Friday, October 26, 2012
And the boxing continues
Congratulations Karen!!!!!! I am so excited for you. I guess the boxes will have to last another move. They have gotten their use haven't they. I am excited to come to logan tomorrow. WE are going to stay the night if that is OK. I will need to pack. I didn't think about that one. WE watched the phantom of the opera on netflix's tonight by a opera company and it was very enjoyable. I did manage to get 4 more boxes done. I am slowly making progress. I did work until 6:30 tonight because we went to the eye doctor today. He did give me a new prescription but dad's was fine. We both checked out with healthy eyes. Yeah for that. I am also going to get me some special glasses that are just like reading glasses so I can use them on the computer. I am excited to see your Hair Robin. Have a great Halloween week. If you need any help just let me know. I know this week is a wild one for you. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM
I am excited for my new place. Rachel there is plenty of room for you to move in if you want to. I got an inspector all arranged to inspect the place by the end of the week so that should be good. I am glad that today was Friday. It will be nice to have a weekend. It will be fun to help you paint your room Rachel. Also it will be way fin to play with Isaac. Well have a good one bye
Congratulations Karen!!!! I am so happy and excited for you. I can't believe it all is coming together. It is exciting. Robin what happened to the cheap hair college? I am glad that you got your haired dyed, that always feels good. Today was good. Casey started working on swing so he was around a bit this morning. We had lunch together. When Isaac was taking a nap Calleen and Grandma Litchenwalter came by. They got Isaac a tricycle for Christmas and wanted to keep it here. Isaac didn't wake up from his nap in time to see them though. I finished quilting the purple and black quilt. I like it from far away but I didn't do a great job on the quilting and the marking pen left some white marks on the quilt. You can't really notice them too bad but it is still a pain. I probably should of stitched in the ditch. Oh well it is good enough for a tv blanket. I need to hand sew the binding and then I will put on a picture. Congratulations again Karen. You better watch out with all that room we all may be living with you soon. Just kidding.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
die dye
today I decided to dye my hair, I just did a box dye. I went really dark I like it, its a fun change. tomorrow I have a makeup gig so that will be nice. I hope everyone has a great weekend sorry I can't make it, tis the season.... well not to much else have a great night
Quiet day
WE got to the hospital this morning through a blizzard and they said they couldn't do the test. They said they tried to call me but I didn't answer. That was because I was driving in a blizzard. Any way it was only one test and they were able to do the other one. We have to go back on Tuesday for another test where he eats and they see how long it takes for it to get out of his stomach. He will just have to change what he eats. No raw veggies or fruit. Most just really cooked food so it will digest better. Liquids are even better. He slept most the day and that was good. I did go through some junk and then packed a couple of boxes. We had no hot water this morning so that was fun also. THe kitchen has hot water so I am hoping to get a bath soon. That is really neat about Casey. That will be good to learn that stuff. He will like swing shift. Him and Robin were made for it. The like to sleep in and stay up late. I am glad that Isaac likes his playdough. Karen good luck on your house. I am so glad you stood your ground. I don't know if I could be that strong. Way to go. We have eye appointments in the morning. I think I need a new prescription. It is at 8 so I will go back to work after I am done. I have a bunch of meetings tomorrow so it will be a wild day. I am looking forward to this weekend. Me and Karen are planning on spending the night on Saturday. I am not sure about dad. It will be a last minute decision if he comes or not. I am not planning on him coming. I thought if we stayed the night we could paint while Isaac was alseep. Have a great Friday. It is suppose to warm up. LOVE MOM
Forgotten news
I completely forgot to say yesterday that they asked Casey to work swing shift for a week or two to learn a new program to fix boards. It is only available at the manufacturing plant on swing shift so that is where he is going to work. They asked him yesterday and he started today. But the poor thing had to work some of the day also. He went in at 9 and he gets done at 11 with an hour lunch. It is weird not having him here tonight but it wont be for too long. Isaac loves that play dough set it is the first thing he did this morning and the last thing he did tonight with a lot of playing in the middle. He loves the cars. It was cold this morning so we went and walked the mall. All the vendors in the middle solicited me, one after another. I must of had sucker written on my forehead. I did get a sample of HP green tea and it did give me a lot of energy all day which was nice. I want to buy it but it just seems like a lot of money and I am not sure what exactly causes you to loose weight and have energy, but I am tempted. I feel bad for Dad having all that food in his stomach That can't feel good at all. I hope that they are able to do something for him. You are having a rough time with your apartment Mom. I can't believe all that has happened to you in the last month. It will be heaven for you guys to get out of that place. I am excited for you. I cleaned up the bedroom down staris so if you want to spend the night you are welcome too this weekend.
