Thursday, October 25, 2012

Forgotten news

I completely forgot to say yesterday that they asked Casey to work swing shift for a week or two to learn a new program to fix boards.  It is only available at the manufacturing plant on swing shift so that is where he is going to work.  They asked him yesterday and he started today.  But the poor thing had to work some of the day also.  He went in at 9 and he gets done at 11 with an hour lunch.  It is weird not having him here tonight but it wont be for too long.  Isaac loves that play dough set it is the first thing he did this morning and the last thing he did tonight with a lot of playing in the middle.  He loves the cars.  It was cold this morning so we went and walked the mall.  All the vendors in the middle solicited me, one after another.  I must of had sucker written on my forehead.  I did get a sample of HP green tea and it did give me a lot of energy all day which was nice.  I want to buy it but it just seems like a lot of money and I am not sure what exactly causes you to loose weight and have energy, but I am tempted.  I feel bad for Dad having all that food in his stomach   That can't feel good at all.  I hope that they are able to do something for him.  You are having a rough time with your apartment Mom.  I can't believe all that has happened to you in the last month.  It will be heaven for you guys to get out of that place.  I am excited for you.  I cleaned up the bedroom down staris so if you want to spend the night you are welcome too this weekend.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...