Wednesday, January 31, 2024


Sorry I didn't blog last night. Luna woke up at 4 coughing and it took till 6 to get her back down. But then she woke up at 7:30. She just had a Cough and had energy so I took her to school. But I went to sleep at 9 last night. Luna woke up again at 6:30 and didn't take a nap at school. So she's been an emotional rollercoaster all night. Hopefully tonight she slept really well. Work has been busy too so it's been go go in our world. 
Potty training is going good. She still can't figure out pooping but she has the peeing down . Hope everyone is doing well. Sorry about Casey's work. That is stressful. I hope you had fun in wendover mom. I hope your 3d printer is fun Karen

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