on and on
Well I am still negotiating on the house. Hopefully I will know soon if they accept on offer. Today it snowed alot. I had to leave early and drive slow but I made it to work. Then about lunch time they sent out an email saying that there was a planned power outage today at 230. It was going to last until 4. So we all went home at 230. It was nice to get home early. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I liked you comment about the snow suit Robin. It made me laugh. All he need was a scarf and it would have looked awesome. Well I hope that everyone had a great Thursday. BYE
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
fort nox
Isaac is pretty bundled, I'm excited to see his attire when you can't see the grass through the snow... " i can't put my arms down" lol just kidding, he's grown again. Today was good I worked and then did my zombie demo. it was a night class so it wasn't as full o well hopefully they like it. tomorrow I just work at sugar house that will be nice. well good luck with your house hunting karen. I bet mom and dad are excited for there new place. Quite, hot water, no stained carpet, safe cars. :) it will be a whole new world. hope everyone has a great night
I love pictures
Thanks for posting all the pictures. I love them all. I love seeing Robin's apartment and seeing Isaac. He looks nice and warm. I went to the store tonight and got groceries. That was good. There was a big flood in the hallway when I got home. The girl next door said it was a boiler on the third floor that broke. It didn't get into our place. I live an exciting life. Tomorrow we have to be at the hospital at 7:45 for the first test and the second test is at 10:00. I think I will be there most of the morning. I will let you know how it is going. Dad just came out of the bathroom and said there is no hot water. I wash dishes. I guess I will do that again tomorrow. I hope they fix it soon. Good luck deciding about the house Karen. It is a hard decision. I am praying for you. Have a good Thursday. I hope you had a good time Robin with your Zombies. LOVE MOM
It's cold
Today was good. It was a little cold and snowy this morning but it ended up being a pretty day but it stayed cold all day. It was nice enough to play outside for a while. I took a lot of pictures today so I attached them. Isaac loves his flashing shoes. We went to lowes tonight and I went to put his boots on and he didn't want them he only would wear his flashing shoes. It was cute. I made chicken tortilla soup for dinner and it was really good and everyone ate it. It was nice. I have been in a sewing slump but sewing with Jenn yesterday help revive me. I finished one of the table runners yesterday and today I finished marking the purple quilt. So tomorrow I am going to start quilting that. It took forever to mark it and I had a hard time staying motivated.
Ready for cold with his new boots and gloves.
Our little bit of snow.
Playing in the mud
Second outfit with flashing shoes.
Playing with play dough, thanks Mom. He loved it. He wanted to play with it again after dinner. He sat in the chair we played in and made a car sound. It took me a minute but I figured out he wanted to play again.
Ready for cold with his new boots and gloves.
Our little bit of snow.
Playing in the mud
Second outfit with flashing shoes.
Playing with play dough, thanks Mom. He loved it. He wanted to play with it again after dinner. He sat in the chair we played in and made a car sound. It took me a minute but I figured out he wanted to play again.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
around the block
that sucks about kelly's car. To bad we still don't have the sundance, it could have made the rounds. Hopefully something will go right for him, It sucks when everything breaks down.
that is cute isaac likes light up shoes, he's so cute. I hope you get your place karen. I really hate the money game on things you want. Its super fun when its a purse and you get it for 5 dollars but a house, not so fun. Well today was good for me, I had to do some emergency makeup runs. I know I should have pre planned but I kinda got hit with 5 projects last minute. tomorrow I am doing a zombie demo at a beauty college. that will be fun. well have a great night
I guess walking is good
That is too bad about Kelly's car. I guess he will be walking now. This might force him to change it around and be responsible. I am glad you got Isaac some boots. I am glad he liked his shoes that light up. They are so much fun. He is getting so big. Robin I love your apartment. It looks so nice. You are going to have to help me make my place look nice. You are really talented. Good luck Karen with the house. I am glad you are standing strong that is hard to do. You are doing the right thing. I worked late today and then dad took me out to dinner. We went to Sam's club tonight to get meds and they had some fun stuff. They had mega blocks for 17 dollars so I got some for Isaac and Karen some fruit cups. I just love that place. It had the cutes little electric fireplace. Well that is all my news. Have a great hump day. I am going in early and working late. I am getting caught back up however so that is nice.
Bring on the snow
Robin, I love you apartment. It is gorgeous, good job. Karen, good luck with the house. I would give up if the wont go down and find a different one. We woke up to snow today and Isaac walked around outside in his canvas shoes so they were wet so he went to story time in socks and sandles. All the other kids had moon boots on so this afternoon we went to the store and got him new shoes. The moon boots didn't fit him great so I ended up getting some boots. They are cute and go on really easy and were cheaper. I also got him some tennis shoes that light up. He loves them. He stomps his feet when he wears them to see the lights. Kelly was driving a friend to work and he car hydroplaned and he crashed in Morgan. He is fine but the car is totaled. Casey went down and picked him up. Well that is all my news. I think that we are ready for snow now. I hope that everyone has a good night and stay safe.
