Saturday, October 24, 2015

Plan C B

We went up to help Karen with her leaky faucet.  There were many plans and we got the faucet off after Karen went in the crawl way 3 times.  We finally got it back on and the crimp was broken and they didn't have any parts in Kamas so we decided to go back to Home Depot and just come to SLC and start again tomorrow.  It was an adventure.  She only has one water turn off so there is no water in her house right now.  Hopefully it will be all ready to go by Monday.  Robin what is your plan for Monday.  The train leaves at 5:30.  I wasn't sure what your plans were for Monday.  I think if dad doesn't look better by Monday he might not go.  He is worried about exposing Ruth.  It was nice to have Karen come home with us.  Have a great Sunday and we will see you soon.  LOVE MOM


Robin, I love that Sunbonnet Sue, thank you so much for making it.  You are the best.  We had a good day.  I was trying to think of what to do this morning so we went on a walk down to where Dad used to work, they have a nice pond and ducks their.  We had a good time and the boys loved running around.  It took two hours also which was nice.  While Oliver was napping Isaac had this idea on the way home to make a dirt bike out of leafs and tape, so we worked on that.  He was pretty cute about it.  Imogene saw us outside and wanted to play so she came over.  She was talking a lot to Isaac and Isaac said he was far to busy for her to talk, so she didn't stay too long.  I think he was just tired but I talked to him about being nice.  Casey's car wouldn't start this morning, it was a bad alternator.  He had replaced it this summer so it was under warranty so when he got home he took it out and got the new one in.  We went out for ice cream to test drive his car.  I hope that you got Karen's leak fixed and I hope that work went fast for you Robin.  Oh I finished a quilt for Ruth, I am hopping to pin it tonight.


Friday, October 23, 2015

We made it

It has been the longest week.  I am so glad that it is the weekend.  Robin I love that picture that is so dang cute.  Rachel, I am glad you took the kids to the party.  That is neat Isaac got an award.  I bet he was excited about that one.  Karen we will be up to help you fix the faucet.  I am glad we are getting it done before it freezes.  Not much else going on with us.  I think dad is getting worse instead of better.  The areas are a lot redder and seem a lot bigger.  I went and got him Jussaric World and Avengers tonight so he has something new to watch.  I just can't imagine how bad that itches.  Have a great weekend.  I am super excited for Monday also.  LOVE MOM


We had a good day.  We had a bunch of errands this morning and it took all morning to do.  We ended up eating at Sam's club and the boys ate really well which was nice.  Their was a library Halloween party this afternoon.  Isaac had fun but I didn't think it was that great.  They sang songs and gave some awards, they had a ton but they didn't have enough for all the kids.  I kind of cut in line so Isaac got the scariest costume award.  Then they had trick or treating around the library.  Afterwards the had doughnuts and root beer.  I  cut in line again to get Isaac a root beer.  The boys had fun which is what matters.  We had pita's for dinner and they tasted good.  Everyone have a good weekend.  I am excited for Monday.



I am glad that today was Friday also. I have a leaky outdoor faucet in the front of my house. So mom and dad are coming to help me tomorrow. Thanks for coming up, mom and dad. Other than that it was just the usual here. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye


That is so crazy with dad's shingles. I hope he feels better soon. I'm so glad today is friday. I work all weekend but it's only at scheels. I'm excited next Friday I'm dressing up as the queen of hearts. I will take pictures. I'm working scheels tonight so it's pretty chill. I was given a small 4x6 frame with my shillouette package deal so I tried to make a pink and grey sun bonnet sue. The pink is kinda light. I might outline it. Have a good night


Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thank YOu

Thank you guys for the wonderful plant.  It is really beautiful.  I took a picture of it but I can't get it to download off my email.  I also took a picture of dad's shingles and was going to post that.  I am a failure.  I love the pumpkin walk.  I am so glad you got to go to that.  Oliver looks like he isn't sure about it.  I love Karen's pumpkin also way to go.  Robin you are on fire.  Those blankets will be darling.  Two weeks from tomorrow and you will be in your new place.  Let me know if you want me to come over and help pack up.  I am planning on taking that Friday off.  Not much else going on with us.  I think dad is feeling a little better.  He is moving a little more but gets tired really easily.  Man I wish those pictures would download.  That plant is really neat.  LOVE MOM


