Friday, October 26, 2012


Congratulations Karen!!!! I am so happy and excited for you.  I can't believe it all is coming together.  It is exciting.  Robin what happened to the cheap hair college?  I am glad that you got your haired dyed, that always feels good.  Today was good.  Casey started working on swing so he was around a bit this morning. We had lunch together.  When Isaac was taking a nap Calleen and Grandma Litchenwalter came by.  They got Isaac a tricycle for Christmas and wanted to keep it here.  Isaac didn't wake up from his nap in time to see them though.  I finished quilting the purple and black quilt.  I like it from far away but I didn't do a great job on the quilting and the marking pen left some white marks on the quilt.  You can't really notice them too bad but it is still a pain.  I probably should of stitched in the ditch.  Oh well it is good enough for a tv blanket.  I need to hand sew the binding and then I will put on a picture.   Congratulations again Karen.  You better watch out with all that room we all may be living with you soon.  Just kidding.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...