And the beat goes on
Well we are still going back and forth on the price of the house. I will let you know if I give up or take an offer. I should know one way or another tomorrow sometime. It has been stormy here most of the day. It is suppose to snow tonight. Hopefully not too much. Work seemed to go slow today. But I made it thru. I am glad that tomorrow is Wednesday. That means that the week is half over. Yeah. I am doing my laundry tonight. Fun times I know. Well I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. BYE
Monday, October 22, 2012
adult supervision
well I did really well with staying under budget with everyone at ikea and such. Then I decided to shop around target. dun dun dun. Lets just say I didn't do so well on "budget" needs. But I got some really cute things for my place. I am excited its totally worth never eating again (just kidding). well today went well the play closed :) so I am done with that. Tomorrow i have kinda free no projects just getting ready for the storm to hit. Saturday I am double booked. yeek. its all good though. well not to much else I am tired I posted pictures of my place. don't judge the mess I'm still unpacking. its a robin bomb in progress.
My first boxes
I am sorry Isaac didn't nap. That makes for a long day. Around 5 they get so tired. I think everyone has a picture of them asleep with the face in dinner. They finally just can't go another step. I hope he doens't give up his naps this soon. He is really young for that. It just is so dependent on the child and he just doesn'tneed a lot of sleep. I wonder if I could have his naps. I could really use one. I worked a lot of hours today. I am behind and taking Thursday off so I thought I would work a little bit to make up for it. That way I am not so far behind. It was windy here but we haven't had any rain. It is suppose to get cold. I am not sure I am ready for this. I can do it. Good luck with the counter counter offer. I would stick to the amount and if they counter just let them have the swing sets etc. I am with Rachel maybe we should get an appraiser up there and see what he says. Next time tell them you want to get it examined before you make another offer. I like that idea. Well have a great tuesday. It gets dark so early. I am such a summer person. I love the light. Tell Casey thanks for working in the house. That is so nice of him. LOVE MOM
Who needs sleep?
Karen, do you need to have a someone look at the house before you make you final offer so you can put things that are wrong that you want fixed in the offer? The made a counter offer pretty fast things are moving along good. Today was good. It was rainy so we weren't able to go outside much. Isaac didn't take a nap. He just spend an hour jumping on his bed. Hopefully tomorrow he will get back in the swing of things. He seems a lot taller today so maybe he is growing and throwing off his schedule. It is supposed to snow this week. This winter is coming fast.
Well today seemed like a long day, but I made it. It was stormy most of the day. They returned a counter offer today on the house. So I just sent back my counter-counter offer. They have until tomorrow to reply so we will see how it goes. Things are just the same old same old otherwise. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Weekends go by so fast
I had a good weekend also. I am so glad you took Isaac to the fall festival. That is a neat place. I wish it was free like Wheeler Farm but it is still good. Today we took Grandma Bodily out of the house. She said she hadn't been out for 4 days. She was so excited to go. She eats better when she is out. We took her to Texas Roadhouse. I hadn't been their for a long time. Everyone went home afterwards and me and Dad took long naps. It was nice. I had unthawed some chicken for lunch so I cooked it up and now I have lots of frozen containers for lunches this week. That is good because I was out of them. Good luck Karen with the house. That is exciting and nervous all at the same time. It is a pretty house for sure. Not much else going on. I have an 8"oclock meeting so I have to get up early tomorrow. I was going to try and go early and stay a little late all week because I have a lot to do and am missing work Thursday and part of Friday. Thursday for dad's scope and then Friday morning I am getting my eyes checked. Have a great week. It is suppose to turn stormy.
The Summary
This weekend was nice. Casey didn't work this weekend and it was nice to have him home. We went to the fall harvest festival at the Heritage Center and we had a good time. Isaac wouldn't take a nap so we just went and he did really good. The had a train you could ride for free and it wasn't busy so we just stayed on it and rode it a couple of time. The had a traction engine or steam engine that was pretty neat. Today we went to church. Casey went with Isaac to nursery and I went to the classes. We were just lazy the rest of the day. I made corn beef and cabbage since it sounds good after you made it yesterday Mom. Congratulations on the house Karen, that is a fun step. I hope that the process goes smoothly for you.
Well I had a nice day today. Lunch with Grandma was nice. Then I came home and had a nap. It has been raining off and on since then. I did get a call from my realtor and he need my pre-approval letter for my loan from the bank. So that is where my offer stands right now. i hope that everyone had a great Sunday. BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...