I love your sampler quilt Rachel that is alot of work. I like you punkin karen I hope you win! A girl at work has a second job at gap. I guess the 22nd of November there is a friend's and family sale. She gave us all 50 percent off old navy and gap. So if you need anything let me know :) then joanns was having a sale on fabrics so I thought I would go get some fabric. I am making the kids blankets. I got green material for the boys train blankets and a yellow one for ruth. I know her colors are pink and grey but all the pink ones were ugly. I am going to put a sun bonnet sue on it. I finished your guys November towels. I will give them to you on monday. While I was embroidering I was taking down wall decorations. It's looking bare. Have a good night


Pumpkin Walk

Cute pumpkin Karen, I bet you won.  I love the sunbonnet sue Robin, thanks for getting that.  Today was good.  Isaac had school and we went on a walk around the block while he was gone.  It was a nice morning.  Casey got me a sandwich and soup from old grist mill, it was super nice of him.  He also vacuumed the downstairs and the car.  The pumpkin walk started today.  I thought the buses started at 4 so we went down but it was really 6 so we came home and had dinner before we went.  It started raining as soon as we pulled up to the bus so we waited a minute until it stopped and we were fine for the rest of it.  It wasn't as crowded as I have seen it so it was fun.  Everyone have a good Friday.



That is a really pretty quilt Rachel. I am way impressed. My day was good. I don't if i won the pumpkin contest or not. They hadn't announced the winners before i left. I guess i will find out tomorrow. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for a weekend.  I hope that dad is starting to feel better. Have a great Friday everyone.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Rachel that quilt is beautiful.  Congratulations.  I love it.  Robin, I love your t-shirt for Halloween.  You all find such funny things.  Karen if you haven't run out of steam you can come clean my house :)   You didn't put a picture of your award winning pumpkin on the blog.  You will have to take a picture of it.  Good luck with the contest.  Dad is hanging in there.  He is pretty miserable and itchy but hanging in there.  He is staying home tomorrow also.  I think he will start feeling better soon.  He was fevering this evening so it might be a few more days.  It just takes time to get over it.  I should take a picture and post it.  I will do that tomorrow.  Have a great Thursday.  This has seemed like a long week to me.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for ordering the tree Robin, that was sweet of you.  I hope that Dad is feeling better and it isn't a bad case for him.  He has the worst luck ever.  Good job on being productive Karen, you got a lot done.  Today was good.  Oliver didn't sleep well so he slept in so while Isaac was at school I finished my sampler quilt.  I still need to put a border on but it is so nice to have all the blocks together.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and that was fun, I worked on a quilt for Ruth and I almost have that all together.  We were talking about stew yesterday and Casey said he had a good recipe so he made that today.  He worked on it a long time and then it burned, it was sad.  So we ordered Indian food instead and it tasted really good.  I have new visiting teacher and they visited this evening and I like them better than they last ones I had.  I decided to give up coke for Ruth and eat better so wish me luck on that.  Everyone have a good night and thanks for everything.


Over and out

Today was good. I'm glad we are closer to the end of the week. Tomorrow we are having a baby shower for a girl at work. I worked at scheels tonight so it was a pretty chill day have a good night


Well my day has been good. I noticed last night that the toilet in the master bedroom was running. So after work intent to Ace after work and got stuff to fix it. So I got it fixed, yea for me. Then I got my dishes done, craved a pumpkin for my work party tomorrow, and I am working on getting my laundry done. I am feeling very productive tonight. Thanks for getting that plant Robin. I hope everyone had a great day.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


I got dad a bonsai tree from all of us it will be delivered on thursday


I'm sorry dad has shingles that is rough. Let me know if you need anything. I know you kinda have to keep contained but I can drop some stuff buy. Give him our love. I'm glad the baby is doing well. That is scary about the fluid I'm glad it's in normal range. Everyone is having a crazy week October has been a weird month. I had the night off tonight so me and Walter had dinner. It was fun. I am working tomorrow at scheels. Well have a good night STAY SAFE!!



I am sorry that Dad has shingles, that is so crazy.  Randy said that he had it also a while ago on his lower back.  He said it didn't spread but it hurts pretty bad.  That sucks.  I had the ultrasound today and she is measuring two weeks bigger but is proportional which is good.  I also have extra ameotic fluid, it is still in the normal range.  She said that they probably will just watch her close and probably do another ultrasound later.  I attached the pictures they gave us but they didn't scan in well.  Casey thinks she looks more like a girl now, she is pretty cute.  We had Randy watch the boys while we went, Oliver took a nap so he played with Isaac.  Casey finished pruning the trees today and they look really nice.  He also had scouts this evening, he taught them how to use a compass.  We walked the hobby lobby while he was gone.  We have a route their and it takes and hour to see everything.  Well I hope that Dad feels better fast and everyone else is healthy.


