We had a nice day. Karen got her dragon to print with out any problems. It is beautiful. We went to the zoo to walk. The sea lions were fighting over a rock and it was so much fun to watch. The biggest one always lost because he couldn't stop once he started moving. The polar bear was out and swimming. He is so big. I am sorry you owe Rachel. Don't pay it until April 15 at midnight. It always makes me nervous. We are meeting robin tomorrow at the jump zone. They have a membership until the end of February. I am glad you put the stuffed animals down stairs. That will give them so much more room. They love stuffed animals. Have a nice Sunday. This week is suppose to be really nasty. We warched groundhog day on friday. I love that movie.bLove mom
Saturday, February 3, 2024
Today was good. I got up early and went to exercise class. I stayed for both classes because I loved both of the teachers and it was a lot of fun. Ruth's friend Bella came over and they played really cute together. The kids all enjoyed playing in their clean rooms. We put all the stuffed animals in bins downstairs so Ruth pulls it out and sits in it. We did crafts and played games. Casey did our taxes and we owe a little bit which is depressing. We watched groundhogs day tonight and it is so funny.
Love Rachel
My day was good. I slept in. Then we went to the ramen place for lunch. After we walked around the zoo for a bit. It was fun. Then we came home and had a nap. This evening we just hung out and played games. I hope everyone had a great Saturday.bye
Friday, February 2, 2024
My day was good. Work is staying busy so it didn't drag too bad this afternoon. I met mom and dad for dinner. It tasted really good. We went to Costco after and I decided to upgrade my laptop. My other one is like 4 years old. I tried the dragon again it worked better but it still wasn't perfect. I modified the supports again and it is printing again. I think it will work this time. I hope everyone has a great weekend bye.
We had a quiet day. It was rainy. Big news i started working on a craft in the craft room. That was a bit step. It was fun. We went to hobby lobby to get stuff for valentines party. It was fun. We met Karen for dinner at the olive garden. Karen bought some goo to take off the decals in out rooms. It worked so nice but we ran out before we got them all off. It looks better. Have a nice Saturday. Love mom
Friday's are nice because they are short. Ruth's room was a mess this morning and she couldn't find her shoes so we were almost late. After school we clean and clean Ruth and Oliver's room. I get so frustrated that they don't keep them clean. Isaac had a tab meeting and a chamber music side by side event. They played with college kids. I took the little kids with me I thought we could watch. It seems like we couldn't so we walked to the TSC and got a snack. I guess we could have watched but it worked out fine. It was nice to walk around campus. We watched Wonka after dinner. I have been wanting to see it. Thanks for getting it Mom and Dad.
Love Rachel
Thursday, February 1, 2024
Today was good. Work went by pretty fast and everything went pretty smoothly. Isaac has chamber music practice and the little kids had piano lessons. Casey helped pick up Isaac which was awesome. I took Isaac to a piano quartet to tonight. They had a violin, cello and piano. They were amazing and it was a great concert. It was fun to just go with Isaac, we had fun. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
Dad went to seer so I worked at home. I rearrange the sewing room and worked in the yard. I weeded the front area a bit. It is suppose to be a nasty weekend. I live working outside. It feels so nice. The sister missionaries came by and the first thing g they said was we heard you have a 3d printer. It was funny. They each left with a bag full of stuff. Have a nice Friday. Grou d hog day. Love mom
Things are going good here. Work is moving along. I had a bunch of work flows to do and I have almost gotten them finished so that is nice. I tried printing a dragon with a lot of supports last night. It worked okay but the wings didn't go good. So I added some supports and am trying again. Hopefully it goes better this time. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
We had a nice time in wendover. I even came home with 5 extra dollars. It was really foggy going there but nice coming home. It was so nice to visit with everyone. Jordyn had two seizures and they put her on the same medicine as chaz. She is doing good. I felt bad. Kay is going back to court on Monday. I had put beef stew in the crock pot and I sent some home with everyone. It tasted so good. I am sorry Luna has a bad cough. That wears you out. Some one said put vicks on their feet. I think she has to be older to do that. I tried it once and it worked for me. Have a nice Thursday. It is suppose to be bad weather on Friday. Love mom
Sorry Luna isn't sleeping. That is hard. I hope you won mega bucks Mom. I thought it during the day but forgot to text you. Today was pretty good. One of the classes had a substitute so they were a little crazy. The little kids are doing better at signing on which is nice. I took Ruth shopping so she could buy some stickers and she was really happy. Oliver and Casey had activity days and they made tin foil dinners and set up tents in the gym. Ruth had tumbling and Isaac had young men's. I went to exercise class and we did high. They had a hard playlist tonight and I am whipped out.
Love Rachel
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
I got a lot done today. I signed up for part d (drugs) on Medicare. Got eye appts and dental appointments and ordered dad's new printer. I did go get my haircut and then we went for a walk. It was.so nice outside. We watching a.murder mystery on Hulu. It is released every Tuesday. It is good. I am going to Wendover with the gumm gang. Kay is so excited. Hope Luna is doing well with potty training. Love mom
Today was good. Casey's work had a big meeting and their shouldn't be any more layoffs. Casey's friend was laid off and they are going to lunch in Thursday. Work went ok for me. I have a lot of prep time on Tuesday which is nice. We didn't have a lot going on this afternoon either which is nice. The kids fighting so we went to lees and got stuff for dinner and a snack. I went to exercise class and it was kickboxing which I like. Thanks for getting the Wonka movie.
Love Rachel
Monday, January 29, 2024
I am sorry about Casey's work. Does he think he is going to be OK? I am glad you had a good day off Rachel. That helps make for a great week. Robin two accidents aren't bad. She will catch on pretty fast. She just hasn't had to watch for that. I couldn't sleep last night. So I was tired. We did mail Isaac's coat. It should be delivered tomorrow. We also took back some filament to kohl's. They have an Amazon return there. I made corn flake chicken for dinner. I hadn't made that in years. It tasted good. Have a good week. Love mom
My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy for a Monday. It is getting lighter outside so that is nice. I am sorry that Casey's work is laying people off. That is always nerve wracking. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye
Casey work had a big layoff today. They laid off 25 people which is like 10 percent of the company which is awful. I didn't know about it until the afternoon and I had a really nice day off. Everything was so nice today. I made sourdough bread this morning. I finished quilting my hexagon quilt and finished my audio book which is due tomorrow. I met Casey for lunch which was fun. Then I bound my quilt and did a flower embroidery while I watched the waitress. I had the kids help me fold laundry after school and it went really fast. Isaac had violin lessons and he walked the dog. He also made dinner while I helped the little kids with their homework. I went to exercise class and it is a hard one and I almost didn't go because of that but I am glad I went. Casey is running with Tony.
Love Rachel
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Rachel thanks for posting the pictures. That was just so much fun. I was worried it would be too cold but it was just perfect. The animals were so lively. Thanks everyone for the fun day. We took it easy today. We did drive out to ikea to get bookcases but they were still sold out. We did get another chair for the print room. I hope.potty training went well. I am taking the gumm gang to Wendover. I told kay I would take her when I retired. Have a good Monday. The last one in January. The days will start getting longer. Love mo
Thanks for the fun time yesterday. It felt so good to walk around in the warm weather. Here are some pictures I took. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...