urethane on last night and moved the bed in today and put the mattress in. The silver on the wheel ran a bit but we will touch it up. Isaac slept in until 9 this morning which is a record. He was tired. We skipped church since he was sick and I didn't want to get him more sick. We just cleaned up around the house and jumped on the trampoline. It was nice. I finished putting my sewing room away and cutting up all my scraps. I have a ton of fabric. We don't have much going on this week so it should be pretty quiet. I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow and thank you again. You guys rock.
Well my day has been good. I slept in and then took a nap. I was tired. I have to go to work early tomorrow. I am helping with inventory. At least I get off work early. Well have a good one bye
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...