It's shingles

Well it is for sure.  Dad has shingles.  They put him on an antiviral medicine.  You have to take it  72 hours after the rash or it doesn't help.  We got it in plenty of time.  He is pretty miserable.  He was doing good today but this evening not so much.  I think the trip to the doctor wore him out.  I took the day off and just rested also.  It felt so nice to just sleep in.  Not much else going on with us.  I think we will just see how he feels and play it by ear.  I did go buy him some turtle necks so all the rash is covered.  It is low on his left neck and upper chest and then on his shoulder.  It doesn't look as bad as a lot of the pictures on the internet so that is good.  Rachel, I am glad the ultrasound was good.  I am getting so excited.  Robin, I hope you are surviving working all the time.  LOVE MOM


That sucks that dad has shingles. I hope that he gets feeling better soon. My day was good. Work is moving along. After work I went Park City and went grocery shopping.  Then i met mom and dad for dinner. I hope everyone had a good day. Bye

Monday, October 19, 2015

Never a dull moment

Rachel, I think you are fine.  I am glad that you are getting checked out.  I call them peace of mind checks.  It just lets you know everything is going good.  Well I went to the doctor today and he put me back on antibiotics.  I am getting tired of that but I hate the headaches worse.  They are going to do a CT scan but they want to see if the infection goes away because they can have a clearer view.  Tonight dad said he was itching and I looked and he has a bad rash on his shoulder and neck. I looked it up and I swear it is shingles.  I am going to take him to the doctors tomorrow.  He is worried about exposing Rachel's crowd.  Will you be sure and wash all the blankets tomorrow.  He is really upset about that.  I don't think he was contagious then but just to be safe.  Might want to talk to the doctor about that one also.  There are no open sores and he didn't have it until tonight.  Robin, I can come help you get organized if you would like me to.  I am really good at that.  3 days until Halloween isn't many days. Good luck with the ultrasound.  LOVE MOM


Isaac was so happy today, he had a fun weekend.  He had school this morning, Casey had a scout meeting so me and Oliver went on a walk around the block, it was a pretty morning.  After lunch me and Isaac built a apartment complex out of blocks, he was super excited.  I had a doctors appointment this afternoon.  I was measuring big so he wants to do an ultrasound tomorrow to make sure she is growing well and their isn't too much ameotic fluid.   She is fine I think, I read on the Internet that their isn't much to worry about and usually when you have more than one baby they sometimes measure big just because your stomach muscles are stretched.  It was raining this evening so we just watched a movie, it was nice to just relax.  I am glad that everyone one is doing good.  Good luck packing Robin, that is a big job.



I had a fun weekend also. Things are going good here. I made it thru Monday. It has been rainy off and on here today. That is a cool rolling pin Robin. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Le sigh

I'm glad you guys had a good weekend.i started packing so my place looks more like a tornado then ever. I had to work at scheels today. I'm training a new girl so I'm double bored. I am working alot between now and halloween I only have like 3 days free. So that will be exciting. Well not much else with me have a good night

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Fun Weekend

Thanks Rachel for letting us come up.  We had such a fun weekend also.  It was hard to leave.  I am glad that Casey had a good birthday and everyone came for cake.  That is fun.  We picked up Grandma and went to lunch and then went and saw the movie.  It was really good Tom Hanks did a really good job.  We went to 5 guys for dinner also.  That is funny.  It was raining on the way home.  It felt nice.  Robin, I hope you got some rest this weekend.  I go to the doctor in the morning.  Wish me luck.  Not much else going on with us.  It sure was fun to play.  Thanks Karen for coming.  I bought tickets for the pumpkin train ride for Monday October 26th.  The train leaves at 5:30.   LOVE MOM


Oliver all evening has been calling for Grandpa when he wants to watch trains, it is pretty cute.  Thank you so much for the fun weekend and for driving up.  Isaac was so happy today.  I hope that you had a good lunch with Grandma and the movie was good.  I hope that work went well for you Robin.  Church didn't go great.  Oliver was pretty grumpy during my lesson but we made it.  They aren't doing a truck or treat this year.  They are having a fall carnival on a Tuesday instead.  I think it is weird.  Casey had a good birthday.  We went out to dinner at five guys and it was good.  We invited Randy and Terry over for cake.  Imogean was outside when we got home so we had all of them over also.  It was good to have a bunch of people eat all of that cake.  Isaac drew Thomas the train at church, it was so cute I attached a picture.  I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow.  Thanks again I had a really nice time.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...