Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's cold

Today was good.  It was a little cold and snowy this morning but it ended up being a pretty day but it stayed cold all day.  It was nice enough to play outside for a while.  I took a lot of pictures today so I attached them.  Isaac loves his flashing shoes.  We went to lowes tonight and I went to put his boots on and he didn't want them he only would wear his flashing shoes.  It was cute.  I made chicken tortilla soup for dinner and it was really good and everyone ate it.  It was nice.  I have been in a sewing slump but sewing with Jenn yesterday help revive me.  I finished one of the table runners yesterday and today I finished marking the purple quilt.  So tomorrow I am going to start quilting that.  It took forever to mark it and I had a hard time staying motivated.  


Ready for cold with his new boots and gloves.

Our little bit of snow.

Playing in the mud

Second outfit with flashing shoes.

Playing with play dough, thanks Mom.  He loved it.  He wanted to play with it again after dinner.  He sat in the chair we played in and made a car sound.  It took me a minute but I figured out he wanted to play again.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...